作者: 微笑的小鱼99 | 来源:发表于2019-02-22 08:39 被阅读32次


Nightfall came suddenly

The sun was shining so bright that day

I met you again and heart your story

My mind tuned down to the lowest level 

I felt betrayed and so very lonely

It was cold in the heat

My heart started to beat a false tune

When I knew my life became a ruin

No need for me to see a ghost

I had become one myself to the most

No cure no remedy will be good

And in the world no friends to understood

The story was one many have heart before

You will leave my freedom and more

But I want to be in your prison here

You be my guard and control the atmosphere

No need to breathe fresh air every day

I like your body odor and want you to stay

Feel your skin and touch your hair

You will be my reason in times of despair

But now you have turned your back on me

Have my tears even impressed you more than she

Or was I just your toy to play around

A puppet that made a silly sound

I do not believe it because when you came by

And told your story so we both did cry

The feeling it will last for ever

Cam over me and left me never

What can I do this moment, wait and see 

Till you will find to explain all to me

Did I waist my precious time on you

Or do you still love me to

Arnaud van der Veere 




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