The most precious possession that ever comes to a man in this world is a woman’s heart. 在这个世界上,男人最珍贵的财产就是一个女人的心
The best way to get over someone, is to get under someone else . 忘记某个人最好的方法,就是喜欢上其他人
He just looked at you, but you made a movie in your heart.他只是看了你一眼,你却在心里演了场电影。
The best way to make someone strong is to have someone who needs protection. 让一个人变强大的最好方式,就是拥有一个想要保护的人
Waiting to do something until you can be sure of doing it exactly right means waiting for ever. ~~~等待有把握时再去做一件事,往往意味着永远的等待。
