About what time was that? |
什么时间? |
8:30 this morning |
今早8:30 |
Mm-hmm |
哦 |
I shark fish |
我是贪婪狡猾的人 |
I used to shark fish all the time |
一直都是 |
I've never gone out in the day |
我不会错过的 |
Yeah, well, we got a late start |
哦,好的,我们行动晚了 |
There was a squall line pushing through |
正有暴风来临 |
We couldn't chum or lay out any lines till sunrise |
天亮前我们不能确定其路线 |
I'm gonna take this chart, too, if you don't mind |
你要不介意,我带着表 |
Wait a minute |
稍等 |
First you take my client's shark |
首先带着我客人的鲨鱼 |
then you take my chart? |
然后是我的表格 |
What do I get? |
我有什么? |
You get a pass on your illegal GPS unit |
带上你的非法全球定位系统 |
Twenty-eight pounds, seven ounces |
28磅7盎司 |
Boy or a girl, Alexx? |
男的还是女的,阿雷斯 |
Don't rush me |
别催我 |
Hmm.Gynecomastia |
男子乳房发 育 |
Enlarged breast |
隆过的胸部 |
Would signify female, but could also be male |
可女可男 |
No armpit hair |
没有腋毛 |
but pronounced hair on the knuckles |
不过手上有明显的毛 |
So what are you saying? |
你到底想说什么? |
What I'm saying is, I'm not an anthropologist |
我想说我不是人类学家 |
Could be a big woman or a small man |
是个大个子女人吗? 或者小个子的 |
Let's get your DNA |
看看你的DNA |
Stippling and some GSR inside the wound |
伤口里有皮肤导电率测量 |
The shot was fired at close range |
离开枪距离很近 |
Que fue? |
真的? |
Ha.Lovely. I just got a look at that |
真可爱,我来看看 |
tiger shark in the cooler |
这个虎鲸 |
Liberal eaters, like Speedle |
胃口真是很大 |
They'll eat anything as long as it's alive |
只要活着他们就不停的吃 |
Alexx? |
阿雷斯? |
I heard |
听到 |
Dermal ecchymosis around the teeth marks |
牙齿周围有瘀斑 |
Capillaries inside the deltoid muscle are hemorrhagic |
肌肉里的毛细管 有出血性休克 |
Blood was circulating at the time of the injury |
受伤时血液在循环 |
That was like ringing the dinner bell |
就像在摇动晚餐的铃声 |
Two thirds of the tiger sharks brain |
鲸鱼2/3的大脑 |
is dedicated to processing scent |
在追寻气味 |
Alexx, how long do you think the victim |
阿雷斯,你认为受害者多久了 |
was in the shark's stomach? |
在鲸鱼的胃中 |
Well,I'll have to test the levels of |
哦,那得检测 |
完整版请点击 |
regurgitative enzymes |
脢的水平 |
Yeah,sharks regurgitate anything that they can't digest |
鲸鱼吞噬,但不消化 |
Hmm. Like human bones |
像人类的骨头 |
And metal |
金属 |
Would you give me a times eight on this tattoo? |
你会给我8次吗? |
Interesting tat |
有意思 |
Hmm |
哦 |
Upside-down flag |
反倒了的旗 |
Yes, that is the international symbol for distress, isn't it? |
是的,是国际标志,不是吗? |
And note the fish |
做标记 |
It is the ancient symbol |
古老的标记 |
for Christian resistance |
为了基督教徒的复兴 |
Catholic leaders in Cuba also used it |
古巴天主教的首领也用那个 |
for the anti-Castro rebellion |
反对卡斯特罗的暴动 |
Which would mean that our vic was a political prisoner |
什么说明了受害者是政治犯 |
Yup, and it also means that we could have a political mess |
也意味着政治混乱 |
If he was living on U.S. Soil |
要是他活在美国 |
hewould have been processed at Krome detention |
他会被监禁 |
And his prints would be on file |
档案上会有记录 |
But if he was on his way here, we've got nothing |
不过要是正在途中 我们就什么也没有 |
He was making his way, though |
尽管他在行动 |
He probably wasn't swimming |
他可能不会游泳 |
Boat? |
船? |
That would be my guess. Speed? |
可能,速度? |
What have you got? |
你知道什么? |
Well ... he was from Cuba |
他来自古巴 |
and he was making a freedom run |
自由逃跑 |
Okay, hang on. You're way ahead of us |
好,继续,你比我们想得远 |
Well, based on where the shark was caught |
根据鲸鱼被抓住的地点 |
and simple geography |
和地理知识 |
it's a straight shot from Matanzas |
径直来自马但萨斯 |
or Villa Clara to Miami |
或者从卡拉耳去迈阿密 |
You know what that means? |
你知道以为著什么? |
Elian |
伊联 |
Our, uh, victim |
我们的受害者 |
wasn't on the boat alone |
一个人在船上 |
Okay.So, Speed, call the coast guard |
好的,加油,呼叫海警 |
make a friend, and take Eric with you |
做个朋友,带上爱里克 |
Aye, aye |
好吧 |
You got something for me? |
有我什么吗? |
I got a question |
有个问题 |
Shoot |
说 |
How old are you? |
你多大了 |
Hmm. 45. Caliber round, right? |
虚岁,是吧? |
- See the rifling characteristics? - I do |
看我的皱纹,是的 |
Now I've got a question for you |
现在我也有一个问题 |
Shoot |
说 |
Do you think that's a Colt? |
你认为是小雄驹吗? |
I do |
是的 |
So do I |
我也这么认为 |
This guy was in a hurry |
他饿了 |
Are you kidding? Look at that boat |
开玩笑,看船 |
How are you doing? Eric Delko |
你还好吗? 爱里克.德克 |
Tim Speedle, CSI Miami |
CSI,迈阿密 |
Martin, U.S. Coast Guard |
马丁,美国海警 |
We got your call |
我们接到了 |