
作者: 鱼目逗珠 | 来源:发表于2019-02-07 09:53 被阅读0次


Te Ching Chapter Fifty-seven

Govern a nation with the right principle,

Fight a battle with the tactics of surprise,

Rule over the world with peace and natural effort.

How do I know that this so?

By the following:

The more prohibitions that are imposed on people,

The poorer the people become.

The more sharp weapons the people possess,

The greater is the chaos in the country.

The more clever and crafty the people become,

The more unusual affairs occur.

The more laws and regulations that exist,

The more thieves and brigands appear.

Hence, the saint declares:

I act effortlessly with the Way of Tao,

Thus, people transform themselves naturally.

I love tranquility and peach,

Thus, people naturally follow the right Way.

I do not exhaust people with labor,

Thus, people naturally are wealthy.

I have no personal desires,

Thus, people naturally are innocent and simple.


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