
作者: MrGiovanni | 来源:发表于2016-07-05 13:55 被阅读1469次

Author: Zongwei Zhou 周纵苇
Weibo: @MrGiovanni

Please cite this paper if you found it useful. Thanks!
Wang H, Zhou Z, Li Y, et al. Comparison of machine learning methods for classifying mediastinal lymph node metastasis of non-small cell lung cancer from 18F-FDG PET/CT images[J]. 2017, 7.

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我使用的工具是MATLAB 2014b,建议版本高一点好,因为里面会更新很多的函数库。实验过程尽量简化,本实验的重点是检验纹理特征对PET/CT图像分类的效果,因此,有些常规的代码我们就用标准的函数库足够啦。


PORTS 3D Image Texture Metric Calculation Package

1. 直方图-histogram

对于一幅灰度图像 I,它每个像素值的范围是0-255,我们对这些像素点做一个统计,遍历整幅图像,统计像素值0,1,2,3,...,255分别出现的次数。统计完以后相当于我们有了256个频数(次数),再把它们转化成频率,也就是每个频数除以总频数:

p(i) = P(i) / ∑P

以像素值作为横坐标,对应的频率作为纵坐标,就可以得到这个灰度图像 I 的直方图啦。

1.1 举栗子:CT图像的直方图


1. CT图像的像素值范围是-1000~1000。相当于我们需要统计2000个像素值的频数,这样划分的粒度有点太细了,因此

2. 将这-1000~1000的区间20等分,每个像素值投射到20个值。直接导致的结果是图像看上去不那么丰富了,但是这样有利于计算。

3. 分别统计这20个像素值出现的频数,除以总频数转化成频率。这样频率介于[0,1],并且加和为1.

4. 以20个像素值为横坐标,对应的频率为纵坐标,即可画出这个CT图像的直方图。

The end of this 栗子.

1.2 直方图的代码实现

%%%%% Histogram-based computations:

% Compute the histogram of the ROI and probability of each voxel value:
vox_val_hist = zeros(num_img_values,1);
for this_vox_value = 1:num_img_values
    vox_val_hist(this_vox_value) = length(find((img_vol_subvol == this_vox_value) & (mask_vol_subvol == 1) ));

% Compute the relative probabilities from the histogram:
vox_val_probs = vox_val_hist / num_ROI_voxels;

% Compute the histogram_based metrics:
texture_metrics(1:6) = compute_histogram_metrics(vox_val_probs,num_img_values);

1.3 基于直方图的PET/CT纹理特征


(1) Mean

(2) Variance

(3) Skewness – set to 0 when σ=0

(4) Kurtosis – set to 0 when σ=0 (NOTE: “Kurtosis” and “Excess Kurtosis” differ in that Excess Kurtosis = Kurtosis – 3).

(5) Energy

(6) Entropy (NOTE: We will differentiate between the various entropy calculations in this document, specifying the distribution from which the entropy is computed)

1.4 纹理特征计算实现

%%% Overhead:

% The numerical values of each histogram bin:
vox_val_indices = (1:num_img_values)';

% The indices of non-empty histogram bins:
hist_nz_bin_indices = find(vox_val_probs);

%%% (1) Mean 
metrics_vect(1) = sum(vox_val_indices .* vox_val_probs);

%%% (2) Variance
metrics_vect(2) = sum( ((vox_val_indices - metrics_vect(1)).^2) .* vox_val_probs );

%%%%% IF standard variance is zero, so are skewness and kurtosis:
if metrics_vect(2) > 0
    %%% (3) Skewness
    metrics_vect(3) = sum( ((vox_val_indices - metrics_vect(1)).^3) .* vox_val_probs ) / (metrics_vect(2)^(3/2));

    %%% (4) Kurtosis
    metrics_vect(4) = sum( ((vox_val_indices - metrics_vect(1)).^4) .* vox_val_probs ) / (metrics_vect(2)^2);
    metrics_vect(4) = metrics_vect(4) - 3;
    %%% (3) Skewness
    metrics_vect(3) = 0;
    %%% (4) Kurtosis
    metrics_vect(4) = 0;

%%% (5) Energy
metrics_vect(5) = sum( vox_val_probs .^2 );
%%% (6) Entropy (NOTE: 0*log(0) = 0 for entropy calculations)
metrics_vect(6) = -sum( vox_val_probs(hist_nz_bin_indices) .* log(vox_val_probs(hist_nz_bin_indices)) );


2. 灰度共生矩阵-GLCM/GTSDM

了解了直方图,我们接下来看看灰度共生矩阵Grey-level co-occurrence matrix GLCM (also called grey tone spatial dependence matrix GTSDM)是个啥。说白了如果直方图是简单的像素概率统计,得到的统计结果是个一维的向量;GLCM就是两个像素之间的共现(共同出现)概率统计,得到的统计结果是个二维的向量。




2.1 不知道有没有讲清楚,举个栗子。


1. CT图像的像素值范围是-1000~1000。相当于我们需要统计2000个像素值的频数,这样划分的粒度有点太细了,因此

2. 将这-1000~1000的区间20等分,每个像素值投射到20个值。直接导致的结果是图像看上去不那么丰富了,但是这样有利于计算。


3. 锁定CT图中一个点A,坐标(i,j)。A点的像素值是x,在CT图中,距离A点向右del_i个像素,向下del_j个像素的位置B点,坐标(i+del_i, j+del_j),B点的像素值是y,那么,GLCM矩阵中的位置(x,y)计数加一。注意哦,这里的x,y是原来的CT图像的像素值大小,i,j,del_i,del_j,x,y的意义可不要搞混喽!

4. 遍历CT图中所有的点,方法就是按照第三步这么统计。注意:del_i和del_j这两个偏移量是预先设定好的,也就是说可以认为是常量。

5. 分别将统计完的矩阵中的频数,除以总频数转化成频率。这样频率介于[0,1],并且加和为1.

6. 以20个像素值为横坐标,20个像素值为纵坐标,中间的值表示对应的频率,就得到了这个CT图像的GLCM可视化图。


The end of this 栗子.

2.2 简易的2D-image-GLCM代码实现

GLCM2 = graycomatrix(CTimage, 'Offset',[4,4], 'NumLevels',20,'GrayLimits',[]);

2.3 2D-image向3D-image拓展



3. 锁定3D-CT图中一个点A,坐标(i,j,k)。A点的像素值是x,在CT图中,距离A点向右del_i个像素,向下del_j个像素,向外del_k个像素的位置B点,坐标(i+del_i, j+del_j, k+del_k),B点的像素值是y,那么,GLCM矩阵中的位置(x,y)计数加一。注意哦,这里的x,y是原来的CT图像的像素值大小,i,j,k,del_i,del_j,del_k,x,y的意义可不要搞混喽!



2.4 基于GLCM的PET/CT纹理特征


% The first 14 entries in the output are from [Haralick, 1973]:
(1) Angular second moment (called "Energy" in Soh 1999)

(2) Contrast

(3) Correlation

(4) Sum of squares variance

(5) Inverse Difference moment (called "Homogeneity" in [Soh, 1999])

(6) Sum average

(7) Sum variance

(8) Sum Entropy

(9) Entropy

(10) Difference Variance

(11) Difference Entropy

(12) Information Correlation 1

(13) Information Correlation 2

*(14) Maximal Correlation Coefficient (不做计算,永远是0) *

% The next five entries in the output are from [Soh, 1999]:
(15) Autocorrelation

(16) Dissimilarity

(17) Cluster Shade

(18) Cluster Prominence

(19) Maximum Probability

% The next entries are from [Clausi, 2002]:
(20) Inverse Difference


2.5 纹理特征计算实现

% (1) Angular second moment
metrics_vect(1) = sum( p(:).^2 );

% (2) Contrast (for some reason, the paper does not explicitly state p_xmy
% here):
metrics_vect(2) = sum( ((0:(N_g-1))' .^2) .*  p_xmy  );

% (3) Correlation (there is mathematical ambiguity in the nature of the sum as
% stated in the paper ; this version has the means subtracted after the sum is 
% taken, which is the proper method for computation):
mu_x = sum( (1:N_g)' .* p_x );
mu_y = sum( (1:N_g)' .* p_y );
sg_x = sqrt( sum( ( ((1:N_g)' - mu_x).^2 ) .* p_x ) );
sg_y = sqrt( sum( ( ((1:N_g)' - mu_y).^2 ) .* p_y ) );

if (sg_x*sg_y) == 0
    metrics_vect(3) = Inf;
    metrics_vect(3) = ( sum(ndr(:) .* ndc(:) .* p(:) ) - (mu_x*mu_y)  ) ./ (sg_x*sg_y);

% (4) Sum of squares variance (NOTE: \mu is not defined in the paper, we will
% take it to describe the mean of the normalized GTSDM):
metrics_vect(4) = sum( (( ndr(:) - mean(p(:)) ) .^2) .* p(:) );

% (5) Inverse Difference moment
metrics_vect(5) = sum( ( 1 ./ (1 + ((ndr(:)-ndc(:)).^2) )  ) .* p(:) );

% (6) Sum average
metrics_vect(6) = sum( (1:(2*N_g))' .* p_xpy(:) ); % NOTE: p_xpy(1) = 0 , so adds nothing.

% (7) Sum variance
metrics_vect(7) = sum( (((1:(2*N_g))' - metrics_vect(6)) .^2) .* p_xpy(:));

% (8) Sum Entropy (computed above)
metrics_vect(8) = SE;

% (9) Entropy (computed above)
metrics_vect(9) = HXY;

% (10) Difference Variance
mu_xmy = sum( (0:(N_g-1))' .*  p_xmy );
metrics_vect(10) = sum( (((0:(N_g-1))' - mu_xmy) .^2) .*  p_xmy  );

% (11) Difference Entropy
metrics_vect(11) = -sum( p_xmy(p_xmy>0) .* log(p_xmy(p_xmy>0)) );

% (12) and (13) Information Correlations
if (max(HX,HY)== 0)
    metrics_vect(12) = Inf;
    metrics_vect(12) = (HXY - HXY1) / max(HX,HY);

metrics_vect(13) = sqrt(1-exp(-2*(HXY2-HXY)) );

% (14) Maximal Correlation Coefficient
%%% I don't think we use it, so I'll only code it up if needed.

%%%%% The following are from Soh (1999)

% (15) Autocorrelation
metrics_vect(15) = sum( (ndr(:) .* ndc(:)) .* p(:) );

% (16) Dissimilarity
metrics_vect(16) = sum( abs(ndr(:) - ndc(:)) .* p(:) );

% (17) Cluster Shade
metrics_vect(17) = sum( (ndr(:) + ndc(:) - mu_x - mu_y) .^3 .* p(:) );

% (18) Cluster Prominence
metrics_vect(18) = sum( (ndr(:) + ndc(:) - mu_x - mu_y) .^4 .* p(:) );

% (19) Maximum Probability
metrics_vect(19) = max( p(:) );

%%%%% The following are from Clausi (2002)

% (20) Inverse Difference:
metrics_vect(20) = sum( ( 1 ./ (1 + abs( ndr(:)-ndc(:) ) )  ) .* p(:) );

3. Neighborhood grey tone difference matrix (NGTDM)


3.1 举个2D图像的栗子

1. CT图像的像素值范围是-1000~1000。相当于我们需要统计2000个像素值的频数,这样划分的粒度有点太细了,因此

2. 将这-1000~1000的区间20等分,每个像素值投射到20个值。直接导致的结果是图像看上去不那么丰富了,但是这样有利于计算。


3. 锁定CT图中一个点A,坐标(i,j)。对于一个二维图像来说,A点周围应该有8个点,左边分别是(i±1,j±1),(i,j±1),(i±1,j),这8个点的像素范围是1~20(因为步骤2)。求这8个点的像素值的平均值,为A'。那么,设A点的像素值为p_A
NGTDM(p_A) = NGTDM(p_A) + abs(p_A-A');
occur(p_A) = occur(p_A) + 1;

4. 遍历CT图中所有的点,方法就是按照第三步这么统计。我们可以得到两个矩阵NGTDM和occur,它们都是20×1的矩阵,NGTDM记录每个像素值周围的情况,occur记录的是每个像素值在整个CT图像中出现的频数。

5. 分别将统计完的occur中的频数,除以总频数转化成频率。这样频率介于[0,1],并且加和为1。

6. 以20个像素值为横坐标,以它们所对应的NGTDM和occur值为纵坐标,做一个柱状图,就可以得到NGTDM和occur的可视化图。

3.2 3D-NGTDM代码实现

function [NGTDM,vox_occurances_NGD26] = compute_3D_NGTDM(ROI_vol,img_vol,binary_dir_connectivity,num_img_values)

% Placeholder for the NGTDM and number of occurances with full NGDs: 
NGTDM = zeros(num_img_values,1);
vox_occurances_NGD26 = zeros(num_img_values,1);

% Record the indices of the voxels used in the ROI:
ROI_voxel_indices = find(ROI_vol);

% Loop over each voxel in the ROI sub-volume:
for this_ROI_voxel = 1:length(ROI_voxel_indices)
    % The index of this voxel in the sub-volume:
    this_voxel_index = ROI_voxel_indices(this_ROI_voxel);
    % This voxel must have 26 neighbors (plus itself) to be considered:
    if sum(binary_dir_connectivity{this_ROI_voxel}(:)) == 27
        % Determine the [r,c,s] of this voxel:
        [r,c,s] = ind2sub(size(ROI_vol),this_voxel_index);
        % Compute the mean value around this voxel:
        this_vox_val = img_vol(this_voxel_index);
        vox_ngd = img_vol((r-1):(r+1) , (c-1):(c+1) , (s-1):(s+1));
        vox_ngd_sum = sum(vox_ngd(:)) - this_vox_val;
        vox_ngd_mean = vox_ngd_sum / 26;
        % Add this value to the matrix:
        NGTDM(this_vox_val) = NGTDM(this_vox_val) + abs(this_vox_val-vox_ngd_mean);        
        % Increment the number of occurances of this voxel:
        vox_occurances_NGD26(this_vox_val) = vox_occurances_NGD26(this_vox_val) + 1;        
    end % Test for full neighborhood    
end % Loop over ROI voxels

3.3 基于NGTDM的PET/CT纹理特征

(1) Coarseness

(2) Contrast

(3) Busyness

(4) Complexity

(5) Texture Strength

3.4 纹理特征计算实现

%%% (1) Coarseness
metrics_vect(1) = sum( vox_val_probs .* NGTDM );

% It's the reciprocal, so test for zero denominator:
if metrics_vect(1) == 0
    metrics_vect(1) = Inf;
    metrics_vect(1) = 1/metrics_vect(1);

%%% (2) Contrast
if N_g > 1 % There is some voxel color differences, so perform calculations as normal:
    % The first term in equation (4):
    first_term_mat = (vox_val_probs * vox_val_probs') .* ( (nd_r-nd_c).^2 );
    first_term_val = sum(first_term_mat(:)) / (N_g * (N_g-1) );

    % The second term in equation (4). Note that the 3D computation
    % necessitates normalization by the number of voxels instead of the n^2 that appears in
    % equation (4). 
    second_term_val = sum(NGTDM) / sum(vox_occurances_NGD26);

    % Record the value:
    metrics_vect(2) = first_term_val * second_term_val;
else % There is only a single color, so no contrast to compute, so set to negative:
        metrics_vect(2) = -1;

%%% (3) Busyness
% NOTE: The denominator equals zero in the paperAmadasun 1989. Absolute value inside the
% double-sum is given here, in accordance with 
% Texture Analysis Methods ? A Review
% Andrzej Materka and Michal Strzelecki (1998)
first_term = sum(vox_val_probs .* NGTDM);

second_term_mat = (nd_nz_r .* nd_nz_p_r) - (nd_nz_c .* nd_nz_p_c);
second_term = sum(abs(second_term_mat(:)));

if second_term == 0
    metrics_vect(3) = Inf;
    metrics_vect(3) = first_term / second_term;

%%% (4) Complexity
first_term_num = abs(nd_nz_r - nd_nz_c);
first_term_den = nd_nz_p_r + nd_nz_p_c;

second_term = (nd_nz_p_r .* nd_nz_NGTDMop_r) + (nd_nz_p_c .* nd_nz_NGTDMop_c);

if second_term == 0
    metrics_vect(4) = Inf;
    tmp = first_term_num(:) .* second_term(:) ;
    tmp = sum(tmp ./ first_term_den(:)) ;
    metrics_vect(4) = tmp / sum(vox_occurances_NGD26) ;

%%% (5) Texture Strength
first_term_mat = (nd_nz_p_r+nd_nz_p_c) .* ( (nd_nz_r - nd_nz_c) .^2 );
first_term = sum(first_term_mat(:));
second_term = sum(NGTDM);

if second_term == 0
    metrics_vect(5) = Inf;
    metrics_vect(5) = first_term / second_term ;

4. Grey Level Zone Size Matrix (GLZSM)

4.1 基于GLZSM的PET/CT纹理特征

(1) Small Zone Size Emphasis

(2) Large Zone Size Emphasis

(3) Low Gray-Level Zone Emphasis

(4) High Gray-Level Zone Emphasis

(5) Small Zone / Low Gray Emphasis

(6) Small Zone / High Gray Emphasis

(7) Large Zone / Low Gray Emphasis

(8) Large Zone / High Gray Emphasis

(9) Gray-Level Non-Uniformity

(10) Zone Size Non-Uniformity

(11) Zone Size Percentage



