

作者: 3a0faa193a99 | 来源:发表于2017-12-04 16:17 被阅读13次




1. 数据变化 Change / Trend / Tendency

Emerging from the line chart is a noticeable trend thatimmigrant workers in mounting numbers have been swarming into X city to bring home the bacon.As is illustrated, the first five years had witnesseda moderate increase in the immigrant population,which was followed bya dramatic rise of the following five years.


Emerging from the line chart is a noticeable trend thatthe proportion of online education subscribers has been on the rise.As is illustrated, the past three years has witnesseda moderate increase in the American subscribers, from approximately 33% to 36%,which was accompanied bya dramatic rise of the Chinese one, by about 15%.


2. 数据分布 Distribution


The circular diagram demonstrates us the general information aboutthe proportions of sub-healthy people of different ages among their peers.Comparatively, sub-healthy people in twentiesaccount for the least part oftheir peers, only 4%.However, those mid-age and retiring sub-healthy individualsare the most striking fractions oftheir groups, 58% and 43% respectively.


The pie chart demonstrates us the general information aboutthe expenditures during spring festival.Comparatively, money spent on trafficaccounts for the least part ofthe expenses, only 20%.However, cash poured into gift marketis the most striking fraction ofthe festival expenditure, 40% approximately.


3. 数据关系 CorrelationThis line chart demonstrates us a positive correlation betweenthe index of happinessandthe educational background.Among those withpostgraduate education, the indexshoots4.32,while among thosewho merely experienced primary schools the value of happinessstays low, only 3.17.




1. 次要原因(外在、他人、客观、物质)

a. 消费品普及:lower price / higher income / improved living standard / easy access

译文:价格低廉 | 收入增长 | 生活水平提升 | 容易购得

b. 某消费降低:the development of public facilities / advanced public transportation system

译文:公共设施的提升 | 先进的公共(交通或其他)系统

c. 某消费增长:the increase of demand leads to the price rise of … / merchant speculation or hype

译文:需求的增长导致了……价格的增长 | 商业投机或炒作

d. 择业与定居:better employment / better paid job / better medical care

译文:更好的就业 | 薪酬更高的工作 | 更好的医疗资源

e. 生活与健康:living and working pressure / financial burden (mortgage, child-rearing, parent caring)

译文:生活和工作的压力 | 经济压力(按揭、抚养子女、赡养老人)

2. 主要原因(内在、自身、主观、精神)

a. 消费品普及:intrinsic value: convenient / time-saving / choices / functions

译文:内在价值:便利 | 节约时间 | 更多的选择 | 更多的功能

b. 某消费降低:people’s awareness of environmental protection / green-commuting, bicycles, walk

译文:人们的环保意识 | 绿色出行 | 单车出行 | 步行

c. 某消费增长:… is highly valued by the public / people’s tendency to show off

译文:……得到人们高度的认可 | 人们的炫耀心理

d. 择业与定居:better educational resources / broader view of the world

译文:更好的教育资源 | 更开阔的眼界来审视世界

e. 生活与健康:living style (balanced diet, workout, relaxation, hobby, rest, social contact)


Sample 1

What are the explanations for the changes? It occurs to most of us thatcities are where the surplus rural workforce can seek well-paid job and decent medical resources.This explanation makes sense but cannot cover all the factors. Apart from this, many immigrant workers move their families into citiesin order thattheir children could have better education have broader view of the world.


Sample 2

What are the explanations for this growth? It occurs to most of us thatthe popularity of network gave birth to the increasing number of online-users, including online educational users.This explanation makes sense but cannot cover all the factors. Apart from this,the major contributing factors behindthe universal acceptance of online educationareits convenience, efficiency and variety of courses.


Sample 3

What are the explanations for this difference? It occurs to most of us thatthe living and working pressure, a threat from which young people are free, causes the sub-healthy status of the thirties and fifties.This explanation makes sense but cannot cover all the factors. Apart from this, the major contributing factor behindtheir decline of healthistheir unfavorable living style - lack of balanced diet and sufficient physical exercise.

译文:怎么解释这些变化呢?很多人认为,生活和工作的压力导致了中老年人群的亚健康状态,而年轻人在这所承担的这种压力并不明显(sb. be free from…免遭……)。这种解释合情合理,但并非全息全然。除了这一点之外,中老年人之所以健康状况普遍不佳,其主要原因在于生活方式不够积极——膳食不够均衡,缺乏体育锻炼。

Sample 4

What are the explanations for this correlation? It occurs to most of us thatless education may lead to lower incomes, inferior social status or fewer opportunities and ultimately less sense of happiness.This explanation makes sense but cannot cover all the aspects. Apart from this, other by-products of higher education, such as better social network and more broad view of the world,are the major contributing factorsto the sense of happy life.



Sample 1

There is no doubt that to properly deal with immigrant workers is essential to improve their life and the urban construction. Therefore, the municipal administrations should spare some time for organizing and coordinating this force, so that these immigrants here can live with peace and work with efficiency.


Sample 2

There is no doubt that physical health is essential to the quality of life and job performance. Therefore, the young, the aging and the aged all should spare some time for relaxation and workout, so that they can step out of the shadow of sub-healthy status and enjoy their work and life.


Sample 3

From the statistics and analysis above, we can foresee that online education can endow us long-term benefits, or various conveniences. This comfort is not merely a matter of lower cost of study, but the comfort of learning anywhere and anytime as well, both of which are important elements of improvement in education.


Sample 4

From the statistics and analysis above, we can draw the conclusion with certain degree of confidence that higher education can endow us long-term benefits: better life-satisfaction. This satisfaction is not merely a matter of gratification of wealth, but the contentment of social achievement as well, both of which are important elements of happiness.





