西班牙专家:对废水检测结果的研究将为病毒传播研究提供新的方向! 研究人员在2019年3月西班牙巴塞罗那市采集的废水样本中检测出新冠病毒。这一结果还未通过同行评审,但专家认为,这一发现将为研究新冠病毒在人群中的传播、建立危机预警系统提供新的方向。
Coronavirus traces found in March 2019 sewage sample, Spanish study shows
Spanish virologists have found traces of the novel coronavirus in a sample of Barcelona waste water collected in March 2019, nine months before the COVID-19 disease was identified in China, the University of Barcelona said on Friday.
The University of Barcelona team, who had been testing waste water since mid-April this year to identify potential new outbreaks, decided to also run tests on older samples.
They first found the virus was present in Barcelona on Jan. 15, 2020, 41 days before the first case was officially reported there.
Then they ran tests on samples taken between January 2018 and December 2019 and found the presence of the virus genome in one of them, collected on March 12, 2019.
“The levels of SARS-CoV-2 were low but were positive,” research leader Albert Bosch was quoted as saying by the university.
The research has been submitted for a peer review.
Dr Joan Ramon Villalbi of the Spanish Society for Public Health and Sanitary Administration told Reuters it was still early to draw definitive conclusions.
“When it’s just one result, you always want more data, more studies, more samples to confirm it and rule out a laboratory error or a methodological problem,” he said.
There was the potential for a false positive due to the virus’ similarities with other respiratory infections.
“But it’s definitely interesting, it’s suggestive,” Villalbi said.
Bosch, who is president of the Spanish Society of Virologists, said that an early detection even in January could have improved the response to the pandemic.
Instead, patients were probably misdiagnosed with common flu, contributing to community transmission before measures were taken. ▌misdiagnose 误诊(疾病或问题)
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