If you feel comfortable doing so, write about your personal finances. You can also write about the finances of people you know or the finances of people in general in your country. Use the vocabulary and expressions you have studied in this unit.
You have done a great job. You have made good use of simple sentence, e.g.,"Has the bottom dropped out of Chinese economy? Many people feel it is. Experiencing..." Remove space: Please take care with your punctuation and remember to leave a space after all punctuation marks, e.g., "...medical insurance, etc. Under such pressure, one can..."
Has the bottom dropped out of Chinese economy? Many people feel it is. Experiencing decades of fast economy growing, we are terrified to see that our society is stepping out to a precipice. Foreign investment is slumping; entrepreneurs are going overseas; migrant workers have lost their main driving factor to stay in big cities--earning wages for their own families. Certainly, it's a recession. Majority of people must be thriftier to tide over their financial difficulties. Because most of Chinese companies do not provide employees with any extra benefits, during the rainy days, unemployed workers have to deal with their problems of living by themselves, such as mortgage, medical insurance, etc. Under such pressure, one can easily feel stress and distress in streets. Looking out on the world, solution for economy stagnation is still an ongoing issue. However, at this time, Hangzhou, the famous beautiful city is witnessing the powerful resonances%% of the G20 summit. Things are looking up!