我们先来讲一个故事,来自于TED《Inside the mind of a master procrastinator》(拖延症患者的脑子里到底装了什么)。 故事是这样的,作者在大学时期经常需要写各种篇幅的论文,这些论文一般都有上交期限,所以,要按时上交一篇有质量的论文,需要在时间上提前做好规划,类似于以下这张图。

但是,这种方式并不适用于所有情况。终于作者遇到了大挑战 —— 一篇长达90页的毕业论文,这可是个大项目,可不能像之前那样草草了事。于是作者心里开始盘算:一年的时间准备论文,那要好好计划每个月要做什么,于是做了如下的安排:




And then two months turned into one month, which turned into two weeks. And one day I woke up with three days until the deadline,still not having written a word, and so I did the only thing I could: I wrote 90 pages over 72 hours, pulling not one but two all-nighters -- humans are not supposed to pull two all-nighters -- sprinted across campus, dove in slow motion, and got it in just at the deadline.
我觉得这段话非常有画面感,非常接地气的体现出了一个普通人在时间紧迫的情况下做出的一系列行动: pull 2 all-nighters, sprint across campus, dive in slow motion,and got in just at the deadline. 这一系列的行为我相信大家都很熟悉,在期末考试周,熬夜看书,以百米冲刺的速度穿越校园,每分每秒都像慢镜头那样珍贵,在上交试卷的那一分钟终于世界平静了。(这段话如果有不理解的,欢迎在留言区和我讨论哦)
类似的焦头烂额的场景在我们的工作和生活中也会经常出现啊,比如说,我原计划每周至少更新一篇公众号学习文章,每一周开始的那几天都会做to-do list, 做完之后觉得信心满满,就像看到了无数成果一样,但事实是,三天过去了,没有任何思路,第四天逼自己一定要写出什么东西,然后,扎进书堆里,各种找题材,各种选材料,各种焦虑,最后第四天在焦虑中度过,于是不再相信什么计划,选择随缘,但随缘的结果也并不乐观。
这个牛人名字叫做Cal Newport,他毕业于麻省理工的博士,是乔治敦大学的计算机系副教授。
He has a full-time job as a professor at Georgetown University, teaching classes and meeting with students.
He writes 6 (or more) peer-reviewed academic journal papers per year.
He’sthe author of 4 booksincluding the wonderful “So Good They Can’t Ignore You.” And he’s at work on a fifth.
He’s married with a young child and handles all the responsibilities that come with being a husband and dad.
Heblogsregularly about productivity and expert performance.
andyet he finishes work at 5:30PM every day and rarely works weekends.
Tip 1: To-Do Lists Are Evil. Schedule Everything.
Scheduling forces you to confront the reality of how much time you actually have and how long things will take. Now that you look at the whole picture you’re able to get something productive out of every free hour you have in your workday. You not only squeeze more work in but you’re able to put work into places where you can do it best.
Tip 2: Assume You’re Going Home at 5:30, Then Plan Your Day Backwards
假设你5:30下班,那么你的所有工作计划就要安排在5:30 之前完成。这样做的目的是让我们感觉到,我们在工作期间的每一个时刻都是在掌控之中的,这样,我们就不容易产生焦虑。有研究表明,让我们经常感到焦虑的不是工作,而是对于事情的失控感。
Fix your ideal schedule, then work backwards to make everything fit — ruthlessly culling obligations, turning people down, becoming hard to reach, and shedding marginally useful tasks along the way. My experience in trying to make that fixed schedule a reality forces any number of really smart and useful in-the-moment productivity decisions.
Tip3: Make A Plan For The Entire Week
What the Most Successful People Do at Work: A Short Guide to Making Over Your Career一书提出,当你能够跟上计划时,你的时间就能够非常有效的利用起来。
Preliminary analysis from CEOs in India found that a firm’s sales increased as the CEO worked more hours. But more intriguingly, the correlation between CEO time use and output was driven entirely by hours spent in planned activities. Planning doesn’t have to mean that the hours are spent in meetings, though meetings with employees were correlated with higher sales; it’s just that CEO time is a limited and valuable resource, and planning how it should be allocated increases the chances that it’s spent in productive ways.
科学家们对印度的一些CEO展开了研究,通过初步分析发现,CEO工作时间越长公司的销售额就越高。 但是更有趣的是,CEO时间投入和产出比完全取决于CEO们执行既定计划的时间。既定计划并不单纯指开会时间,尽管展开员工会议能够促进销售额的提高;但是,CEO的时间非常有限也非常宝贵,所以,计划好怎么合理分配好他们的时间,能够更好地发挥时间的高效能性。
Tip4: Do Very Few Things, But Be Awesome At Them
You’re judged on what you do best so if you want to have as much success as possible you’re always better off doing fewer things but doing those things better. People say yes to too much. I say no to most things. I’m ruthless about avoiding or purging tasks if I realize they’re just not providing much value.
Tip5:Less Shallow Work, Focus On The Deep Stuff
Shallow work is little stuff like email, meetings, moving information around. Things that are not really using your talents. Deep work pushes your current abilities to their limits. It produces high value results and improves your skills.
所以,肤浅工作会影响大家的效率,《The 4-hour week》一书中作者Tim Ferriss告诉大家:
whenever possible, do not check email for the first hour or two of the day. It’s difficult for some people to imagine. “How can I do that? I need to check email to get the information I need to work on my most important one or two to-dos?”
You would be surprised how often that is not the case. You might need to get into your email to finish 100% of your most important to-dos. But can you get 80 or 90% done before you go into Gmail and have your rat brain explode with freak-out, dopamine excitement and cortisol panic?
To-Do Lists Are Evil. Schedule Everything.
Assume You’re Going Home at 5:30, Then Plan Your Day Backwards
Make A Plan For The Entire Week
Do Very Few Things, But Be Awesome At Them
Less Shallow Work, Focus On The Deep Stuff