
作者: 果大喵喵 | 来源:发表于2018-12-15 15:25 被阅读6次

#Another me


We are more tolerant with our own ideas and those compatible with ours. Yet are much more nitpicking with and more demanding standard for those disagree with ours. We cherish our arguments and those we agree with, despite of the truth of inconsistencies, contradictions, and outrageous overstatements.

Do you really have found truth? None continues searching after found. It is when we think we are smart, once we think we have already have a truth, we stop looking.

Evaluate our judgements criteria and apply them consistently.

Self-improvement, not self-esteem.

“Behold, thou has made my days as an handbreadth; and mine age is as nothing before thee: verily every man at his best state is altogether vanity. Selah.”


Achievement Massive_Katti 果大喵喵


under the line is scoring late today, but never give up. I don't know how to decide when encounter the choices, but wait in patient and with positive hopes.


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