"Why can I not follow you n

作者: 紫罗兰Shirley | 来源:发表于2019-05-15 23:59 被阅读7次

     “Peter said to him,’ Lord, why can I not follow you now? I will lay down my life for you.’” John 13:37

    Sometimes, we don’t understand why we cannot do the things according to the hearts’ thoughts. When God gives us a blank paper, we can’t paint anything arbitrarily, but we only need to wait. Maybe the white paper will teach us to understand what meaning the sanctifying is, or let us experience the offering meaning after we are sanctified. Do not do anything before God calls us. If we have a little doubt we don’t do anything, because that is not God’s will. 

     At first, we are clear to see the Lord’s will. For example, we need to broke with some friends, or stop the business with some people. We do it and we clearly know that this is God’s will. However, we don’t assume our emotions are trustworthy. Otherwise, many mistakes we made will take many years to correct. As long as we wait, God can finish his work. More importantly, He will not let us sad and disappointment. When it is a question of the providential will of God, wait for God to do with patient.

    From the scriptures, Peter didn’t wait for God. He only depended on his thoughts to guess the trials time, he never knew that the trials came so quickly. “I will lay down my life for you.” His announcement was honest, but filling with ignorant. Jesus said:” Before the cock crows, you will deny three times that you even know me. Peter.” From God’s words, it indicated that God knew Peter more deeply than Peter knew himself. Peter couldn’t follow Jesus because he couldn’t know himself and that his ability was limited. Peter’s fervency can lead him to close Jesus, and make him feel Jesus fascination, but it never can become his disciple before God granted the Holy spirit. It means, the fervency from the men nature will deny the Lord one day, which is too far from the true disciples of following God.



        本文标题:"Why can I not follow you n
