
1. 活着的意义是什么?
2. 做这些有何目的吗?(片中翻译:活着有什么使命吗?)
3. 一开始,我也不知道怎么回事。
4. (小狗)品种好,容易训练。
5. 第二轮就被淘汰了。
1. What is the meaning of life?
2. Is there apointto any of this?
3. First, Ihad no ideawhat is going on.
4. Goodbreed. Easy to train.
5. It has aknockoutin the second round.
生命的意义:the meaning of life
淘汰:knock out / eliminate / weed out(v.),knockout / elimination (n.)

1. 这次该你请我了。
2. 我当场就决定我一定要养这个小男孩。
3. 明天就把它送走。
4. 他很快就会厌倦的。你了解你的儿子。
5. 它冲我们来了,跳下去逃命吧。
1. Now, you're buying this time.
2. I decidedright then and thereI am definitely keeping this boy.
3. We'll keep ittilltomorrow. (till,截止到...为止)
4. He's gonnabe bored withit. You know how he is.
5. It's coming right at us.Jump for your lives.
我请客:It's my treat, I' ve got the bill
此时此刻:right then and there
厌倦:be tired of, be bored with

1. 有时我觉得思考生命的意义完全是浪费时间。倒不如好好地享受生活。
2. 这个球好像有点奇怪。
3. 不思考食物的时候,我就会胡思乱想。
4. 按这饭量,等你长大了,我们加在一起也没你壮。
5. 俄国人要在古巴部署导弹。
1. Sometimes I thought that trying tomake sense out of life could be a waste of time. Maybe it was better to just really enjoy life.
2. There wassomething weird aboutthis ball.
3. When I wasn't thinking about food,my mind wandered.
4. The way you eat you're gonna grow up to be bigger than all of us put together.
5. These Russians are putting missiles in Cuba.
make sense:有意义,讲得通,言之有理
make sense of:搞清...的意思

1. 他每年都是最佳销售。
2. 我这工作没人想做。
3. 我们距离核毁灭只有三秒钟。
4. 我和贝利可以出去吗?
5. 真高兴今天能过来拜访你们。因为我们一直想看看公司驻外人员的办公室。
1. He's one of thetop sellersevery year.
2. I got the job nobody wants.
3. We'rethree seconds away from nuclear annihilation.
4. Can I and Baileybe excused?
5. I am glad we were finally able tomake it out here. Because I have been wanting to visit afield officefor a while.
annihilation:[ə,naɪə'leʃən] 灭绝,毁灭
驻海外人员:overseas officials

1. 东西放回原地,把这里给我收拾干净。
2. 客人随时会到。
3. 你提起这事我很高兴。我也正想跟你谈谈这事儿。
4. 我在想,既然业绩还不错,或许我可以不用到处跑,可以坐办公室了。
5. 我们真的需要你干下去,你是整个部门的骨干。
1. Everything goes back where it belongs. I want this placespick-and-span.
2. We got guests coming any minute.
3. I'm glad youbrought that up. I'veactually been meaningto talk to you about that.
4. I was thinking, with the numbers so high,maybe it's time I get off the roadand take an office position.
5. We really need you on the road. That's thebackboneof the whole operation really.
spick-and-span:极干净的,极整洁的(span-new 崭新的)
get off the road:由于Ethan的爸爸是旅游销售员,所以用get off the road更适用于他的工作
骨干分子:cadreman / backbone element / key man / core member

1. 我不知道他为什么不开心,但这让我很着急。
2. 大饱眼福吧。
3. 升职加薪的机会全没了。
4. 我做好菜放在烤箱里了。
5. 今天教练让我当(橄榄球)四分卫。
1. I don't know why he was so upset, but it made me anxious.
2. For your eyes to feast on.
3. Any chances I had of a promotion, forget it.
4. I got acasserolein the oven.
5. Coach made me startingquarterbacktoday.
大饱眼福:glut one's eyes / feast for the eyes
升职加薪:promotion and salary increase / pay raise

1. 不知道跟那个女孩有没有关系。
2. 或许你应该让你的狗学点儿规矩。
3. 谢谢你俩送我回来。
4. 我只要求你别那么大声说话。
5. 我走了,这下你满意了吧!
1. I don't know if that girlhad anything to do withthis.
2. Maybe you shouldteach your dog some manners.
3. Thank you bothfor the ride.
4. All I ask for you to lower your voice.
5. I'll just leave.Does that sound good to you?

1. 我受够了你看我的眼神。
2. 你不能再这么自怜自哀了。
3. 我觉得我们应该分开了。
4. 都开心点儿。
5. 他的肾脏正在衰竭。
1. I'm so sick ofthe way you look at me.
2. You have to stopfeeling sorry for yourself.
3. I don't think we should be with each other anymore.
4. Don't look soglum.
5. His kidneysare shutting down.
受够了:enough with / be sick of / be fed up with / be tired of
glum:闷闷不乐的,阴沉的(bee glum蜂胶)
衰竭:shut down(口语),failure /exhaustion(医学用语)

1. 它的眼睛不太对劲,眼里好像有脓。
2. 它还直喘,呼吸也费劲。
3. 他只会感到脖子上有一点刺痛,然后就再也不会疼了。
4. 我能闻出来以前这儿有别人住过,但是气味很微弱。
5. 孤独可能是你遇到的最糟糕的事了。
1. His eyes justdidn't look right. They were kind ofrheumy.
2. He was panting and hisbreathing was labored.
3. He'll just feel a littleprickin his neck, then the pain will go away.
4. I could smell someone elseused tolive here, but theirscent was faint.
5. Being alone might be the worst thing that could happen to you.

1. 我渐渐了解她了,事实上,我可以读懂她的心思。
2. 只要有爱就好了。
3. 只要被爱就好了,对吗?
4. 让它多运动运动吧,多溜溜它。
5. 我的狗今天表现怪怪的。
1. I'm starting to get her, actually, I canread her mind.
2. Love is all that matters.
3. As long assomething loves you, right?
4. Maybe give him more exercise. Go on more walks.
5. My dog'sacting so weirdtoday.

1. 她魅力不减,还是像初见时那么迷人。
2. 随着时间的流逝,我相信ROXY,没有她一切都变了。
3. 现在她不怎么喜欢你了,是吧?
4. 感觉这个世界和我毫无关系。
5. 能离开城市真是太好了。
1. Shenever lost the sparkthatdrew me to her in the first place.
2. As the years went by, I missed Roxy. It just wasn't the same without her.
3. Not so into you now, is she?
4. It was like the days went on and on without me.
5. It was so happy to leave the town behind.

1. 这应该够我们用到月底了。
2. 你丈夫去世后这些年你过得不容易吧。
3. 没遇到过合适的(男/女朋友)。
4. 你一旦决心于什么事,谁都改变不了。
1. That ought tocover us to the end of the month.
2. Must have been toughon you losing your husband after all those years.
3. Never found the right fit.
4. When you put your mind to something, that was that.
5. It's good for getting things done, it's not so good for relationships.

1. 当年的事,我欠你一句对不起。
2. 现在我只是想告诉你这么多年来,我没有一天不后悔的。
3. 我觉得如果我就这么看着你离开,那我就是个大傻瓜。
4. 想来段精彩表演吗?
5. 你真的吓到我了。
6. 对过去的事不要一副苦瓜脸,对未来也不要愁眉苦脸。
1. I owe you an apologyfor what happened to us.
2. I just want you to know thatnot a day goes bythat I don'tkick myself fordoing that.
3. I just think thatI'd be an all-time foolif I just watched you drive away.
4. You want to go for theshowstopper?
5. You are really starting tofreak me out.
6. Don't get all sad-facedabout what happened, andscrunchy-faced about what could.
not a day goes by:没有一天
kick myself for:抽自己一顿