

作者: 孟话英语 | 来源:发表于2019-02-27 15:36 被阅读6次


    The trade war caught American soyabean farmers at a particularly bad time. They had just planted a bumper crop, encouraged by strong demand and a drought in Argentina, a competitor.

    When the tariff was implemented it was too late to switch to other crops such as corn.

    Demand from China—which in 2017 accounted for 60% of American exports—collapsed. The result was a glut.

    To replace American beans China has ramped up its imports from Brazil, pushing up prices in South America.

    Meanwhile the European Union, Mexico and even Argentina have been tempted by low American prices—but not enough to replace lost Chinese demand.

    To help American farmers cope, Mr Trump's administration handed them a one-off payment of $1.65 per bushel ($61 per tonne). Without it Mr Bardole would have lost money on this year's crop. He might have sold his crop anyway, but the support has allowed others to sit on theirs.

    Farmers will have 25m tonnes of beans in stock at the end of this year's selling season, according to an official estimate, up from 12m tonnes last year.


    ① disruption [dɪs'rʌpʃn]  n. 分裂,瓦解
    速记:dis(散开) + rupt(断裂) + ion(名词)

    ② bumper [ˈbʌmpə]  adj. 特大的,丰盛的

    ③ implement [ˈɪmplɪment] v. 实施,使生效

    ④ collapse [kəˈlæps] v. 崩塌,崩溃,瓦解
    速记:col(同com,在l前变为col) + laps(落) → 本义:共同落下

    ⑤ glut [glʌt] v. 吃撑→过量供应 n. 供过于求
    速记:象声词,同“嗝”→gluttony 贪吃,暴食

    ⑥ ramp [ræmp] n. 斜坡,坡道 v. 蓄势待发,出击

    ⑦ one-off  一次性的



