Satisfaction seems to come with

Satisfaction seems to come with

作者: 写译人生 | 来源:发表于2017-03-14 22:20 被阅读43次

They say money doesn't buy happiness, but it seems that a high income might.


A survey has found those earning $100,000or more rate their quality of life better than those who earn less.


But those lower down the pay ladder should not despair - satisfaction appears to increase with age, regardless of income.


A Shapenz online survey for the Business Council for Sustainable Development asked 1066 people to rank their quality of life as excellent, very good, good, fair or poor. About 83 per cent rated it good or better, a drop of 6 per cent from 2008 and 9 per cent less than 2007.(In previous surveys people were asked to rank their quality of life from 1-5,with 5 being the best.)


All of those earning $200,000 or more rated their quality of life very good or excellent, while people earning $20,000 orless were the income group most likely (20 per cent) to say their quality of life was poor or fair.


People aged 75 or older were the age group most likely (76 per cent) to answer excellent or very good, followed by peopleaged 65 to 74 and 18 to 24 year olds.


AUT psychology professor Rex Billington,who is carrying out his own quality of life study, said the results were in line with international research showing satisfaction tended to increase with age and income.

正在开展生活品质研究的奥地利心理学教授Rex Billington说,这些研究结果与国际研究结果一致,结果显示满足感往往随年龄和收入的增长而上升。

He said it was income relativeto those around you that was important: "The amount of money you have increases the opportunities you have and your quality of life will be better," he said. "[But] there are some in poor communities who have more than others and they regard themselves as being better off and having better quality of life."

Rex Billington断言,你和周围的人的收入差距才是有价值的。“你拥有的金钱越多,你拥有的机会就越多,你的生活品质也会越来越好,”他说。“但是在贫困群体中也会有那么一些收入比其他人高的人,他们认为自己境况较好,生活品质也更好。”

Those in the middle years and with children at home tended to have a broader range of worries than the old and be less optimistic than the young, he said.


"The older you are, the more satisfied you seem to be, but what is important to you tends to narrow a bit as well," he said.






    本文标题:Satisfaction seems to come with
