35/70豆苗写作 : A fabulous day

作者: 悬崖上的小树 | 来源:发表于2017-06-26 08:03 被阅读21次

Today I had a fabulous day. I went to a birthday party and I played with my friends.

First I  went to the children's museum with my friend and we play at the museum , we pretended to be astronauts and we went on a rocketship to launch to space. We also played family. I was the big sister and my friend was the little sister ,  when we played family we where at  a pretend Street.

Then my mom drove us to the food court in Masonville and we ate lunch , there my friend ate a hamburger and I ate a chicken wrap.

After I went to piano class and after piano class I went to a birthday party. At the birthday party we played with little cars that we made, we ate pizza, cake and other snacks. We also got goody bags after the party, inside the goody bag there was Pokémon cards, two pencils and a Pikachu magnet.

Finally we all went home and when I went home I played Monopoly with my mom.

Today it was a very happy and fabulous day.

The end.



    本文标题:35/70豆苗写作 : A fabulous day
