Okay |
好的 |
Thanks |
谢谢 (脚步声轻轻的靠近) (脚下?}⑦破裂) (呼吸声) |
Victim's name is, uh, Aurelio Moreno |
受害人的性命是 阿鲁.莫刃 |
He's a successful Columbian importer |
他是一个 成功的哥伦比亚的出口商 |
This is obviously the seat of detonation right here |
这很明显是点火器 |
The shattering effect here indicates high explosive and blast |
这种颗粒效果 证明爆炸的威力很大 |
and frag pattern indicates that |
爆炸形成的图案 |
the explosive, uh, was packed up front |
指明了爆炸物 是装在前面的 |
Everything above the neck is blown away |
驩子以上的都炸飞了 |
Below remains intact |
下半身完好 |
Horatio, this isn't a great idea ... |
霍拉多,这可不是个好主意 |
Is everybody outside? |
大家都在外面? |
Yeah |
是的,好的 |
You should stand down let us work this one |
你应该退下去 让我们一起解决这个吧 |
This is a crime scene like any other |
这和别的罪案没有区别 |
We should at least wait for the M.E. to clear the bodies |
我们应该等法医来清理尸体 |
What I need you to do |
我需要你干的是 |
is I need to get everybody in here right now to process this |
我需要全部人进来处理这个 |
I want every hair, nail, fiber and every ounce of Al's blood recovered |
我需要每根头发,指甲,纤维 他的每一滴血回收 |
There are no other crime scenes in Miami today |
今天这里没有其它的罪案 |
Three types of damage here: |
这里有三种破坏: |
Frag from the container thermal effect from the release of gasses |
容器的碎片 气体导致的热效应 |
and blast pressure |
以及爆炸波 |
Potentially the most damaging |
最大破坏力的是 |
Blast pressure forces air outward in a shock front |
冲击波的压力使得 前面压力增大 |
of up to twenty-nine thousand feet per second |
达到29,000英尺每秒 |
When did you ever work a bomb scene? |
你什么在炸弹现场工作过 |
I happen to read books |
我只是读书比较多 |
Okay? |
好了吗? |
What does your book say ... about this? |
你的书是怎么说这个的? |
Blast pressure has two phases: |
爆炸压力有两种形式: |
positive and negative |
正面的和反面的 |
When the air is pushed outward |
当空气被推出去 |
it creates a vacuum in the center |
在中间会形成真空 |
So everything gets sucked back in |
所以东西都被吸了进来 |
It also means that the components from this device |
同样意味着 这个装置的零件 |
are still in this room |
还在这个房子里 |
They'rein a thousand pieces, but we should find them |
可能有近千件 但是我们要找到它们 |
So, Calleigh, let's find out |
卡丽,我们找吧 |
whohad access to the house |
谁能进这间房? |
Eric, we've got to find that ransom note |
爱瑞克,我们必须找到 绑匪的条子 |
And Speed, you Megan and I will look for the bomb |
斯皮德,你和綟跟 和我一起找炸弹 |
Find the bomb, find the bomber |
找到炸弹才能找到放炸弹的人 |
Bomber came in through an unlocked window |
皋昆申:炸弹的人 是从没有锁的窗子进来的 |
in the maid's room |
在女仆的房间那里 |
完整版请点击 |
Yesterday was her regular day off |
昨天是她放假的日子 |
Means the bomber knew their routine |
说明放炸弹的人 |
And Moreno's wife said |
知道他们的生活习惯 |
he liked to stay up late and watch TV |
莫刃的妻子说 他习惯看电视看到很晚 |
My guess is he got jumped right in the middle of Letterman |
我认为他正好碰到那个人了 |
"Top ten ways to get your head blown off." |
炸开你的头有10种方法 我很抱歉,我不是… |
I'm sorry, lieutenant.I didn't mean ... it's okay |
没问题 |
I also found some type of fabric on the frame |
我找到一些有架子的纤维 |
Let's get that to trace, all right? |
我们把这些交给翠丝吧 |
Isthis the note? |
这就是纸条? |
Yeah |
纸条上有新的痕迹 很少的血迹 |
Note's got some flash burns, minimal blood spatter |
纸条上有新的痕迹 很少的血迹 |
certainly readable |
我是说,这是个炸弹 |
I mean, "this is a bomb |
我是说,这是个炸弹 |
deliver $50,000 ... |
道勒: 5万? |
Fifty grand? |
他看了这里有多大吗? |
Did you see the size of that place? |
也许他已经问了10次之多 |
He could've asked for ten times that |
也许他已经问了10次之多 |
Let's get this to chemical processing |
我们把这些拿给化学化验 |
You got it, H |
好的 给你了 |
Are you okay? |
是的,我还行 |
Yeah, I'm fine |
是的,我还行 |
Horatio, what are you doing? |
霍拉多,你在干什么? |
I'm giving Al's wife his wedding ring back |
我交还阿尔的结婚介子 给他的妻子 |
That's evidence |
我知道 |
I know that |
你不能还给她 |
You can't just give it away |
你不能还给她 |
I'm not giving it away ... |
我知道 |
I'm giving it back |
但是我是还给她 |
Avulsive destruction of the face and frontal calvarium |
前额的头骨碎了 |
Thermal damage of the epidermis at the edges of the defect |
热效应导致的表皮党落 |
Thought I'd seen everything |
虽然我见过很多 |
I'm surprised he didn't take his head clean off |
我觉得很奇怪 为什么不是整个头掉下来 |
Yeah |
我知道了 |
I rushed tox |
在他身体内发现氯仿 |
Traces of chloroform in his system |
在他身体内发现氯仿 |
That's how the bomber |
给他带上项圈的 |
got the collar on him |
给他带上项圈的 |
You didn't know what hit you, did you, sugar? |
你不知道被什么击中 对吗 |
Rest of him doesn't look too bad considering |
其它人看起来很善解人意 |
Looks can be deceiving |
人不可貌相 |
My god ... |
我的天啊 |
what happened? |
白蝴蝶效应 |
"White Butterfly" effect |
压力过大会导致严重内伤 |
Pressure can cause massive internal damage |
压力过大会导致严重内伤 |
Lungs burst |
其它器官也受损 |
Other organs turn to soup |
其它器官也受损 |
How's Horatio holding up? |
霍拉多来跟怎么样 |
Fine |
好的 |
At least that's what he's telling me |
至少那是他告诉我的 |
He told me he wanted to be down here for Al |
他说他想要阿尔下来 |
For his post? |
为了他的职位吗 |
Yeah |
他说他可以解决 |
He said he could handle it |
他说他可以解决 |
What did you say to him? |
你跟他说了什么 |
Told him I didn't need him down here |
告诉他下面不需要他 |