
作者: 果汁小姐 | 来源:发表于2017-03-23 18:11 被阅读59次



A plane flew over the sky, in the city of sky,

as we were standing still in the raining twilight.

Now I stay in the foreign land,

with the memories about you keeping flickering at night

I want to come back to the old days when we were filled with joy yet kept silent.

The memories about you is looming large with the city of sky crying

Love is nothing but the  fart of life,

consistently torturing me and you.

My baby girl, the Spanish pancake you gave to me,

melted me sweetly,  with the city of sky crying,

My baby girl, the sweet romantic love once existed between us

now wildly tears me apart,with the city of sky crying

My baby girl, the Spanish pancake you gave to me,

melted me sweetly,  with the city of sky crying,

My baby girl, the sweet romantic love once existed between us

now wildly tears me apart,with the city of sky crying

Someone dropped by there, and told me when he came back that

the city of sky was crying, and you was breathless.

Now I stay in the foreign land,

missing a girl fading away in my memory at night.



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