May there are enough clouds in your life to make a beautiful sunset.愿你生活中有足够的云翳,造就一个美丽的黄昏。
Wander in the snow, holding a brilliant umbrella and rotating.Flying and dancing Snowflakes are as wide as jade accompanied by the tourists’ marvelous and sweet smile despite the fact that the heavy snow falls at the early period of early autumn.雪中漫步,举一把靓丽的伞旋转,飘舞的洁白如玉的雪花,灿烂如花的甜美笑容。然这鹅毛大雪竟然在初秋款款而来。
Fantastic ,peaceful and mountainous villages are surrounded by the greenish leafy trees with fresh air and flavor. In the distance the fog is twisting as if in the fairy world.宁静祥和小山村,茂密的绿树环绕。空气清新舒适宜人。远处烟雾缭绕,如入仙境。