Ch 10 作者通过对常春藤名校与私立学校的学生群体,教学氛围与理念等进行分析对比后,给出他的建议:最佳的高校是第二梯队的文理学院。
The best option of all may be the second-tier— not second-rate— liberal arts colleges, places like Reed, Kenyon, Wesleyan, Sewanee, Mount Holyoke, and quite a few others: schools that, instead of trying to compete with Harvard and Yale, have retained their allegiance to real educational values.
Look for a school that’s going to care about you.
明天要出发去西雅图旅游到月底,所以中间会先换读几本轻松点适合旅游的书籍。等回国后再继续读完本书 :)