
作者: 如果我热爱性感的我 | 来源:发表于2019-07-31 05:57 被阅读3次

    Ah, Duke, Genoa and Luca are now the territory of the Bonaparte family, but I have to say to you beforehand, if you do not tell me that we are at war here, if you dare to protect this enemy of Christ (I am sure he is an enemy of Christ) from all kinds of despicable acts and the scourges he caused by his own hands. Then I'll leave you alone. You are no longer my friend, you are no longer, as you said, my faithful slave. Ah, hello, hello. I think I'm scaring you. Sit down and tell me."

    In July 1805, the well-known Anna Pavlovna Shearer, Queen Maria Fiodorovna's court lady and confidant, said this in welcoming the first distinguished official to come to the party, Duke Vassily. Anna Pavlovna has been coughing for days. As she said, she suffered from influenza (at that time, influenza was a new word and only a few people used it). Early in the morning, in separate letters sent by a red-coated attendant, he wrote in a thousand words: "If the count (or duke) has no desirable amusement at all, and the symptoms of this poor woman patient today and evening do not cause you to be overly frightened, please come to the cold house from seven to ten o'clock and be overjoyed." Anna Scheller."

    "My God, fight hard, how fierce!" A Duke who came in answered that he was not at all confused by the interview. He wore embroidered court dresses, stockings, boots and shoes, and many star medals. His flat face showed a happy expression.

    He spoke elegant French. Our ancestors not only spoke with it, but also thought with it. He spoke with a very calm tone peculiar to the elders when they sheltered the younger generation. That was the unique tone of the elders in the high society and in the courts. He came up to Anna Pavlovna and approached her with her sparkling bald head, kissing her hand, and calmly sat down on the sofa.

    "Dear friend, please tell me first, how is your health? Let me be quiet,'he said, his voice unchanged, and through his polite, caring tone he could see the cold, even sarcastic tone.

    "How can you be physically healthy when you suffer mental distress?... How can we keep quiet even when we have feelings in our time? Anna Pavlovna said, "I hope you stay with me all night, okay?"

    "What about the British minister's festive day? Today is Wednesday, and I'm going to show up there, "said the Duke." My daughter will pick me up and take a bus.

    "I thought today's celebration was cancelled. Jevous avoueque to utesces feteset to uscesfeuxd'artifice ecommencenta devenirin Bsipides. '

    "If someone knows you have such a wish, the celebration will have to be cancelled." The Duke said, as if he were a tightly wound clock, he used to say things he didn't want to be believed.

    "Nemetourmentezpas.Ehbienqu'a-t-ond CID parrapport lad P Chede Novosilzoff? Voussaveztout. "(2)

    "How can I say that to you?" The Duke said that his tone was cold and dull. "Que'a-t-ond cid? Onad cidque Buonaparteabr LSE vaisseaux, etjecroisquenoussommesentrained and ebrulerlesnotres. "

    French: To be honest, all these celebrations and fireworks are extremely disgusting.

    French: Please don't torture me. Oh, what decision did they make on Novosilitsev's emergency information? You know all about it.

    (3) French: What decides? They decided that Bonaparte had already burned his ships, and it seemed that we were ready to do the same.

    The Duke of Vassily has always spoken slowly, as the actor used to say in his old lines. Anna Pavlovna Scheller is over forty, but she is full of vitality and vigor.

    Her enthusiasm enabled her to attain social status. Sometimes she doesn't even have that kind of hope, but in order to live up to the expectations of people who know her, she still needs to be a passionate person. Anna Pavlovna's often cold smile, which does not match her haggard face, shows, like a spoiled child, that she is always aware of her tiny shortcomings, but she does not want, can't and does not think it is necessary to correct them.

    Anna Pavlovna was in a high spirits during the talk about political action.

    "Cough! Please don't talk to me about Austria! Maybe I don't understand anything, but Austria never needed it, and now it doesn't need war. It sold us. Only Russia should be the Savior of Europe. Our benefactor knows his lofty duty, and he will abide by it. This is my only creed. Our benevolent monarch now needs to play the greatest role in the world. He is very kind and noble, and God will never abandon him. He will perform his duty to suppress the evil forces of the revolution. Now that he takes this killer and villain as his representative, the revolution becomes more and more terrible. Those who abide by the rules have paid their blood, and only we should pay back this blood debt. Who do we depend on? I ask you... Britain, with its commercial atmosphere, never understood or understood the nobility of Alexander's character. The United States refused to give up Malta. It wants to peep and explore the purpose of our actions. What did they say to Novoselizev? Nothing was said. They do not understand, nor can they understand, the desperate spirit of our emperor. Our emperor is not greedy for personal gain at all. He always wants to benefit the whole world in his heart. What did they promise? Nothing. Their promises will be nothing but a piece of paper! Prussia has declared that Bonaparte is invincible and that Europe as a whole can't fight him... I don't believe any of Hardenberg Haugwitz's myths. Cettefameuseneutralit prussienne, cen'estqu'unpige. I only believe in God, in the noble destiny of our wise monarch. He must be able to save Europe!..." Suddenly she stopped and smiled sarcastically at her own excitement.

    "I think," said the Duke with a smile, "you will force the King of Prussia to reach an agreement if you do not appoint us, the lovely Winzengrode, but you. You are a real eloquent person. Can you pour me some tea?

    "I'll bring the tea right away. Incidentally, "she added calmly," there are two interesting people here today. One is Levicomte de Mostmart, ilestalli aux Montmorencyparles Rohans, one of the best families in France. He is one of the most outstanding overseas Chinese. The other one is L'abbeMorio. 3 Do you know this brilliant man? The King met him. Do you know?"

    "Ah! I shall be very happy, "said the Duke." Tell me, please, "he added, as if he had just remembered something, and showed an unconscious attitude, and what he was asking was the main bird he came to pay homage to. "Is it true that L'imp ratrice-mre wants to appoint Baron Douglas as the first secretary in Vienna? C'estunpauvresire, cebaron, cequ'ilparait, The Duke of Vasili wanted to put his son in this position, but everybody tried to get it for the Baron through Maria Fiodorovna.

    French: Prussia's notorious neutrality is a trap.

    (2) French: Viscount Mothmar, with the help of the Loon family, has become a relative of Monmorancy.

    (3) French: Father Moriot.

    French: the widowed queen.

    French: The Duke seems to be a humble man.

    Anna Pavlovna closed her eyes almost, suggesting that neither she nor anyone could judge what the Queen would like or like to do.

    "Monsieur rebaronde Funkea t recommand a L'imp ratrice-mreparsasoeur," she said in a sad, cold tone. When Anna Pavlovna spoke of the queen mother's name, her face instantly showed infinite loyalty and great respect, and mixed with the sadness that would arise when she mentioned her supreme asylum in every conversation. Her Majesty, she said, looked at Baron Beaucoupd'estime, and her eyes were covered with a cloud of sorrow.

    The Duke was silent and showed an indifferent air. Anna Pavlovna herself had the instinct of flexibility and expediency of courtiers and women, and was well disposed to deal with people and things. She wanted to attack the Duke because he dared to comment on the person recommended to the Queen Mother and comfort the Duke at the same time.

    "Mais proposdevotrefamille," she said, "Do you know? Since your daughter appeared in public and entered the social circle, faitlesd lices detoutlemonde, Onlatrouvebelle, commeLejour. "(4)

    French: Baron Docker was recommended by the Queen Mother's sister to the Queen Mother.

    (2) French: Very respectful.

    French: By the way, let's talk about your family.

    French: She is the pet of the whole upper class. Everyone thought she was a beautiful woman.

    The Duke bowed deeply to show his respect and gratitude.

    "I've always had this idea," continued Anna Pavlovna, after her silence, as she drew close to the Duke and smiled kindly at him, as if to say that the conversation between politics and communication had ended, and now she could begin to talk confidently. "I often have this idea, happiness in life. Sometimes the arrangement is not fair. Why did the Fate God give you such two lovely children (except your youngest son Anatoly, I don't like him), "she raised her eyebrows and put in a decisive sentence." Why did the Fate God give you such two best children? But you really don't value them, so you don't have to have two children."

    She smiled excitedly.

    "Quevoulez-vous? "Lafaterauraitditquejen'aipaslabossedelapaternitre, 1," said the Duke.

    "Please stop joking. I want to talk to you seriously. You know, I'm not satisfied with your little son. Don't mind these words, just between us (she has a sad expression on her face). Everyone talks about him in front of the Queen Mother, and they all feel sorry for you.

    The Duke did not reply, but she looked at him silently and implicitly, waiting for his reply. Prince Vassily frowned.

    "What shall I do?" He finally said. "You know, in order to educate them, I have done my best as a father, but in the end both became desim Bbeciles. 2) Ipolite was at best a docile fool, but Anatole was a nervous fool. That's the only difference between them. He said, laughing more unnaturally and excitedly than usual, with wrinkles around the corners of his mouth, which were particularly violent and abhorrent.

    French: What to do? Rafat would say I don't have the bones of my father's love.

    French: idiot.

    "Why do people like you have children? If you are not a father, I have nothing to blame you." Anna Pavlovna said, raising her eyes thoughtfully.

    "Jesuis votre, a faithful slave, Etta vousseule jepuisl'avou-er, my children cesontles entrance avesdemonexis Btence, and this is my suffering. That's how I explained myself. Quevoulezvous?..." He kept silent and gestured that he was at the mercy of cruel fate.

    French: I'm yours.

    French: I can only confess to you. My children are the burden of my life.

    French: What to do?

    Anna Pavlovna was lost in thought.

    "Have you never thought of marrying your prodigal son Anatole? It's said, "she said." Old virgins all have lamaine desmariages. I don't think I have this weakness, but I have a petitepersonne here. She's very unfortunate with her father. She's Bolkonskaya, uneparenteanous, uneprincesse. " The quickness of the intellect and memory inherent in the exiles, but he shook his head to show consideration for her insights without answering them.

    "No, do you know that this Anatole costs me 40,000 roubles a year?" He said that it seemed impossible to contain his distress. He was silent for a moment.

    "If it goes on like this, what will happen in five years? Voil L'avantage trepre. Is your princess rich?

    (1) French: the habit of marrying people.

    (2) French: Girls.

    French: One of our relatives, the Duchess.

    French: That's the benefit of fatherhood.

    "His father is very rich, but also very stingy. He lives in the countryside. As you know, the famous Duke of Bolkonsky retired as early as the late emperor was in office. His nickname was King Prussia. He is a very clever man, but he has a strange temper and is difficult to get along with. Lapauvre repetiteest malheureuse, commeles pierres, she has a big brother, when Kutuzov's deputy, just recently married Lisa Menan, today he wants to come to me.

    "Ecoutez, CHRE Annette, II," said the Duke, seizing the speaker's hand and somehow bending it down a little. "Arrangez-moicette affaireet jesuisvotre, the most loyal slave,toutjamais (slave, commemon village head m'critdes_wrote in the report). She comes from a well-known family and is very rich. All this is what I need.

    His movements are flexible, intimate and graceful, which can be used as a symbol of him. He grabbed the palace lady's hand and kissed it, shook it a few times, stretched out his hands and legs and rested lazily in the comfort chair, raised his eyes and looked aside.

    "Attendez," thought Anna Pavlovna, "I'm talking to Lafemmedujeune Borkowski today. Maybe this will be done. Ceseradans votrefamille, quejeferaimonap Bprentissage devieillefille. _"

    French: This poor lady is unfortunate.

    French: Dear Annette, please listen to me.

    French: If you do this for me, I will always be yours.

    French: As my village chief wrote.

    French: Wait a minute, please.

    French: Bolkonsky's wife.

    I began to study the old virgin business in your home.



