Correct it!

作者: 漫步云端的wendy | 来源:发表于2016-08-31 05:38 被阅读0次

     When my son was four-year-old. He went to the kindergarten and after school, he played with his new friends, instead of me. I felt that I have much more spare time suddenly. And I played mahjong on my phone. There are some instructions and music in that computer games.But I never attach importance.

       Until that Sunday, my son and I were on the bus. Suddenly, he pointed out of the window and said, “look, mum, a 中.” I said, “Yes, bady, that is a 中”.my son said, in sweet voice, “红中”.

       I was shocked.

    As a mum, i am sure, almost children would say this word in 中国,中间, but not 红中.

     At that time, I realized everything the mum did, even tiny thing, will affect the child.

      Parents are the 1st teacher in children’s life. It is just like, you are a mirror, from you ,they can see their future .

      Parents couldn’t give children what they don’t have. If the parents are stand at the top of the mountain, the children will get there sooner or later.

       When you find problem in educating child, what can you do ?  Just think : when you are copying, and suddenly you find a mistake in the file. What you should do, correct the copy or the original?






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