

作者: xiaoke_donkey | 来源:发表于2022-04-04 12:17 被阅读0次


    英文 中文
    Hello. 你好
    Just tell me what's happened. 你就说出什么事了
    And what is it? 到底什么事
    I'll be right down. 我就下来
    What's happened? 怎么了
    Susannah. 苏珊娜
    Susannah? 苏珊娜
    Princess Susannah. 苏珊娜公主
    Is she all right? 她没事吧
    Don't know. 不知道
    Don't kill me. 别杀我
    Please don't kill me. 求你别杀我
    Read the statement. 照着念
    Yes. All right. 好好的
    On this screen? 屏幕上的
    That is correct. 是的
    I'm Susannah 我是苏珊娜
    Duchess of Beaumont. 博蒙特女公爵
    Popularly known as Princess Susannah. 即大家熟知的苏珊娜公主
    I am in a place you... er... 我现在在...你们
    cannot find, held by one you will not trace. 找不到的地方被一个无法追踪的人挟持了
    Prime Minister Michael Callow... 迈克尔?卡洛首相
    Prime Minister Michael Callow my life... 迈克尔?卡洛首相我的性命...
    My life depends on you. 我的性命握在你手中
    If you do not do precisely as instructed by, um... 如果你不遵照指示采取行动...
    by 4pm this afternoon, I will be... 到下午四点我就会...
    I will be executed. 被行刑
    Please. 求你了
    What are you doing? Keep it going. 干什么继续放
    Prime Minister, at this point, I think it's important to say 首相先生这里我必须向您说明
    that we are 100% certain 我们百分之百肯定
    that this is, indeed, 这确实是
    Princess Susannah. 苏珊娜公主
    Her car was intercepted shortly after midnight, 她的车于午夜时分被劫持
    returning from the wedding of a college friend. 当时她刚参加完大学好友的婚礼
    She'd insisted on going. 她坚持要去参加
    But you had security on her? 可你给她派了保镖啊
    Two PPOs, still unconscious. 两名皇家保镖目前仍处于昏迷中
    Heavy sedative, close range, 大量镇静剂近距离注射
    each with a single puncture wound. 每人身上都有一处针孔
    No sign of struggle. 没有打斗痕迹
    What do they want? Money? 他们想要什么钱
    Release the Jihadi? 释放圣战人员
    Scrap Third World debt? 免除第三世界的债务
    Save the fucking libraries? 拯救他妈的图书馆
    We are convinced both the video 我们已经证实这个视频
    and the demand it contains are genuine. 和其中的要求都是真实的
    What demand? 什么要求
    What Susannah says next... 苏珊娜接下来要说的...
    It concerns you directly, sir. 直接与您相关先生
    Just play it. 放吧
    There is only one demand, and it is a simple one. 我们只有一个要求简简单单的要求
    At 4pm this afternoon, 下午四点
    Prime Minister Michael Callow 迈克尔?卡洛首相
    must appear on live British television 必须出现在英国电视直播上
    on all networks, terrestrial and satellite, 包括所有电视网络地面网络和卫星网络
    and... No! 并且不
    On all British networks, terrestrial and satellite, 所有英国电视网络地面网络和卫星网络
    and have full unsimulated sexual intercourse with a pig. 完整真实地与一头猪发生性关系
    I don't understand! 我不明白
    The video ends with a series of technical 视频最后播放了一系列
    specifications for the broadcast. 直播技术说明
    Why are you doing this? 为什么搞这些
    Is this joke, right? 开玩笑的吧
    Mike! Ho ho. 迈克真好笑
    It's real. 是真的
    She said pig. 她说了猪
    Sex with a pig. 和猪性交
    They want me to have sex with a pig? 他们要我去上一头猪
    Live on television 电视直播
    this afternoon. 今天下午
    But what...? Who...? 可这...是谁...
    We're checking with embedded operatives, compiling a list of suspects. 我们正在通过线人收集嫌疑人
    Meanwhile, the demand has been made. 但是这个要求已经提出了
    There's not long to formulate our response. 容我们做出回应的时间并不多
    Well, I'm not fucking a pig! 我是不会去上猪的
    Page one, that's not happening. 先说清楚绝对不会
    Of course. 当然
    Absolutely, sir. 当然先生
    Well, have we established a dialogue with this...? 我们有没有跟这个...对话
    We can't. There's no e-mail address, no code word. 没法对话没电子邮件地址没代码
    No channel for negotiation. 没任何谈判途径
    So we focus on finding Susannah. We get her back. 那就集中精力找苏珊娜务必把她救回来
    However it's done, I don't care. We stop this now. 不管采取什么手段这事必须马上解决
    I assure you everyone's working towards this. 我向您保证所有人都在全力奋战
    Yes. No. Not everyone. 好不不必所有人
    A dedicated core team. This can't go wide. 特别行动小组这事不能传开了
    Keep it so far from the press. It's on the other side of Jupiter. 务必对媒体保密媒体太可怕了
    This only exists in this room. 这事只允许这间屋子里的人知晓
    It's already outside it. 已经传到外面了
    If there are hacks sniffing around, 如果有黑客入侵
    shut them down, bright, red, D Notice. 堵住他们的嘴说是最高国防机密
    Super fucking Godzilla injunction with ten-inch Whitehall fangs! 散布出去就会有身高千丈的大怪兽横扫英国
    This video came from YouTube. 这个视频是从Youtube上看到的
    What? 什么
    It was uploaded via an encrypted IP an hour ago. 一小时前用一个加密IP上传的
    Well, get it off there! 赶紧和谐掉啊
    We did after nine minutes, 上传九分钟后就被删除了
    but that was long enough for it to be downloaded, 但这足以使其被下载
    duplicated and spread. 复制并流传开来
    Spread? How many people have seen this? 流传有多少人看过
    We take down one, six clones immediately pop up elsewhere. 撤下一段视频立刻就有六段被其他人上传
    How many people? 有多少人
    50,000. That's our current estimate. 五万这是目前的估计
    The news rooms have got it. 电视台也收到了
    They're running this on air? 他们播放了吗
    No. We put a Type Five D Notice out immediately 没有我们立刻发出第五类D通告
    and they're complying. 他们同意合作
    For now. 暂时而已
    It's trending on Twitter. 已经是推特上的热门话题了
    For... Fucking internet! 见鬼的互联网
    What now? What's the play book? 现在怎么办应急流程是什么
    This is virgin territory, Prime Minister. 这种状况还是第一次出现首相
    There's no play book. 没有流程可参照
    Princess Susannah's been kidnapped! 苏珊娜公主被绑架了
    You scared the shit out of me! 你瞎咋呼啥
    There's a Youtube of it! 都传到Youtube上了
    Go to work! 上班去吧
    ...and satellite... ...和卫星网络
    ..And have full unsimulated sexual intercourse with a pig. 完整真实地与一头猪发生性关系
    No way. It's a piss take, man. Look at it! 假的肯定是伪造的你瞧
    I don't understand! 我不明白
    Why this is on the news? 怎么没上新闻呢
    ..Carlton Bloom's controversial exhibition 而在泰特现代美术馆举办的
    at Tate Modern closes three weeks ahead of schedule... ' 极富争议的卡尔顿?布鲁姆展览提前三周谢幕
    How do we describe it? "An indecent act"? 我们用什么词啊"不雅行为"吗
    Everyone's seen the video. They already know the full details. 大家都看到视频了都知道细节
    If we mention bestiality, OFCOM would be seriously pissed off. 若提到人兽性交通信局肯定会找麻烦
    OFCOM: 英国通信界的独立监管机构
    Fuck OFCOM! 去他的通信局
    We're still observing the D Notice. 我们要遵守D通告
    But surely we're going to do something. 但总得报道点什么吧
    We are honouring the D Notice. 以D通告为准
    The voluntary D Notice! D通告是非强制的
    It may be a sportsman-like gesture but we are making it. 话虽如此我们还是要遵守
    A woman's life is at stake! 一个女人的生命危在旦夕
    We follow the procedure. 我们要守规矩
    My timeline consists of 100% viewers 我的主页上全是观众在问我们
    asking why we're not covering it. How do I reply? 为什么没播这新闻我怎么回答
    You don't. 不要回答
    That is totally backwards. 这也太窝囊了
    No-one else has broken rank. 没一家电视台在报道
    Not the Beeb, not Sky, not... BBC和天空广播都没...
    I hear Facebook's coverage is pretty comprehensive! 我听说Facebook收视群可比他们多
    That maybe... 也许是...
    It's like 9/11's happening and 就好像发生了911
    we're broadcasting sandwich recipes. 我们却在报道食谱
    We're not a chat room! 我们可不是聊天室
    It's on CNN and FOX. CNN播了还有FOX
    And MSNBC, Al Jazeera, NHK... 还有MSNBC半岛电视台和NHK
    All right. 行行
    God! This planet! 天啊全世界都疯了
    OK, Sarah, cover the snatch itself. 萨拉你报道绑架一事
    Damon, public reaction. 达蒙负责大众的反映
    Meera, the royal angle, upcoming marriage, etc. 米拉则是皇室那边比如接下来的婚礼
    Simon, set tone with Standards and Practices. 西蒙与内容核准部确认下文稿规范
    We need to explain this 要用恰当的方式播报
    without viewers sicking up their Weetabix. 不能让观众觉得恶心
    Lorcan, the internet aspect, new paradigm, 洛肯负责网络和新型媒体
    Twitter, Arab spring, all that. 推特啊信息革命啊什么的
    Bibo, Dan, all graphics run past me. 毕博和丹所有图片都要经我审阅
    Keep it functional... no Peppa Pigs. 都干起来不准偷懒
    Malaika, update the princess obit VT. 玛莱卡你去更新下公主的讣告录像
    The Obit VT? 讣告录像
    Mm-hm. First, an awkward phone call. 对得先打个尴尬的电话
    Least I can do is warn Tom. 至少得告诉汤姆一声
    We put a D Notice on it. 这事可是下达了D通告的
    It's gone global, Tom. 是全球性新闻了汤姆
    - Don't. - I can't do anything... -不要播-我也没办法...
    - I'm begging you.- You're begging me... -我求你了-你求我...
    Don't run it, Martin. 不要播马丁
    Look, I'm sorry. I can't help you. 听着我很抱歉但我帮不了你
    You know how much help you're getting hereon in? 你以后还想让我帮你挖新闻吗
    Multiply nothing by shit-all! UKN is dead to us! 做你妈的白日梦UKN死去吧
    Shove it up your ass you fucking... 回家玩蛋去吧臭贱人
    Interesting. 真有意思




