

作者: 孟话英语 | 来源:发表于2019-03-02 22:46 被阅读19次


    Despite all this, many are sceptical that Chinese demand will ever fully recover.

    "It was nice" to have guaranteed demand from China, says Mr Bardole, but "those days are gone."

    Others worry that the Chinese will respond to this episode by investing more in developing Brazilian agricultural infrastructure, permanently decreasing their reliance on America.

    Not everyone is pessimistic. The current situation "is nothing compared with what we went through in the 1980s," says Randy Souder, another Iowan farmer. He remembers that he coped with low prices then by producing more efficiently.

    If some farmers are forced out of business, he reckons others will "pick up the acres" and spread their equipment costs over a larger area of land.

    Prices have crept up in recent months. Mr Magdovitz says they have been supported by the limited Chinese purchases, optimism that a deal will be agreed and Mr Trump's subsidies.

    America's economy as a whole may not depend on exporting to China. But if recent experience is anything to go by, soyabeans are an exception.


    ① sceptical [ˈskeptɪkl] adj. (美) 怀疑的
    速记:同skeptical(英) →scept/skept, 审视

    ② reliance [rɪˈlaɪəns] n. 依赖,依靠

    ③ acre ['eɪkə] n. 英亩;土地
    速记:acre本义为“土地”,God's Acre,坟墓

    ④ spread [spred] v. 展开,蔓延→均摊

    ⑤ creep [kri:p] v. 爬行

    ⑥ subsidy [sʌbsɪdɪ] n. 补贴,津贴

    ⑦ if recent experience is anything to go by,以过去的经验来看




