Maruko 樱桃小丸子

作者: 勤劳的小蜜蜂V | 来源:发表于2020-03-18 22:15 被阅读0次

I recommend one useful APP 一点英语 to learn English. It meets  my requirement and attracts me so I spend more time on it rather than WeChat or News.

I have watch cartoon Maruko before and I found the English vesion, it is interesting and easy so I spend night time on it.

Maruko is a girl but act as a boy, she has her interesting things, thoughts and laziness, like you and me. but she has the big family who love her.

her father originally want a boy finnally a girl. her grandpa is kind and good to buy gifts or food to her. she is lucky.

whenever I watch the cartoon, it always bring me happiness and gratification.



    本文标题:Maruko 樱桃小丸子
