

作者: 教书匠阿伦 | 来源:发表于2019-04-07 10:14 被阅读10次

    Eyal Shani is one of Israel’s top chefs and the judge of Master Chef Israel. But he’s best known for the raucous wedding-party-style dinners he hosts at his Tel Aviv restaurant HaSalon which happen two nights a week (with two seatings per night). The first is seating is traditional: A parade of ingredient-focused dishes served as classical music plays in the background. At the second seating, the music gets increasingly louder, a DJ appears, and the menu slides into the realm of performance art. “The first seating is dinner. The second seating is a party,” says Shani.

    Now he’s bringing the singular experience to New York’s Skyline Hotel, which will open three nights a week, Thursday through Saturday. A line of eight cooks working from an open kitchen will face the large, low-ceilinged dining room, with white and silvery gray bricks, and outfittedwith variously sized tables seating around 120.

    The menu will change nightly, but a typical dinner will begin with squares of hot focaccia and spicy dip. There will inevitably be beef carpaccio literally served on the table: A server wheels a butcher cart over, throws some sliced raw meat on the table, and uses a mallet to pound it thin.

    Shani has well-known affinity for tomatoes, choosing to serve them “naked” in his new restaurant: the fruit in varying stages of ripenesschopped and drizzled with Sicilian olive oil and salt. He also offers pizzas, made with dough that ripples with big air pockets with toppings like an olive oil-heavy tomato sauce with mozzarella melted into it. He’ll also serve pastas that might range from squiggly shaped pici with calamari and burnt butter (or lamb ragu) to tomato ravioli with sage butter. The restaurant’s tabun—a special, pizza-like oven—will be utilized for roasting whole fish and large cuts of meat such as rib-eye and sirloin, which will be drizzled with butter and herbs before serving.

    Eyal Shani是以色列顶级厨师之一,也是以色列主厨的评委。但他最出名的是在特拉维夫餐厅HaSalon举办的婚礼派对式晚餐,每周举办两晚,每餐两桌。第一个桌是传统的:当古典音乐响起,精心挑选食材的菜肴依次登场。在第二桌上,音乐的声音越来越大,一位DJ出现,菜单进入表演艺术领域。“第一桌是晚餐,第二桌是聚会。”Shani说。




    raucous 喧闹的

    parade 检阅,游行

    ingredient 原料

    realm 领域,范围

    singular 奇特的,非凡的

    outfit 装备

    focaccia 意大利香草橄榄油面包

    inevitably 不可避免地,自然而然地

    affinity 密切关系

    ripeness 成熟度

    chop 切碎,砍


    pasta 意大利面(拓展:部分常见意面:Spaghetti 纤细长直面,Linguine 薄而扁平的缎带面,Fettuccine 窄而扁平的缎带面,Tagliatelle 宽缎带面,Pappardelle 波浪宽扁面,Bow Ties、Farfalle、Butterflies 蝴蝶面,Shells 贝壳面,Rotini、Spirals、Twists、Fusilli螺旋面,Penne、Mezzani、Rigate外有条纹的斜管面,Cellentani、Macaroni弯曲的管面,Mostaccioli无条纹水管面,Rigatoni、Large Grooved更粗更大管面)

    He’ll also serve pastas that might range from squiggly shaped pici with calamari and burnt butter (or lamb ragu) to tomato ravioli with sage butter.句子中很多介词不好理解,抓住干介词:range from …to 范畴从…到…,剩余部分with、and就能找到合适的搭配,“squiggly shaped pici with and burnt butter”是 squiggly shaped pici and burnt butter其中pici配了calamari;“tomato ravioli with sage butter”是配了sage butter的tamato ravioli。

    He also offers pizzas, made with dough that ripples with big air pockets with toppings like an olive oil-heavy tomato sauce with mozzarella melted into it. 与上一个分析的句子一样,是一个充满介词的句子:1.主干“He also offers pizzas, made with dough”,后面是一个that引导的定语从句进一步介绍dough生面团的样子;2.第一个with:make with 由…制成;3.第二个with:接ripple,由于有气室空间而波纹起伏;4.第三个with:后接伴随状态,面饼上铺满番茄酱;5.第四个with:伴随状态,面饼内有融化的马苏里拉芝士。

    New York’s skyline hotel 纽约天际线酒店,酒店位于柯林顿/地狱厨房区(Clinton/Hell’s Kitchen District),设有世界闻名的餐厅、可观赏曼哈顿(Manhattan)天际线景致的室内游泳池以及覆盖各处的收费WiFi。The Skyline Hotel酒店的客房均配有冰箱。部分客房配有沙发床。酒店的El Original Restaurant餐厅供应德州墨西哥风味美食。用餐后,客人可以通过礼宾服务获取探索该市的建议,或在商务中心办公。酒店距离时代广场(Times Square)和剧院区(Theatre District)均有不到15分钟步行路程,毗邻通往曼哈顿(Manhattan)景点的第50街地铁站(The 50th Street Subway Station),距离Jacob K. Javitz Convention Center会议中心和曼哈顿邮轮码头(Manhattan Cruise Terminal)均不到1.5公里。


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