

作者: xiaoke_donkey | 来源:发表于2022-03-09 08:03 被阅读0次


英文 中文
...A squall from the southeast (电台)…来自西南的暴风
Last night's severe thunderstorms 昨晚严重的风暴
... caused damage to oceanographic buoys in the Florida Straits 破坏海面的浮标…
I'm not working on my tan out here, fellas 我没有外出工作
The storms have dissipated …天气预报
...And the weather service has lifted the small craft advisory... 引起了人们的关注…
Ho, baby! 咳,宝贝
That's what I'm talking about! 那正是我是说的
- Yeah, yeah, yeah - Give it here 是啊,是啊
Come on 这儿来,来啊,快
Come on, baby 来啊,宝贝
Ain't no use in fighting 在打架 中那没有用 (笑声)
Come on 来啊
It was nip and tuck there for a while 那得乱一阵子 (笑声)
I think I'm a pretty strong guy 我认为我很帅
but I'm telling ya, that sucker hit that line! 不过我得说 那个混蛋不喜欢那个…
It was all over 一切都结束了
I said, "how am I gonna get this thing up?" 我说“我该如何是好?”
I'm struggling with it ... 我一直在斗争…
It's your fish, Chief 是你的鱼,长官
Sure is gonna look pretty on my wall 肯定看上去很漂亮
Just give it a good jab 干好点
and enjoy the ride up 干出色些
Oh! 哦!
What the hell was that? 那是什么? (呕吐) (照相声)
This all there is? 就这些了?
Yep. Rest of him's probably out there 是的,他其余的可能不在了
At least we have a hand 不过我们有证据了
So let me ask you a question 让我问你一个问题
You find human body parts in a shark 你在鲨鱼口中找到一部分人体
... is that murder? 是谋杀?
It is when we're looking for lead 正是时候 啊? 我们不会再被愚弄了 不会再被愚弄了 不,不
I think we're going to need a bigger body bag 我认为我们得拿个 大点的尸体袋子
If anybody can find one, it's you, Alexx 要是谁能找到一个的话 就是你了,阿雷斯
You got that right 你做得对
All right, fellas 好吧,弗拉斯
You heard the man. Bag him 你听说那个家伙了,抓住他
My shark now 又是我
I'm off to ruin a captain's day 我不会破坏船长的一天了
Everything is nautical, I get it 一切正常,我知道
What I want to know is, did you mark the catch? 我想知道的是,你做标记了吗?
Ten foot tiger shark? 10尺长的虎鲸
You bet your ass 胡说
nd that ten-foot tiger shark is now property 10尺长的虎鲸可是宝贝
of the Miami-Dade crime lab 是迈阿密犯罪实验室的
And by the way what kind of a global positioner is that? 什么样的全球定位?
I've got precise positioning 我得到了精确的位置
if that's what you're asking 如果是你想要的
"Precise positioning"? How'd you get that? “确切位置”怎么得到的?
The government? 政府?
I got friends 我有朋友
I called in a couple of favors 我请求帮助了
Lucky for us 我们真是幸运
You got Miami, Grand Bahamas, Cuba 你知道迈阿密,大巴哈马,古巴
About a hundred and seventy miles total distance 大概170英里
We hooked in right here, fourteen miles out 全部距离
About a hundred and seventy miles total distance 我们在
We hooked in right here, fourteen miles out 14英里外
About what time was that? 什么时间?
8:30 this morning 今早8:30
I shark fish 我是贪婪狡猾的人
I used to shark fish all the time 一直都是
I've never gone out in the day 我不会错过的
Yeah, well, we got a late start 哦,好的,我们行动晚了
There was a squall line pushing through 正有暴风来临
We couldn't chum or lay out any lines till sunrise 天亮前我们不能确定其路线
I'm gonna take this chart, too, if you don't mind 你要不介意,我带着表
Wait a minute 稍等
First you take my client's shark 首先带着我客人的鲨鱼
then you take my chart? 然后是我的表格
What do I get? 我有什么?
You get a pass on your illegal GPS unit 带上你的非法全球定位系统
Twenty-eight pounds, seven ounces 28磅7盎司
Boy or a girl, Alexx? 男的还是女的,阿雷斯
Don't rush me 别催我
Hmm.Gynecomastia 男子乳房发 育
Enlarged breast 隆过的胸部
Would signify female, but could also be male 可女可男
No armpit hair 没有腋毛
but pronounced hair on the knuckles 不过手上有明显的毛
So what are you saying? 你到底想说什么?
What I'm saying is, I'm not an anthropologist 我想说我不是人类学家
Could be a big woman or a small man 是个大个子女人吗? 或者小个子的
Let's get your DNA 看看你的DNA
Stippling and some GSR inside the wound 伤口里有皮肤导电率测量
The shot was fired at close range 离开枪距离很近
Que fue? 真的?
Ha.Lovely. I just got a look at that 真可爱,我来看看
tiger shark in the cooler 这个虎鲸
Liberal eaters, like Speedle 胃口真是很大
They'll eat anything as long as it's alive 只要活着他们就不停的吃
Alexx? 阿雷斯?
I heard 听到
Dermal ecchymosis around the teeth marks 牙齿周围有瘀斑
Capillaries inside the deltoid muscle are hemorrhagic 肌肉里的毛细管 有出血性休克
Blood was circulating at the time of the injury 受伤时血液在循环
That was like ringing the dinner bell 就像在摇动晚餐的铃声
Two thirds of the tiger sharks brain 鲸鱼2/3的大脑
is dedicated to processing scent 在追寻气味
Alexx, how long do you think the victim 阿雷斯,你认为受害者多久了
was in the shark's stomach? 在鲸鱼的胃中
Well,I'll have to test the levels of 哦,那得检测
regurgitative enzymes 脢的水平
Yeah,sharks regurgitate anything that they can't digest 鲸鱼吞噬,但不消化
Hmm. Like human bones 像人类的骨头
And metal 金属
Would you give me a times eight on this tattoo? 你会给我8次吗?
Interesting tat 有意思
Upside-down flag 反倒了的旗
Yes, that is the international symbol for distress, isn't it? 是的,是国际标志,不是吗?
And note the fish 做标记
It is the ancient symbol 古老的标记
for Christian resistance 为了基督教徒的复兴
Catholic leaders in Cuba also used it 古巴天主教的首领也用那个
for the anti-Castro rebellion 反对卡斯特罗的暴动
Which would mean that our vic was a political prisoner 什么说明了受害者是政治犯
Yup, and it also means that we could have a political mess 也意味着政治混乱
If he was living on U.S. Soil 要是他活在美国
hewould have been processed at Krome detention 他会被监禁
And his prints would be on file 档案上会有记录
But if he was on his way here, we've got nothing 不过要是正在途中 我们就什么也没有
He was making his way, though 尽管他在行动
He probably wasn't swimming 他可能不会游泳
Boat? 船?
That would be my guess. Speed? 可能,速度?
What have you got? 你知道什么?
Well ... he was from Cuba 他来自古巴
and he was making a freedom run 自由逃跑
Okay, hang on. You're way ahead of us 好,继续,你比我们想得远
Well, based on where the shark was caught 根据鲸鱼被抓住的地点
and simple geography 和地理知识
it's a straight shot from Matanzas 径直来自马但萨斯
or Villa Clara to Miami 或者从卡拉耳去迈阿密
You know what that means? 你知道以为著什么?
Elian 伊联
Our, uh, victim 我们的受害者
wasn't on the boat alone 一个人在船上
Okay.So, Speed, call the coast guard 好的,加油,呼叫海警
make a friend, and take Eric with you 做个朋友,带上爱里克
Aye, aye 好吧
You got something for me? 有我什么吗?
I got a question 有个问题
How old are you? 你多大了
Hmm. 45. Caliber round, right? 虚岁,是吧?
- See the rifling characteristics? - I do 看我的皱纹,是的
Now I've got a question for you 现在我也有一个问题
Do you think that's a Colt? 你认为是小雄驹吗?
I do 是的
So do I 我也这么认为
This guy was in a hurry 他饿了
Are you kidding? Look at that boat 开玩笑,看船
How are you doing? Eric Delko 你还好吗? 爱里克.德克
Tim Speedle, CSI Miami CSI,迈阿密
Martin, U.S. Coast Guard 马丁,美国海警
We got your call 我们接到了




