Oh, for Christ's sake, Violet! |
老天啊维奥莱特 |
Why don't you ever call first? |
就不能打个招呼再来吗 |
Er, Ash, you remember our friend, Violet? |
艾什还记得我们的朋友维奥莱特吧 |
So nice to see you again, Ash. |
真高兴又和你见面了艾什 |
Does it make you uncomfortable if I tell you |
如果我说你这洋溢的胸肌 |
the musculature of your chest |
让我想起了儿时的一位表弟 |
reminds me of a cousin from my youth? |
你会觉得不舒服吗 |
I-It makes me feel very uncomfortable. |
非常不舒服 |
I love how playful you are. |
我真是爱死你的幽默了 |
Ash was just telling us about |
艾什正和我们说 |
this drug-addicted slag who's broken his heart. |
他被一个吸毒成瘾的婆娘伤透了心 |
She's actually a nurse. |
她其实是个护士 |
Well, maybe you should try dating someone a bit older. |
那你应该找个成熟点的女人约会 |
Violet, stop turning your head to flirt. |
维奥莱特别摇头晃脑地调戏人家了 |
Your neck keeps cracking. |
你脖子老是嘎吱作响 |
Ash was asking for advice about women. |
艾什是来寻求女性方面的建议的 |
Then, why did he come here? |
那他怎么会到这来 |
We don't like those kinds of jokes. |
这种玩笑我们可不喜欢 |
Look, Ash, if this is a girl that you like, |
艾什如果你喜欢这姑娘 |
you should just tell her how you feel. |
就该把你对她的感觉告诉她 |
- Does that really work? - Of course. |
-这样有用吗-当然了 |
You need to be direct. |
你得直截了当 |
Women are less forthcoming than men. |
女人可不像男人那么主动 |
Is that cotton? |
这是纯棉的吗 |
Why are you here, Violet? |
你来这干吗维奥莱特 |
I suppose I thought we could all spend the day together. |
我是觉得我们几个今天可以一起过 |
We can't. We're shopping today. |
不行今天我们要去商场 |
Freddie needs a new coat |
弗雷迪要买件新外套 |
for his Doctor Who screening. |
好出席他的《神秘博士》放映会 |
Apparently, I have been voted |
我被观众票选为 |
the tenth most popular villain of all time. |
史上第十位最受欢迎的反派角色 |
Does something like that even mean anything? |
你们说这种东西有意义吗 |
I dunno. |
不知道 |
Of course it means something! |
当然有意义了 |
And I don't need a new coat. |
我不用买新外套 |
The one I've got is perfectly fine. |
原来那件就很好 |
It's not perfectly fine, you've had it for ages. |
哪里好了都已经穿了几十年了 |
All right, stop spitting. |
行了别乱喷唾沫 |
So which villain did you play? |
那你演的是哪个反派人物 |
I don't want to talk about it any more. Everybody go home! |
我现在没心情说这个了各回各家吧都 |
Why is it all so bright and garish? |
怎么都这么花哨 |
It's like walking into Elton John's dressing room. |
就像进了艾尔顿·约翰的更衣室一样 |
I don't like it here. Let's go. |
我不喜欢这里咱们走吧 |
Nonsense, we're getting you a new coat. |
说什么呢要给你买新外套 |
Well, why do I need a new coat? |
为什么要给我买新外套 |
完整版请点击 |
I just got this, last year. |
我去年才买的这件 |
You did not get that last year. |
这可不是去年买的了 |
Well, recently. |
反正是最近买的 |
Look, here's a ticket stub for... |
这还有张票根呢 |
Lawrence Of Arabia. |
《阿拉伯的劳伦斯》 |
Mm, all right, let's go. |
好吧咱们走 |
No. We're not leaving. |
不准走 |
Well, maybe it was a little longer than I remembered. |
看来这衣服是比我印象中来得久远些 |
Ah, now, what about this one? |
这件怎么样 |
Oh, I like that. Oh, that would be perfect for the screening. |
我喜欢太适合出席放映会了 |
Everybody who's anybody's going to be there. |
到时有头有脸的人物都会去 |
- Who exactly? - Doctor Who. |
-都有谁-是《神秘博士》 |
Oh, God, has your memory gone now, too? |
你现在还开始失忆了是不是 |
Oh, look, that can't be right. |
怎么能这样 |
Excuse me. Excuse me! |
不好意思请问一下 |
Arsehole. |
臭小子 |
They make me nervous, |
这些年轻人真让我紧张 |
all these young people skittering about like mice, |
像老鼠似的跑来跑去 |
desperate to get back onto the Internet. |
迫不及待地想奔回去上网 |
Let's just pay for it and go. |
咱们直接付了钱走吧 |
No. Actually, |
不事实上 |
I think we can probably find something better elsewhere. |
说不定别的店里有更好的 |
No, let's go. |
不我们走吧 |
Actually, that works. |
别说这也行 |
You know, when we filmed that Doctor Who episode, |
我们拍那集《神秘博士》时 |
I never dreamt it would become |
我从未想过它会成为 |
one of the most iconic roles of my career. |
我职业生涯里最为标志性的角色之一 |
Or only. |
那是也没别的了 |
Well, I think it's quite exciting, Freddie. |
我觉得这很是令人激动弗莱迪 |
Thank you, Penelope. |
谢谢佩内洛普 |
Now, is this a television programme |
话说我们谈论的 |
we're talking about, or a book? |
是个电视节目还是本书 |
It's a television programme. |
是个电视节目 |
What's the matter with you? How could it be a book? |
你是犯了什么毛病怎么可能是本书 |
I'm sorry, I'm only half-paying attention, |
抱歉我有些心不在焉 |
but I got a lot right before this. |
不过我蒙对了不少 |
You're doing fine, darling. |
没事亲爱的 |
Freddie's the actor, right, or is it the other one? |
做演员的是弗莱迪还是另外那个人 |
Stuart. |
斯图尔特 |
My name is Stuart and we've known each other for 50 years. |
我叫斯图尔特我们都认识五十年了 |
Of course I know your name S... Stuart. |
我当然知道你叫啥名斯... 斯图尔特 |
You're all invited to the screening. |
我邀请你们所有人来参加这次放映会 |
Except you. |
除了你 |
It's going to be quite the evening. |
当晚一定会非比寻常 |
Will there be a lot of single men? |
到时会有很多单身男性吗 |
It's a science fiction fan club event. |
这是科幻迷的聚会 |
They'll be single, but they'll be disgusting. |
那些人的确单身可他们也会很恶心 |
I have broad tastes, I am over 40. |
我涉猎广泛我都四十出头了 |
Oh, are you? Because I thought you were still 39. |
是吗我还以为你才三十九呢 |
It is rather stressful, coming here. |
到这里做客压力好大 |
Oh, Ash, come in. |
艾什请进 |
Ah. You remember our friend Violet? |
你还记得我们的朋友维奥莱特吗 |
- And Penelope, of course? - Hi. |
-当然还有佩内洛普-你好 |
Stuart, don't just stand there like a lump, get Ash a drink. |
斯图尔特别傻站着快给艾什倒杯喝的 |
I haven't been offered a drink. |
我这边还没有喝的呢 |
Then get up and get one. |
自己起来倒 |
I'll get you a drink, Penelope. |
我给你倒一杯佩内洛普 |
Thank you, S... Stuart? |
谢谢你斯... 斯图尔特 |
So, what is it we can do for you, Ash? |
有什么可以帮忙的吗艾什 |
- More problems with the ladies? - I'm afraid so. |
-和女朋友又有状况了-恐怕是的 |
They are a lot of work. |
她们确实劳神 |
Men, on the other hand, are simpler. |
男人则要简单多了 |
Take Stuart and me, it's just fun, fun, fun, all the time. |
看看斯图尔特跟我整天除了乐呵没别的 |
- Isn't that right, Stuart? - Yes. |
-是不是这样斯图尔特-是啊 |
It's like living in Disneyland. |
就跟住在迪士尼乐园一样 |
Well, I'm not a lot of work, Ash. |
我可一点都不劳神艾什 |
Do you understand what I'm saying? |
明白我的意思吗 |
I hope not. |
但愿没有 |
I just wish I knew how to win Tracey back. |
我只是想知道怎么才能挽回特雷西 |
Didn't you tell her how you felt? |
你没有告诉她你的感受吗 |
Yes, but she still doesn't want to see me any more. |
说了但她还是不想见我 |
What about a gift? Penelope and I could take you shopping. |
不如送件礼物吧佩内洛普和我可以带你去购物 |
- That's a great idea. - Stuart, what about some lunch? |
-好主意-斯图尔特吃午饭吧 |
No, I can't. I've... got an appointment. |
不我就算了我... 要赴个约 |
I'll be gone all day. Best of luck, Ash. |
我一天都会在外面祝你好运艾什 |
Where the hell are you going? |
你到底要去哪 |