

作者: 小美Prisca | 来源:发表于2019-05-12 15:56 被阅读41次




    Most of world’s problems are caused by overpopulation. To what extent do you agree or disagree?




    When it comes to overpopulation,a term which refers to a condition wherein the total population of a particular region far exceeds the carrying capacity of the region in demography, I quite approve of the viewpoint that overpopulation leads to the vast majority of problems in today’s world. Numerous social and environmental problems either stem from or are increased in magnitude by overpopulation.

    With the world population increasing exponentially, the problems created by overpopulation grow correspondingly. First and foremost, since available resources are not sufficient to meet the demand of rising population, the consumption of finite natural resources may contribute to the worst crisis. It is reported that only 3% of water on the planet is potable, so overpopulation definitely brings about the lack of drinking water for millions of dwellers across the globe.

    Besides the limited supply of fresh water, there is a limited area of arable land in some countries. As a consequence, the growing populations cannot be fed due to food shortage. To make matters worse, children in these countries may suffer from poor health or even die from malnutrition and its related diseases. Furthermore, in case of an epidemic, the huge population will accelerate the spread of contagious diseases.

    In addition, overpopulation is a major driving force behind the loss of ecosystems, such as the damage of rainforests, coral reefs, wetlands and Arctic ice and so forth. Actually, a large population not only results in global warming and related climate change but also the destruction of wildlife habitat and eventually triggers a severe ecological imbalance on Earth. Other massive social and environmental problems including the threat of desertification, garbage in piles, urban sprawl, traffic jams, air and water pollution, violence and crime will continue to worsen if population may increase sharply.

    In conclusion, a series of interwoven problems, among which the depletion of natural resources and the destruction of living environment are the worst, are basically caused by population explosion.

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