Recenly Shanghai enters into plum rain season, so I stayed at home reading during the past weekend. I read the masterpiece of The Storied Life of A.J.Fikry.

岛上书店是间维多利亚风格的小屋,门廊上挂着褪色的招牌,上面写着: 没有谁是一座孤岛,每本书都是一个世界。 A.J.费克里,人近中年,在一座与世隔绝的小岛上,经营一家书店。 命运从未眷顾过他,爱妻去世,书店危机,就连唯一值钱的宝贝也遭窃。他的人生陷入僵局,他的内心沦为荒岛。 就在此时,一个神秘的包袱出现在书店中,意外地拯救了陷于孤独绝境中的A.J.,成为了连接他和小姨子伊斯梅、警长兰比亚斯、出版社女业务员阿米莉娅之间的纽带,为他的生活带来了转机。 小岛上的几个生命紧紧相依,走出了人生的困境,而所有对书和生活的热爱都周而复始,愈加汹涌。
The store of Island Books is equippted with Victorian style with a faded sign hung at the porch, saying: No one is an island; everyone is a world. Mr. A.J.Fikry, at his middle age, runs a bookstore at an isolated island. Furtune has never falled on him - his wife died, the store is facing crisis, even the only precious asset has been stolen. He is in dilemma, and his heart is like a desert. Just at this time, a mysterious package appears in his store, which accicdently saved depetate Mr. A.J.Fikry and became the link to connect his wife's elder sister Ismay, the police Lambiase, the woman clerk Amelia from publishing house, thus bringing turns to his life. The several people of the island are closedly connected, and finally they all walk out of plights of their life and everyone's love for life and books are on the rise……
Classic sentences:
01 没有谁是一座孤岛,每本书都是一个世界。
No one is an island; every person is a world.
02 生活中每一桩糟糕事,几乎都是时机不当的结果,而每件好事,都是时机恰到好处的结果。
Almost very terrible thing in life is due to the bad time, while every good thing is because of the right time.
03 因为从心底害怕不值得被爱,我们独来独往,然而就是因为独来独往,才让我们以为自己不值得被爱。有一天,你不知道是什么时候,你会驱车上路。有一天,你不知道是什么时候,你会遇到他(她)。你会被爱,因为你今生第一次真正不再孤单。你会选择不再孤单下去。
Because we are afriad from our inner heart that we are not worth being loved, we stay alone, which in turn lead us to think that we are not worth being loved. One day, you don't know when, you will set out. One day, you don't know when, you will meet him or her. You will be loved, because it's the first time that you don't feel lonely. You will choose not to be alone.
In the end, I'd like to quote a sentence from the book: There is the toughest year in everyone's life, but we are able to overcome it and transform our life to be one full of fantastic stories.
ps: 上一篇是第一次写英文觉得很有意思,今后可能会多尝试。虽然原书有英译本,还是想自己试着翻一下,全当是练习翻译。
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