2017-05-03 冰清 译 冰清思语集
文章作者:John Rampton
文章来源:领 英
翻 译:冰 清
Since Spring has finally sprung, it's time to do a little spring cleaning. And what better place to start than with the people in your life?
This has been something I try to do each year. While it's not always easy, it's necessary for me to become more successful at the many tasks I have to complete in my life.
Whether it's a family member, friend, or colleague, there are certain people in your life that you need to avoid, or at least limit your time with. I'm not saying you have to become a loner. But you should reevaluate your relationships if you want to become successful. Remember, emotions,both good and bad, are contagious.
无论是家人、朋友还是同事, 你生活中的某些人, 你确实需要回避, 或者至少限制和他们相处的时间。我不是说你必须成为独来独往的人,但如果你想成功, 就应该重新评估你的人际关系。记住,无论是积极情绪还是消极情绪都会相互传染。
Keep in mind, this isn't meant to be heartless (though it may feel that way at times), but to build you up in the long term.
What kinds of people should you avoid? Here are nine of the most toxic personalities.
1. The control freak.控制狂
While there are times when you need to take the reigns of a project or situation, successful people realize they need the assistance of others to achieve their goals. But a control freak is set in his ways and unwilling to bend -- even if that means making you miss a deadline or stay several hours after work to meet his demands. He's bossy, manipulative, a perfectionist, obsessed with details, and he targets those who won't stand up for themselves.
当你需要接管一个项目或者处理某种情况的时候,明智的人善假于物,利用别人的帮助达成目标。但是控制狂却一意孤行,不愿委曲求人,这就意味着你在截止期限时依旧无法完成任务或者要多加几个小时的班来满足他的要求。他专横, 善于控制他人,力求完美, 痴迷于细节, 他专门对付不坚守自己立场的人。
2. The loser 失败者
Brian Tracy one said, "Successful people are always looking for opportunities to help others. Unsuccessful people are always asking, 'What's in it for me?'"
As a rule, successful people don't associate themselves with losers. The reason? They can hold you back from reaching your full potential, damage your reputation, and bring out the worst in you. Instead, they surround themselves with people who are positive, hard-working, and push you to be your best.At the same time, don't confuse failing and being a failure. Those who fail move forward after learning from their mistakes, while being a failure means that you're permanently in the same position.
Brian Tracy曾说“成功者总是找机会帮助别人,失败者总是问,这和我有什么关系?”从规则上讲,成功人士不喜欢与失败者有任何社交联系,为什么?因为失败者会阻碍你发掘自己的潜力,损害你的名誉,给你带来最坏的负能量。相反,成功者喜欢那些积极上进,善于吃苦的人,因为这些人能促使你成为最好的自己。同时,不要混淆失误与失败的概念。如果一个人因为失误没有成功,可以从失误中吸取教训,继续前进,如果一个人自认失败者,就意味着永远在同一个位置裹足不前。
3. The time sucker.时间杀手
Have you been stuck in a conversation with someone who keeps talking and talking? At first, this may not seem like a bad deal, but these people are known as time suckers.
The problem with these people, even if they're positive and upbeat, is that they're taking up too much of your time. Instead of letting you get back to work, they keep you trapped in conversation. While I don't cut these people out of my life, I tend to try and spend much less time with them.
4. The entitled.老资格
These people don't believe in hard work and sacrifice because they think their success should be given to them. This can be detrimental to your own motivation because: why should you hustle when they don't? Additionally, entitled individuals have a knack for talking you out of your dreams and ambitions. I personally can't stand these people and tend to run in the opposite direction whenever I spot one.
5.The perpetual victim 永远的受害者
This is the person who blames others for their failures or shortcomings and believes they weren't afforded the same opportunities. Even worse? They never hold themselves accountable for their lack of success and always have excuses.Being around this type of negative energy will only drag you down.
6. The downer.事事沮丧者
know who this individual is. It's a beautiful sunny day, they just got paid, and they still have something to complain about -- they're getting sunburn or they pay too much in taxes. These types of people are emotionally draining. And, like perpetual victims, their negative energy will only stress you out.
7. The chronic liar.习惯性撒谎者
"Lying is part and parcel of everyday life," says Robert Feldman, PhD., professor of psychological and brain sciences and deputy chancellor at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst. But,when the lying gets out of control, it can become a problem.Successful people surround themselves with people who are honest and provide truthful feedback. Even if it's something you don't want to hear, that honest feedback is more valuable than the lie, since it can help you correct a problem or negative habits that you've never noticed before.
“撒谎是生活的一部分,” 马萨诸塞大学阿默斯特分校的心理和脑科学教授兼副院长Robert Feldman如是说,但是如果撒谎已经到自己无法控制的地步,就肯定有问题。
8. The party animal.派对狂
Sure, spending a Saturday night with a party animal can be fun -- occasionally. But party animals want to go out every night of the week, which means you wake up in the morning exhausted and hung over. How long do you think you can maintain that lifestyle?If you want to remain productive and save a ton of money, limit your exposure to party animals. It's cool to blow off some steam or celebrate once in awhile, but not every night.
9.The critic批判主义者
There's nothing wrong with a little bit of criticism. But only if it's constructive. After all, when done correctly, this type of feedback can help you correct a weakness. Constant criticism, on the other hand, is not healthy or helpful. As Florence Isaacs, author of Toxic Friends/True Friends, explains, "Toxic friends stress you out, use you, are unreliable, are overly demanding, and don't give anything back."
适度批判无可厚非,只要这种批判具有建设性。毕竟,如果正戳中你的软肋,这种反馈可以帮助你指正缺点,认识自我。但是,从另一方面,无休止的批判不健康也无益处。《有毒朋友/真心朋友》一书的作者Florence Isaacs解释说,“有毒朋友给你施加压力,利用你,不靠谱,过分苛刻,只索取不付出”。
杭州的太先生也深有感触:“我的朋友经常让我陪他在酒吧呆到很晚,我觉得反正自己也无事做,所以经常陪他,听他抱怨。可我的建议他从来听不进去,陪他却弄得我精疲力竭 。后来,我很少再跟他联系了。”
“有毒朋友”这个词,现已得到美国心理学会认可,并且变得很流行,甚至成了奥普拉脱口秀节目(美国著名的电视节目)的主题,《有毒朋友,真心朋友》等相关书籍也登上了 美国畅销书排行榜。
上海的心理咨询师顾恺颉说:“人们常说患难之中见真情,实质上应该说是患难之中见 真性。人们在苦难面前,相同的遭遇,相同的心境,不免会生同病相怜之心,自然而然会走 到一起,互相给予支持。而这就是我们称的友谊或友情。”
尽管获得友谊是人的本能,但我们也要抵制各种不良的友谊诱惑。顾恺颉建议,交友不 能盲目、泛滥,预防“有毒朋友”的最理性解决办法是:定期静下心来,好好盘点清理自己的朋友圈。