day13-The road less traveled

作者: 汉灿 | 来源:发表于2019-02-26 20:54 被阅读7次

                This feeling of being valuable is a cornerstone of self-discipline because when one considers oneself valuable one will take care of oneself in all ways that are necessary.Self-discipline is self-caring.For instance--since we are discussing the process of delaying gratification,of scheduling and ordering time--let us examine the matter of time.If we feel ourselves valuable,then we will feel our time to be valuable,and if we feel our time to be valuable,then we will want to use it well.The financial analyst who procrastinated did not value her time.If she had,she would not have allowed herself to spend most of her day so unhappily and unproductively.It was not without consequence for her that throughout her childhood she was "farmed out" during all school vacations to live with paid foster parents although her parents could have taken care of her perfectly well had they wanted to. They did not value her.They did not want to care for her.So she grew up feeling herself to be of little value,not worth caring for;therefore she did not care for herself.She did not feel she was worth disciplining herself.Despite the fact that she was an intelligent and competent woman she required the most elementary instruction in self-discipline because she lacked a realistic assessment of her own worth and the value of her own time.Once she was able to perceive her time as being valuable,it naturally followed that she wanted to organize it and protect it and make maximum use of it.




        本文标题:day13-The road less traveled
