那一碗河南烩面 Henan Taste Stewed Noodl

那一碗河南烩面 Henan Taste Stewed Noodl

作者: loislane007 | 来源:发表于2021-01-29 10:07 被阅读0次


Yesterday, I had a bowl of stewed noodle, Henan local taste, of that my homesick taste, and I shared a photo of that bowl of stewed noodle in my WeChat circle. A wise of my hero put a post: What always attracts you is that bowl of stewed noddle,wherever you go!  Sure it is!


Yesterday,my younger sister and I went to Huangpu, we asked a guy how to get the underway station nearby while we were waiting for the traffic lights at a cross, the guy  pointed us the way and talked to us" Are you from Henan?", I surprisingly learn that there are many many people from Henan living in Huangpu from the talk.

海珠区怡乐路上有一家河南餐馆,还是经我一位广州本地的朋友带我去的,我后来又跟我家人去过。这家餐馆生意很好,90%的食客都是河南人,而其中大都是的士司机,他们都是冲着那碗烩面去的。 而那10%的我从他们的气场上判定他们绝对不是河南人的人,他们绝对是因为喜欢河南人才来吃河南菜的。

There is a Henan food restaurant located on Yile Rood in Haizhu, I know it from a native Guangzhou friend who led me there the first time, after then I went there with my family casually. It is good busy, 90% eaters are Henan people,most are taxi drivers, they are there only for that bowl of noodle, quickly cooked, the 10% eaters, I can tell they are not Henan people, they enjoy Henan food might because they like Henan people first.


Several years ago, my younger sister took me to Tangxia residential community, Tianhe, it is like the Chinatown overseas! People walking on the street, shops, restaurants, bring the style of Henan, which I can tell only, even I do believe the earth on the wall are carried by Henan people from their homeland. 


However,my best Henan food restaurant in Guangzhou is "Henan Renjia", located on Tianhe Road N., Tianhe. The restaurant serves almost all kinds of Henan tastes all the year. That bowl of noodle is of course my best love, tunnel oven-baked wheat cake with sesame, the steamed vegetables with wheat powder, fried sweet patato jelly, hot pepper soup .... are my other best loves. The funny thing is the boss of this restaurant is not a Henan people! 


A Henanese, I am.


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    本文标题:那一碗河南烩面 Henan Taste Stewed Noodl
