

作者: xiaoke_donkey | 来源:发表于2022-04-06 08:51 被阅读0次


    英文 中文
    Got you! 逮个正着
    Now look here... 喂 等等
    But mum! 可是夫人
    Close the window,John. 关窗 约翰
    To Sherlock Holmes,she was always "the woman," 夏洛克福尔摩斯始终称呼她为那位女人
    the beautiful Irena Adler of dubious and questionable memory. 美丽的艾琳艾德勒 留在他模糊朦胧的记忆中
    At the time of our involvement in the Irena Adler case, 我们开始插手艾琳艾德勒案之时
    Holmes and I had been sharing rooms in Baker Street 福尔摩斯和我在贝克街
    for some years. 共居多年了
    My practice had caused me to be absent in the country 因为行医 我离家去乡间
    for several days. 小住了几日
    As usual,after leaving Holmes for any length of time, 照例 不管离开福尔摩斯多久
    I returned filled with apprehension as to his mood. 每当回家 我都为他的情绪担忧
    Oh,hello,Mrs. Hudson. 你好 哈德森夫人
    Dr. Watson,just look at you,half soaked to the skin! 华生医生 瞧瞧你 都湿透了
    Yes,well,I am not surprised, 那就对了
    I have just spent 20 minutes standing in the pouring rain 我在瓢泼大雨中站了20分钟
    waiting for a cab. 就为等辆马车
    It won't do that old wound of yours any good 当心你的旧伤
    getting so wet,Doctor. 医生 淋这么湿
    I know. 我知道
    I'll just take this coat and your hat 大衣和帽子给我
    and see that they're properly dried. 一定要好好烘干
    Mrs. Hudson,I haven't eaten all day. 哈德森太太 我饿了一天了
    I do hope supper will be up very soon. 真希望马上开饭
    That's very doubtful. 这可难说
    I don't know what's come over Mr. Holmes, 不知福尔摩斯先生怎么了
    he seems to be all on edge. 他好像紧张得要命
    I'm not to bring up supper until I'm called. 等他叫我 再送晚饭上去
    Those are his orders. 他下的命令
    Thank you,Mrs. Hudson. 谢谢你 哈德森太太
    My dear Holmes, 我亲爱的福尔摩斯
    what is it tonight,morphine or cocaine? 今晚是什么 吗啡还是可卡因?
    Well,I can strongly recommend 啊 我强烈推荐
    a seven percent solution of cocaine. 百分之七的可卡因溶液
    Would you care to try it? 你想试一试吗?
    No,indeed! 算了吧
    I speak not only as your friend,but as a medical man. 我不仅作为朋友 而且作为医生跟你说
    How can you risk such damage to the great powers 你怎么能如此戕害
    with which you have been endowed?! 你天赋的卓越能力
    I cannot tell you 我难以形容
    how it clarifies and stimulates the mind. 它多么提神醒脑
    Yes,and destroys it in time! 是 最后把头脑毁掉
    My mind rebels at stagnation. 我的头脑讨厌停滞状态
    Give me problems,give me work, 给我问题 给我工作
    give me the most abstruse cryptogram, 给我最艰深的密码
    the most intricate analysis,and I'm in my proper atmosphere. 最复杂的分析 我才最在状态
    Then I can dispense with artificial stimulants. 那就能省掉人工的兴奋剂
    But I abhor the dull routine of existence. 但我憎恨一潭死水的生活
    I crave mental exultation. 我渴望精神上的兴奋
    That is why I have chosen my own profession, 因此我才选择这行
    or rather created it, 或者说创造这行
    for I am the only one in the world. 因为我是世上唯一一个
    The only unofficial detective. 唯一的私家侦探
    The only unofficial consulting detective. 唯一的私家咨询侦探
    I take no credit in my cases. 我办案不求名声
    The work itself, 工作本身
    the pleasure of finding a field for my particular powers 发挥我特殊能力的快乐
    is my highest reward. 才是最高奖励
    You can close that drawer. 你可以把抽屉合上了
    You have made the wrong diagnosis,Doctor! 你诊断错了 医生
    I have my stimulant here. 兴奋剂在这里
    I hope you enjoyed your week in the country. 希望你在乡间过得愉快
    It was good for the appetite. 至少让胃口很好
    Incidentally,I do wish you would ring for supper. 顺便说 我真希望你打铃叫晚饭了
    What is this? 这是什么?
    Yes,I must get ready for my visitor. 对 我在等客人
    It came by the morning post. 随早班邮件过来的
    Give me your observations. 讲讲你的观察
    Well,it's undated and without either signature or address. 它没标日期 也没有签名或地址
    Good,read it aloud. 很好 大声读
    "Dear Mr. Holmes: "亲爱的福尔摩斯先生"
    There will call upon you tonight at a quarter to eight "今晚七时三刻 将有"
    a gentleman who..." "某君前来"
    good heavens,we've only a few minutes,Holmes. 天 就差几分钟了 福尔摩斯
    Go on. 继续
    "A gentleman who desires to consult with you "某君前来商谈"
    upon a matter of the very deepest moment. "至关重要之事"
    Your recent services to one of the royal houses of Europe "阁下近来为欧洲某王室效力"
    have shown that you are one who may be safely trusted "证明阁下足堪信赖"
    with matters which are of an importance "可以难以言喻之"
    which can hardly be exaggerated. "重大事务相托"
    This account of you we have from all quarters received, "此种传述 广播四方 我等知之甚稔"
    be in your chamber then. " "届时望勿外出"
    Good-good heavens,this is a mystery,indeed. 天 还真是神秘啊
    What do you imagine it means? 你想这是什么意思?
    I have no data yet. 我还没有事实
    It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data. 没有事实妄加推测 那是大忌
    But the note itself, 但就便条本身
    what do you deduce from it? 你能推断些什么?
    It's a man's writing. 是男人的字迹
    Good. 很好
    Presumably well-to-do,it's expensive paper,this. 大概很有钱 这纸很贵
    It's peculiarly strong and stiff. 纸质结实挺括得出奇
    Peculiar,that is the very word. 出奇 正是这样
    It is not English paper at all. 这不是英国造的纸
    Hold it up to the light. 举起对光看看
    Ah,large E,small g,large P,and G 啊 大写的E 小写的g 大写的P和G
    with a small t woven into the texture. 还有个小t 交织在一起
    And that is? 所以呢?
    Maker's monogram. 制造者的花押印
    Excellent,Watson! 漂亮 华生
    Come along! 过来
    Let us consult our continental gazetteer. 我们来查查<大陆地名词典>
    Your cigars; you see,I was not unmindful of your return. 你的雪茄 你瞧 我可没忘了你要回来
    Oh,Holmes! 哦 福尔摩斯
    Would you care for some whiskey? 来点威士忌吗?
    Later,perhaps,when we've eaten. 等会 晚餐再说吧
    The monogram is an abbreviation for Papier Gesellschaft, 花押是Papier Gesellschaft的缩写
    which is the German for "paper company. " 德文里的"造纸公司"
    And the Eg,Eglow,Eglonitz,Egria, 而Eg Eglow Eglonitz Egria
    a German-speaking district of Bohemia 说德语的波希米亚区
    noted for its numerous glass factories 有大批玻璃作坊
    and paper mills,there. 和造纸厂 看
    Bohemia,the kingdom of Bohemia. 波希米亚 波希米亚王国
    And the note is written by a German. 便条是个德国人写的
    You see,"this account of you 你看 "此种传述"
    we have from all quarters received," "广播四方 我等知之甚稔"
    only a German is so uncourteous to his words. 只有德国人这么乱用词句
    So we are to expect a German from Bohemia. 所以客人是波希米亚的德国人
    Here he is, 他来了
    drawn by a pair,a nice little brougham. 乘漂亮的两驾小马车
    There's money in this case,Watson,if there's nothing else. 这案子至少有赚头 如果没别的
    Holmes,I think your visitor will want me out of the way. 福尔摩斯 客人来了我还是回避吧
    Not a bit,Doctor,stay where you are! 绝对不用 医生 呆在这
    I am lost without my Boswell. 我可离不开我的传记作家
    But he sounded so secretive. 可他说得那么秘密
    I may need your help,and so may he. 我可能需要你帮助 他也是
    Now,stay in that armchair,and give me your full attention. 在椅子里坐好 集中精神听
    Here he comes. 他来了
    I'm sorry,sir, 抱歉 先生
    but you cannot come in here unannounced like this! 你不能就这么闯进来
    Mr. Holmes does not see anybody without appointment! 福尔摩斯先生不见未预约的客人
    Oh,I'm so sorry,Mr. Holmes! 哦 我很抱歉 福尔摩斯先生
    There was nothing I could do! 我拦不住他
    It's perfectly all right,Mrs. Hudson! 完全没关系 哈德森夫人
    If you would kindly leave us. 请您先离开
    Yes. 好的
    And close the door. 关上门
    Of course. 当然
    Thank you. 谢谢
    You read my note? 你收到信了?
    Yes. Pray take a seat! 是的 请坐下
    This is my friend and colleague,Dr. Watson, 我的朋友和同事 华生医生
    who is occasionally good enough to help me in my cases! 他偶尔好心地帮我办案
    How do you do,sir. 您好 先生
    Who do I have the honor to address? 请问您怎么称呼?
    You may address me as the Count Von Kramm,a Bohemian nobleman. 你可以叫我冯克拉伯爵 波希米亚贵族
    I should much prefer to communicate with you alone. 我更愿意和您单独谈
    No,it is both,or none. 要谈一起谈 要么拉倒
    You may say before this gentleman 当着这位先生
    anything which you may wish to say to me. 您想对我说的都可以说
    Very well,I take your word 好吧 我暂且信你
    that he is a man of honor and discretion. 当他是谨慎有荣誉的人
    But I must begin by binding you both to absolute secrecy 但我得先跟二位约定保守秘密
    for a period of two years. 为期两年
    Indeed? 是吗
    At the end of that time 期满之后
    the matter will be of no importance. 这事就无关紧要了
    At present it is of such weight 目前 它的分量
    that it may have an influence upon European history. 足以影响欧洲历史进程
    I promise. 保证遵约
    And I. 我也是
    You will excuse this mask. 你们不会介意这面具吧
    The august person who employs me 我尊贵的雇主
    wishes his agent to be unknown to you. 不愿让你们见到他的代理人
    In fact,I may confess that the title I have given you 实际上 我承认刚才所报的
    is not exactly my own. 并不是我真的头衔
    I was aware of that. 这我知道
    The circumstances are of great delicacy; 情况十分微妙
    every precaution must be taken to prevent an immense scandal 得不惜一切代价防止丑闻发生
    which would seriously compromise 不然它会严重危及
    one of the royal houses of Europe. 欧洲王室之一
    To speak plainly, 坦率说
    the matter concerns the great House of Ormstein, 此事关系到奥姆斯坦家族
    hereditary kings of Bohemia. 波希米亚世袭国王
    I was aware of that,too,your Majesty. 这我也知道 陛下
    You are right... 你说得对
    I am the King. 我就是国王
    Why should I attempt to conceal it? 我何必隐瞒呢?




