“Fake it until you make it." I believe a lot of people have been really familiar with this one. It should've worked well on loads of people, but that's not the case and not the point I am trying to sell this time. I want to steer your attention into another similar sentence here - "you make it the moment you fake it."
A couple of minutes ago, I forwarded a job-wanted ad to one of my best friends via wechat. This ad is from the Gansu Province Human Resource Department which are searching for the new blood among the graduate-to-be. After reading this wanted ad, my friend replied me in the wechat that "I am not one of the high-level talents...." (The title of the ad says that they are looking for the elites and high-level candidates.) Do you know what I had in my mind at that moment? I was shouting out "WTF" in my mind because she is rated as an outstanding graduate who will, without doubt, deliver a speech in the graduation ceremony next year in the ducking golden June and leave that behind she was quite an ultra-girl in the real sense. She nailed down countless competitions, bringing glorious honor to her own school and get along well with people around her with her good and warm personalities. Where is all your confidence, charisma and ducking overwhelming aura I once looked up to so much?
I don't how to reply that. So I only type the words - you fake it the moment you make it. That's right. The moment you think you are somebody, you might need take years of efforts and patience to make it true, but the moment you think you are not somebody, bam! you just got what you want.
May we can all stick to what we believe, no matter it is some seemingly trivial things or some wild ideas, and fight for them with ourselves in our A game.