连续两天去听Saraswati discourse, fall in love either her: 她的明亮的眼睛,牙齿整齐及洁净,面容光辉光滑,卷曲的头发,坐着时候感觉很高大,站起来身材丰腴,没有我高,但每次她看向你,好像全世界的慈爱都融入她身上,感觉sisterhood,周四晚上结束后我去yoga tent,二楼瑜伽室黑黑的,找个垫子我坐在过道里冥想,等待bon fire开始,风很大,不暖和,8.45开始,英国boy说太晚了错过我的bed time,都是早睡早起的人,不奇怪;bon fire我们在冷风中开始冥想,S开始talk,烟雾熏得我睁眼都困难,绕了一圈我赶紧回去;昨天晚上结束,发现我们dormitory二楼很好的空间冥想,可以看到temple top, 效果不错,感受到体内气体流动,就当sensation吧。
朝圣yatra5: 经历到天堂和地狱真实存在!Sarathji生日快乐!两天我的学习重点:
Everyday when u wake up, there is a morning
No fixed rituals, content matters, which are universal figures: integrity, truth, Yama and niyama
Committed to spiritual path, see myself as it is, see world as it is.
朝圣yatra5: 经历到天堂和地狱真实存在!Sarathji生日快乐!Meditation technique: breathe straight but not rigid! Chakras, breathe, chanting
In the name of spirituality for whatever u want, to justify.
God gives freewill but we take fruits of karma
Heaven and hell does exist: how u make it into hell or heaven
朝圣yatra5: 经历到天堂和地狱真实存在!Sarathji生日快乐!Life is what u make it!
Hinduism talks reincarnation but heaven or hell
Awareness of connection between all
There is something much greater than I want, when, how.
When we fulfill our desire, there is a moment of no desire, desire less which is joy.
朝圣yatra5: 经历到天堂和地狱真实存在!Sarathji生日快乐! 朝圣yatra5: 经历到天堂和地狱真实存在!Sarathji生日快乐!Soul = oneness, wholeness, stillness=we
Thoughts keep us out of heaven
Yearn for solitude is beautiful, go for it as long as it is not running away.
Material desire is founder than others, material life is more difficult than spiritual one.
Do the duties with full sincerity.
第五天11点我们meet for logistics,一开始就是chanting,很长,大致意思是:
朝圣yatra5: 经历到天堂和地狱真实存在!Sarathji生日快乐! 朝圣yatra5: 经历到天堂和地狱真实存在!Sarathji生日快乐!David salute goddess,Solutions to her, she is form ofmaya ,consciousness , budi intelligence, sleep, hunger, shadow , shakti power, krishna, bearance, peace, faith, Conti beauty, wealth , mind , memory, kindness , contentment , mother, delusion
Samati King met another king , none is important peace living together with queen
Hari gate shiva and Pavarotti lives 250 thousands years ago married
朝圣yatra5: 经历到天堂和地狱真实存在!Sarathji生日快乐! 朝圣yatra5: 经历到天堂和地狱真实存在!Sarathji生日快乐!Two sons who want to get married : go around world 3 times Danesh around parents three times u are world to me: the other son K was angry and refused to marry , god of wisdom,Kartikeya is a major deity among the Hindus of Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Telangana.He is considered the God of Tamil language and he is mentioned a lot in Tamil Sangam literature.The six abodes of Murugan are all in Tamil Nadu. Each of these temples has a unique history and different reason to worship Lord Murugan.
we will see Rock temple in the cold kedarnath.
Dali, Shrine on shoulder , processes and manifested? we might see on the mountain.
朝圣yatra5: 经历到天堂和地狱真实存在!Sarathji生日快乐! 朝圣yatra5: 经历到天堂和地狱真实存在!Sarathji生日快乐!Robert 介绍他的印度local guide出家前花了75 days for 108 temples,现在是swami who was engineer。我们周日schedule非常紧张:6am packed clean room leave luggage, 7.30 parking area 开始走路, nunitkireti parking name in bus with bag , bus 9am leaves, 5pm arrive camping;Monday 5am walking starting , car then Jeep then walking,26,27th in Hariwar,28号回程,OK!
之后我就是chai in honey cafe, where Sara bought necklace then I decided not buy anything I do not need; 去了第二个桥,一路上都是shop,cafe,和shrine,环境比old town好一些;到达桥边,一片混乱,桥上两只牛顶来顶去,所有人都躲但不敢撵走,我也是躲在别人身后,终于过了桥去German bakery&cafe,很滑稽,German bakery has a fame here; then met a Swedish guy with his kundalini teacher from central India in the same table, he came aug. last year with injured back, now it is getting better; the teacher is half year in GOA and half in Rishikesh, told me GOA people are more open, here are more traditional. I asked him how vegetable life is treated, he talked a lot about consciousness not a good answer.
朝圣yatra5: 经历到天堂和地狱真实存在!Sarathji生日快乐! 朝圣yatra5: 经历到天堂和地狱真实存在!Sarathji生日快乐!我呆在那里恢复混乱环境造成的心绪,写了很长时间,喝了lemon ginger honey tea,大热天,竟然是火热的。
之后沿着对岸想走回去,看到目前为止最好的Ayurveda spa,也是最贵的2500rupee for 45 minutes,一般都是1000 for 1 hour,毕竟很干净,就决定做Shirodhara – A deeply soothing and rejuvenating treatment for the mind and nervous system. Therapeutic administration of a warm gentle stream of fluid over the head while lying in comfortable position.
我躺在那里,只感觉一股热流开始从第三眼向不同方向流淌,身上马上很多sensation,头部被轻轻按摩,重点都是头部,最后肩颈带过,非常喜欢印度ayurveda treatment,可以和mysore ashtanga和nutrition bar结合一起,that is something I want to do!!!
Stage 1: Ten preparatory cleansing treatments
Stage 2: Physician evaluation for individualized regimen
Stage 3: Physician supervised fasting and purging
Stage 4: Four more preparatory cleansing treatments
Stage 5: Four colon cleansing treatments – Ayurvedic Basti
Stage 6: Maintenance phase
朝圣yatra5: 经历到天堂和地狱真实存在!Sarathji生日快乐! 朝圣yatra5: 经历到天堂和地狱真实存在!Sarathji生日快乐!晚上走了一会,吃了我最爱的chickpea masala,但越走越黑,就做了tuktuk,10rupee到桥边,走回来正好是satsang,what a beautiful day!