唐代仕女“复活”了 喊你吃汤圆!网友:抱抱想吃又怕胖的自己...

唐代仕女“复活”了 喊你吃汤圆!网友:抱抱想吃又怕胖的自己...

作者: 英语学习社 | 来源:发表于2018-03-02 20:36 被阅读11次



    Tang Dynasty 'court lady' goes viral online


    Photos showing a model dressed as a court lady in the Tang Dynasty (618-907) with exaggerated[1] facial expressions and enjoyingyuanxiao, glutinous rice dumplings[2] for the Lantern Festival, went viral on the Chinese Internet. The Tang Dynasty's standard of beauty leaned towards voluptuous[3], well-rounded figures. The nine photos with hilarious[5] captions[6] were forwarded nearly 5,000 times on Sina Weibo.

    [1]exaggerated:made to seem larger, better, worse or more important than it really is or needs to be 夸张的;夸大的;言过其实的

    [2]glutinous:sticky 黏的,同sticky

    Short-grain rice turns into a soft, glutinous mass when cooked.


    sticky:made of or covered with a substance that stays attached to any surface it touches 黏性的;黏的;涂有黏胶的

    a sticky mess


    这个粘性也可以用来形容人们会停留很长时间的网站或商店,英文解释为“used to describe a website or shop where people like to spend a long time”

    另外,sticky还有(天气)湿热的,闷热的含义,英文解释为“If the weather is sticky, it is very hot and the air feels wet.”

    [3]voluptuous [və'lʌptʃʊəs]


    指(女人)性感的,肉感的,丰满的,英文解释为“A voluptuous woman has a soft, curved, sexually attractive body.”如“a voluptuous body/mouth/figure”可译作“性感的身体/嘴唇/身材”

    令人愉悦的;令人舒服的;满足感官的,英文解释为“A voluptuous experience or object gives you a lot of pleasure because it feels extremely soft and comfortable or it sounds or looks extremely beautiful.”如“such voluptuous pleasure”可译作“如此舒适的享受”

    [4]well-rounded也可表示“丰满的”,英文解释为“pleasantly round in shape”,另外常用的含义是“全面的;多方面的”,英文解释为“involving or having experience in a wide range of ideas or activities”,如“The article is well-rounded and is fair to both sides of the dispute.”,译为“这是一篇分析很全面的文章,对分歧的双方都很公平。”

    [5]hilarious:extremely funny and causing a lot of laughter 非常滑稽的,引人发笑的

    He didn't like the film at all - I thought it was hilarious.


    [6]caption,这里指“图片的说明文字”,“a short piece of text under a picture in a book, magazine, or newspaper that describes the picture or explains what the people in it are doing or saying”












        本文标题:唐代仕女“复活”了 喊你吃汤圆!网友:抱抱想吃又怕胖的自己...
