北京时间 21 日上午,中国女子网球名将、两届大满贯单打冠军得主李娜正式进入网球名人堂,成为这里第 255 位网球名宿,也是入驻名人堂的第一位亚洲球员。国际网球名人堂迄今已经建立 65 年,在该组织此前吸纳的 254 名成员中,没有 1 人来自亚洲,如同球员生涯不断缔造新记录,这一次李娜又改写了历史。

Hall entry is another first for a pioneering player
On Saturday, Li Na’s perseverance and pioneering courage will be recognized with the highest honor in her profession: induction into the International Tennis Hall of Fame.
She will be the first Asian-born player enshrined, but one ceremony cannot encapsulate all Li endured to reach the top of the tennis world and make a country pay attention to a sport that was mostly unknown when she started playing it.
“For me, it means everything,” Li said in Manhattan on Thursday. “The tears, the tough times, the pain. Everything is paid back. It was all worth it.”
Tennis has been a dynamic stage for some of the most influential people in sports and society, from Arthur Ashe and Billie Jean King to today’s stars like Venus and Serena Williams. Li Na is a worthy member of that pantheon — a modest woman from Wuhan, China, whose impact in Asia surpasses them all.
When Li, 37, began playing tennis at age 8, most people in her country did not even know what the sport was, she said. But when she won the 2011 French Open to become China’s first Grand Slam singles champion, 116 million people in her country watched the final on television. Even her mother was confused about all the attention.
今年 37 岁的李娜说,当她 8 岁开始打网球时,国内大多数人甚至都不知道这项运动是什么。但是在她赢得 2011 年法国网球公开赛并成为中国首位大满贯单打冠军的那一天,有 1.16 亿中国人收看了决赛。连她的母亲都对大众的关注感到困惑不已。
“She called and asked: ‘Li Na, you just won one tournament. Why is your picture in all the papers?’” Li recalled with a laugh. “I said, ‘Uh, maybe this was a big one’”.
“Before I got into Grand Slams, maybe people thought Asian players were not suited for tennis,” she said while traveling along the Franklin D. Roosevelt Drive on Thursday morning. “I made people realize that it is reachable.”
adj. 先驱性的,开创性的

相关词汇:pioneer(n. 拓荒者;先驱)
搭配短语:the pioneers of the American West
例句:Henry Ford was a pioneer in the auto industry.

n. 不屈不挠,坚持不懈
相关词汇:severe(adj. 严格的;严肃的)
例句:Perseverance spells success.
n. 入门;接纳会员
英文释义:an occasion when someone is formally introduced into a new job or organization,especially through a special ceremony
搭配短语:induction into …
v. 把……奉为神圣;庄严地载入
相关词汇:shrine(n. 神庙;圣地)
例句:The right of freedom of speech is enshrined in law.
v. 扼要表述;压缩;概括

相关词汇:capsule(n. 胶囊)
例句:The headline encapsulates the news.
6.endure/ɪnˈdʊr/ v. 忍耐;忍受

例句:Nothing can help us endure dark times better than our faith.
7.pay back
相关词汇:Pantheon(n. 万神殿)
英文释义:a small group of people who are the most famous, important, and admired in their particular area of activity
例句:She has won her place in the pantheon of modern medicine.
9.surpass/sərˈpæs/ v. 超过,优于,胜过
词根词缀:pass(通过);sur- (超过)
例句:Three cobblers with their wits combined surpass Zhuge Liang the master mind.
10.Grand Slam(体育比赛中赢得各项重要比赛的)大满贯;(网球)四大满贯

11.tournament/ˈtʊrnəmənt, ˈtɜːrnəmənt/ n. 锦标赛
adj. 可达到的;可实现的
搭配短语:set a reachable goal
