Probability and Statistical Inf

作者: 铎铎孤鸣 | 来源:发表于2018-03-05 22:13 被阅读130次


    properties of  Probability

    It is usually difficult to explain to the general public what statisticians do .Many think of  As “math nerds”who seem to enjoy dealing  with numbers.


    ①For  each  event A:p(A)=1-p(A')


    ③If events A and B are such that A∈B,thenP(A)≤P(B)

    ④For each event A,P(A)≤1

    ⑤If A and B are any Two events,thenP(A∪B)=P(A)+P(B)-P(A∩B).

    ⑥If A .B and C are any three events,then


    Methods  of  Enumeration

    We  begin with a consideration of multiplication principle.


    ①each of the n! arrangements of n different objects is called A  permutation of the n objects

    ②each of the nPr arrangements is called A permutation of n objects taken r at O time

    ③If r object are  selected from A set of n objects,and If the order of selection is noted,then the selected set of r objects  is called an ordered sample of size r.

    ④Sampling with  replacement occurs when an object is selected and then replaced before the next object is selected.

    ⑤Sampling without replacement occurs when an object is not replaced after it has been selected

    ⑥each of the nCr unordered subsets is called a combination of n objects taken r at a time ,where  nCr=(n r)=n!╱r!(n-r)!

    ⑦each of the nCr permutation of n objects ,r of one type and n-r of another type ,is called a distinguishable permutation

    Conditional Probability

    Introduction the idea of conditional Probability by means of an example.

    ①The conditional probability of an event A,given that event B has occurred,is defined by P(AΙB)=P(A∩B)╱P(B),provided that P(B)>0

    ②The probability that two events ,A and B , both occur is given by the multiplication rule,P(A∩B)=P(A)P(BΙA),provideP(A)>0 or by P(A∩B)=P(B)P(AΙB) provided P(B)>0

                                      -  RobertV.Hogg



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