When is your birthday?

作者: 宁都194黄晓丽 | 来源:发表于2019-04-29 22:31 被阅读13次



    Narrator: Amy is a pretty girl. She has a dog.Its name is Sam. Today, Amy finds a red star in December.

    Amy: Why? It isn’t my birthday. My birthday is in May. Is it Dad’s birthday? Dad,when is your birthday?

    Dad: My birthday is in July.

    Amy: Mum, when is your birthday?

    Mum: My birthday is in September.

    Amy: But, whose birthday is in December?

    Sam: Woof! Woof!

    Amy: Wow, I know. It’s Sam’s birthday! Happy birthday, Sam.



    主要学习日期的表达方式。主要围绕“谈论日期”这一话题开展听、说、读和写的学习活动,学习序数词的构成以及运用序数词表示日期的方法;学会运用 when,whose 引导的特殊疑问句询问日期;通过学习能掌握英语表达年、月、日的单词和句型,能够熟练地谈论各种有关日期的话题。此外,还要学习名词所有格 ( 's 所有格 ) 的构成和使用;能够询问及表达一些常见的节日的日期。


    这节课主题是询问和谈论日期,围绕这一主题进行一系列的交际活动,使学生掌握日期的表达法,正确使用 when,whose 引导的特殊疑问句对日期进行询问。在学习日期的表达法时要先学习序数词的构成,学生在以前的课程里已经学习了基数词,对于两种数词之间的区别一定会令学生感到头痛,教师要引导学生运用对比的方法,找出构成规律,总结特殊变化,对比强化记忆。

    三、单元教学建议采用自主学习、小组合作探究、 Classifying , Contrasting 和 Role—playing 的学习策略,利用教学图片、幻灯片、实物 ( 大挂历、日历 ) 或制作课件 ( 反映月份特征,课内外活动 ) 等来展开课堂教学、 Pairwork 问答式的口语交际活动或游戏等小组活动,进行 “询问和谈论日期” 的课堂教学和练习。本单元的教学法建议:语音教学——让学生进行模仿操练;词汇教学——采取情景介绍或演示对比的方式进行教学,让学生在情境中操练、理解含义.并学会运用;口语教学——采取 pairwork 问答式的口语交际活动或游戏等小组活动互相操练;听力教学——采取图文配对和对话选择的方式;写作教学——以填词、回答问题、写简单的短文为主;语法教学——总结规律、抓住特征、模仿操练。




    1. 语言知识目标:

    1) 能掌握下列词汇:when, Whose,January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December  2) 能掌握以下句型:①  —When is your birthday? —My birthday is on October 2nd. ②  —When is Alice's birthday? —It's in September. ③ —isn't Alice's birthday? —No,it isn't/Yes,it is.④—Whose birthday is in July?—It's Alice's. ⑤—Happy birthday! —Thank you!

    3) 能够掌握日期的询问与表达方式;

    4) 能通过谈论自己、同学以及父母家人的生日,理解生日更多的含义。

    2. 情感态度价值观目标:该部分的学习内容贴近学生的生活,谈论的话题是生日。通过互相询问生日的日期,可以增进同学之间的了解和友情并学会在英语交流中注意他人的情感。


    1. 教学重点:

    1) 询问表达他人、自己及父母家人的生日日期。2) 理解序数词的构成方法,掌握日期的表达方式。


    2. 教学难点:

    1) 询问表达他人、自己及父母家人的生日日期。

    2) 理解序数词的构成方法,掌握日期的表达方式。


    Ⅰ. Warming-up and revision

    1. Greet the Ss as usual.

    2.The picture shows Ss in a classroom looking at a large calendar on the wall. They are asking and answering questions about their birthdays. Ss give the months and days on which their birthdays fall (i.e. May 2nd, June 3rd or January 5th) but not the years or their ages.

    Say It Backwards

    If Ss are already familiar with the months of the year, have them try and chant the months in reverse order. To make this more challenging, you can have Ss compete to see who can say it fastest.


    Ss do the brainstorm to review the numbers 0 ~ 31 in English.

    Ⅱ. Presentation

    1.Sing the song "Happy birthday to you!".

    2. Ask and answer

    T: When is my birthday? My birthday is on May 2nd. When is your birthday? This class, we'll learn how to express dates.

    3.Show the pictures of the twelve months on the screen, or show a big calendar to the Ss.

    4.Learn the names of the twelve months: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December

    5. Play the recording for the Ss to listen and repeat the new words. Ss read the new words and try to remember them.  (采用方法:教师先领读,然后男生读,女生读,链式读,给出汉语说英语,给出英语说汉语,最后跟读正音。紧凑的教学环节使学生能够全身心的投入学习中。)

    6. T: My birthday is in May. It's on May 2nd.  When we talk about months, we use "in"; When we talk about dates, we use "on". e.g.in January/February/March/ April/May/June/July/August/September/October/November/December on January 1st. on February 2nd, on March 3rd … 讲解:first (1st), second (2nd), third (3rd)这些叫序数词,表示事物的顺序,在表达日期时用序数词。序数词的构成是有规律的,它们是由基数词变化而来,我们先记住下列口诀: 

    7.Ss read and try to remember the phrases.8.T: When is your birthday, S1? 

    S1: My birthday is on March 4th. 

    T: OK, S2. When is his birthday?

    S2: His birthday is on March 4th.

    T:Whose birthday is in March? S3.

    S3:It is S1's.


    9. Ss read the conversation after the teacher. Then practice the conversation with the partner.

    10. 比一比,看谁快。

    Which is the first month?Which is the last month?Which months are in the middle of the year?Which is the second month?Which is the tenth month?Which is the tenth month?

    Ⅲ. Pre-reading


    There is a story  about Alice and her family.You should guess the content from the picture and answer two questions.

    ①Who is Amy?

    ② Who is Sam?


    1. Skimming

    T: Listening to the tape to skimming the conversations. answer some questions as fowllow.

    When is Amy's birthday?

    When is her Dad's birthday?

    When is her Mum's birthday?

    Why is there a red star in December?

    whose birthday is in December?


    Fill in the chart to complete the dates.Then do some true or fasle.


    1.  Practice the conversations above with your partner.   

    2.Ask some Ss about the birthdays.

    T: When is Alice's birthday, S1?

    S1: Her birthday is on May. 

    T: When is Dad's birthday, S2?

    S2: His birthday is on …

    S1:Whose birthday is in May? S2.

    S2:It is Alice's

    T: Now ask and answer about the birthdays with your partner.(Ss work in pairs to ask and answer about their birthdays.)

    2. Do you know your parents' birthday? Ask your partner about the birthday in his or her family?

    S1: When is your father's birthday?

    S2: His birthday is on September 10th.

    S1: When is your mother's birthday?

    S2: Her birthday is on August 20th

    S1:Whose birthday is in May? S2.

    S2:It is …


    Ⅵ Survey

    1.Make a survey about the birthdays in your group.

    S1: When is your birthday?

    S2: My birthday is January 5th. When is your birthday, S3?

    S3: My birthday is on May 16th. When is your birthday, S4?

    S4: …

    2. Write the birthdays on the chart.

    3.Have Ss act them out to see which group is best.

    Ⅶ Summary

    1.T: Do you know your classmates' ages and birthdays. Now let's make a survey of everyone's ages and birthdays. Then line up from the youngest to the oldest.

    2. Ss ask and answer about each other's age and birthdays. 

    —How old are you?      —I'm … 

    —When is your birthday?  —My birthday is on…

    3. Make a report.

    … students' birthdays are in January.

    … students' birthdays are in February. … students' birthdays are in March…

    4. Then line up all the students from the youngest to the oldest.

    5.T make a summary of today 's content.

    Ⅷ  Homework

    1. 强化记忆所学序数词的形式。

    2. 用今天所学编一个询问生日及年龄的小对话。

    When is your birthday?



        本文标题:When is your birthday?
