

作者: 阎先生 | 来源:发表于2017-03-07 06:26 被阅读449次

    If you don’t discipline yourself, you will go bust when others are hard on you!


    Dong Ming, after all, is one of my friends, but he shows “some qualities” beyond the ordinary people. In my circle of friends, his every word and action will be much received and commented. Sure we are divided with pros and cons in our comments. However, I always have reasons to place high hopes on (寄予厚望) “this dark horse”.  



    Of course, Dong Ming’s life is full of ups and downs but with rich and varied experience. It is not excessive to say he is a “Slash”.


    Now he is perhaps 48 years old, but he has engaged in more than a dozen different jobs in his career. He has attended a medical junior college, then followed suit to pursue his literature dream, keen on literary creation, addressing himself to writing literary articles even round the clock. Later he quitted his job and ventured into business.


    In those years, he worked as a doctor, a clerk in the government department and also a bank clerk. He has done a lot of things, let alone randomly speculating on stocks or reselling hot products. In a word, he did pretty well, but he still has some lessons from failure.


    As far as I can see, he is an intelligent and resourceful person and is inclined to play petty tricks. Moreover, he has a gift for language and is adept at interpersonal communication and social intercourses. What’s more, he can skillfully size up the situation and can seize every opportunity absolutely spot-on (拿捏得恰到好处).


    In the daily interpersonal communication, he excels in making a psychological attack and is indeed a bean counter. He always has the well targeted plan. He never gives up until he reaches his goal as he stubbornly insists on his own ideas all along.


    But Dong Ming is also a more plain-spoken person and has made a lot of friends even miscellaneous people from all walks of life can be friends with him. His private life is something like a mystery, and sure he plunges himself into “Passion On Beauty Rather Than Career”. All in all, Dong Ming is open-minded and unrestrained and forthright, so his friends hold him in high esteem.

    与此同时,东明很随性坦率,广交朋友,甚至社会上三教九流的人也能和他成为朋友。他的私生活总有几分神秘感, 自然也免不了“爱江山更爱美人”。总之,东明很大气,也很豪爽,朋友们都很敬重他。


    After all, everyone can be all at sea for quite a while. One year he lost quite a lot of money as share prices plunged, so he was mentally dispirited and fell into a decline. However, the influence of this matter was not very long. It was not long before he could adjust his mentality, and he calmed down by drawing a lesson from a bitter experience and mapped out a strategy. After setting the new target, he started anew.

    话说回来,每个人一生中总有迷茫的时候。那年东明因炒股大赔,变得精神颓废,一蹶不振。但这事儿对他影响都不会很久,他很快能够调整自己的心态,痛定思痛后, 静下心来运筹一番。确定新的目标后,又重新开始。

    So if we know nothing about him every once in a while, we are sure that he must move about by devising something new or march to a different drummer (打着不同的鼓点前进) and show a new spotlight to us. So we always have greater expectations for him, Sure we hope he can work wonders and make still further progress in life and career.


    In the summer of 1997, the stock prices took a tumble and Dong Ming lost more than 100,000 yuan, which was really something!


    One day he said in private with me, “Bro, I want to kill myself. I lost all my life money, so I am embarrassed to face my parents, my wife and child!”


    I said half-jokingly, "You will be gone once for all!”


    With a wry smile, he said, “”Hi, bro, no one is crueler than you are. If you don’t cheer me on, you can’t look on indifferently.”


    I continued, “You’re a resourceful man and sure can find your way out. So you don’t have to turn to me for good advice. Anyway, to live is better than to die.”


    There was no sign of him for several months. I tried to inquire about him in the circle of friends who knew nothing about him at all.


    At that moment, I was quite worried about him: Did he go to extremes or do anything stupid? At the mere thought of this, I was sweating from every pore and was almost frightened to death.



    Four years passed while I remained in a state of anxiety, but I did hope to hear from him but to no avail.


    One day, my cell phone rang, I answer it, hearing the voice of Dong Ming.


    “Dear Bro, I’m still alive and kicking! How are you?”


    “Same as usual. What about you?”


    “Four years ago, I got enrolled into the university where Liu Huan works, and I obtained Master of Law degree. Now I work in Guangdong Nanyue Bank as the director of the headquarters’ administrative office.”


    “Congratulations, Dong Ming! Every cloud has a silver lining for you! You now gain a complete victory in both life and career.”


    “But you didn’t know how I could get through these years. I wanted to kill myself on several occasions, but I failed because I was too soft-hearted.”


    “You are a good example for us to follow.”


    “In the past few years it drove home the truth to me: If you don’t discipline yourself, you’ll go bust (完蛋) if others are hard on you!”


    At this, my heart quivered. True enough, I don’t know what happened, but Dong Ming must have suffered quite a lot.



    The reason for his success lies in that he can set his target for a hard struggle and try hard to overcome hardships against the unbearable pressure beyond the ordinary people. Moreover, he is very strict with himself. So I admire him for his remark: “If you don’t discipline yourself, you’ll go bust when others are hard on you!”


    Several years go by, and he is transferred and promoted to a higher position through his own unremitting efforts. Now he serves as Deputy CEO of China Financial Leasing Co., Ltd. with the annual salary up to several million yuan.


    Now thinking of my own life destitute of dignity, I can boil down to the fact that I just spare myself (偷懒; 要求不严格) for higher life pursuit.




