

作者: SallyChen_En | 来源:发表于2019-03-27 23:12 被阅读1次

    简书儿们,欢迎来到我的第7篇建书:期刊科学语言解析阅读专题——Nature Discussion精读。

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    本期分享的是《自然》2018年10月18日第7728期562卷关于墨鱼皮肤变化控制与发展的研究Elucidating the control and development of skin patterning in cuttlefish

    墨鱼(cuttlefish)具有猴哥式的“超能力“——改变皮肤颜色和纹理外观,用于伪装和交流。不过,与“72变”不同的是,墨鱼的皮肤变化是无数色素细胞有控制挤压的结果。德国马普大脑研究所科学家Gilles Laurent和同事提出色素细胞扩张状态的计算和分析方法,从自由行动的墨鱼上获取数据,对墨鱼背侧外套膜的色素细胞进行颜色分类。研究显示,墨鱼知觉状态的变化,可以从复杂的生理变化上反应出来,帮助人们理解墨鱼知觉状态与生理变化之间关联性。 



    ① We developed a strategy to track tens of thousands of individual chromatophores in freely behaving cephalopods, enabling studies of behaviour and development at cellular resolution. Our results open a path towards addressing many important biological questions.② A first question concerns visual perception. Cephalopod camouflage is unique in revealing a high-dimensional neural readout of the visual texture perception of an animal. ③ Identifying the primitives of cephalopod camouflage might not only reveal fundamental features of texture generation but also of vertebrate texture perception, because the former (in cephalopods) probably evolved in response to the latter (in their vertebrate predators). ④ A second question concerns the development of methods to analyse very large neural datasets in the context of naturalistic behaviour. Because chromatophore data can be assigned unambiguously to identified elements that lie at the same level of a neural hierarchy (here exclusively motor neurons), their analysis does not suffer from assumptions about their identities and positions in structured or recurrent circuits, as may happen with brain neural imaging. ⑤ A third question concerns morphogenesis and development. Our data suggest that simple local rules can explain the structure of a continuously growing chromatophore array. They thus lead directly to clear questions about mechanisms and about their similarity with ones known from other systems. ⑥ Fourth, our results indicate that very complex behaviours can be described quantitatively at cellular resolution and in species that may reveal much about shared constraints on brain evolution. ⑦This system is therefore particularly well-suited for studying the relationship between neural and behavioural dynamics, a central and general problem in neuroscience.


    ①We developed a strategy to track tens of thousands of individual chromatophores in freely behaving cephalopodsenabling studies of behaviour and development at cellular resolution. Our results open a path towards addressing many important biological questions.



    第一部分提出Discussion整体的message:important biological questions

    chromatophoren.  ['kromətə,fɔr]色素细胞

    cephalopod n. ['sɛfələpɑd]头足动物(如章鱼和乌贼)

    cellularadj. ['sɛljəlɚ]细胞的;由细胞组成的

    enablev. [VN to inf]使能够;使有机会;使成为可能;使可行;使实现

    例:The software enables you to access the Internet in seconds. 


    ② A first question concerns visual perception. Cephalopod camouflage is unique in revealing a high-dimensional neural readout of the visual texture perception of an animal.




    ◆ 第二部分开始讲述研究结果可能解决的重要的生物学问题,采用并列结构,搭配顺序逻辑词。讨论结果意义部分值得借鉴的是顺序的灵活表达:A first/second/third question concerns;concern 动词,表示涉及,关于,同义替换be动词

    perception ( technical 术语 ) ( formal ) the way you notice things, especially with the senses知觉;感知

    visual perception视觉感知;除此之外,perception还表示洞察力、悟性(同义替换词insight):

    例:She showedgreat perceptionin her assessment of the situation. 她对这一情况的分析显示出敏锐的洞察力

    be unique in doing 在...方面具有独特性

    camouflagen.[ˈkæməflɑːʒ] (动物的)保护色,保护形状;(军事上的)伪装,隐蔽;v伪装;掩饰。文章中用的是第一个意思,头足类动物的伪装;变色龙伪装等都可以用这个意思。

    第二个意思可以用来形容兵哥哥(嘘,迷彩服对应的就是这个词。比如:troopsdressed in camouflage 穿迷彩服的军队。

    readoutn. 读数,显示数据/信息

    例:The system provides a digital readout of the vehicle's speed. 


    texture n. 质地,手感;口感;音乐或文学的神韵、乐感。文章中指动物的皮肤纹理

    ③ Identifying the primitives of cephalopod camouflage might not only reveal fundamental features of texture generation but also of vertebrate texture perception, because the former (in cephalopods) probably evolved in response to the latter (in their vertebrate predators).




    primitive adj/n 原始的;落后的;原始本能/画家。文章中指一种动物的伪装的原始本能,下文中提到了进化的概念。

    vertebrate adj. 脊椎动物(比如海洋中的鲸鱼);头足类动物属于无脊椎动物(invertebrate)mollusc['mɑləsk] (软体动物),需要躲避一些脊椎动物天敌。下文解释可能这种伪装是为了感知脊椎动物的皮肤纹理,躲避天敌。


    ④ A second question concerns the development of methods to analyse very large neural datasets in the context of naturalistic behaviour. Because chromatophore data can be assigned unambiguously to identified elements that lie at the same level of a neural hierarchy (here exclusively motor neurons), their analysis does not suffer from assumptions about their identities and positions in structured or recurrent circuits, as may happen with brain neural imaging.





    naturalistic adj 自然环境下的;比如naturalistic settings (实验)仿自然环境

    unambiguous 明确的,毫不含糊的;比如an unambiguous statement 明确的陈述;反义词ambiguous adj.模棱两可的,比如an ambiguous answer模棱两可的回答

    hierarchy n. 层次体系;(社会或组织)等级制度等;文章中相当于第一个意思;motor neuron运动神经元

    suffer from 有什么问题/缺陷,可以用这个词组进行同义替换

    ⑤ A third question concerns morphogenesis and development. Our data suggest that simple local rules can explain the structure of a continuously growing chromatophore array. They thus lead directly to clear questions about mechanisms and about theirsimilarity with onesknown from other systems.




    morphogenesis[,mɔrfə'dʒɛnəsɪs] the development of form and structure in an organism during its growth from embryo(胚胎)to adult,形态发生。下文讨论研究结果可以用于解释持续增加的色谱阵列,解答很多关于生物体构造相关的问题。

    thus 副词,引导结果,文章中与lead to搭配。

    similarity with 相似性,前几期讲到了这个词,还记得有几个同义替换词吗?


    ⑥ Fourth, our results indicate that very complex behaviours can be described quantitatively at cellular resolution and in species that may reveal much about shared constraints on brain evolution.



    掉尾句,核心意思:indicate that very complex behaviours can be described quantitatively…。at cellular resolution /in species that并列结构,属于较为复杂的处理,大家在精修manuscript时可以尝试。

    quantitativeadj. connected with the amount or number of sth rather than with how good it is数量的;量化的;定量性的。与之对应的是qualitative质量的;定性的;性质的。写论文时会涉及这两种概念

    ◆ 同义替换:constraints/restrictions/limitations;限制,限定,约束

    ⑦This system is therefore particularly well-suited for studying the relationship between neural and behavioural dynamics,a central and general problem in neuroscience.



    ◆ a central and general problem in neuroscience后置成分修饰the relationship。关于后置成分,包括ing/ed/名词,有朋友在写作的时候,希望用它来多样化自己的表达,但是容易造成修饰对象不明,从而影响整个句子的逻辑。这里记住一点啦:用逗号隔开的后置成分的主语,可以是逗号前紧挨着的完整名词。

    比如这里a central and general problem in neuroscience修饰的,就不是behavioural dynamics,而是整个名词the relationship between neural and behavioural dynamics。把这里的后置成分还原,可以理解为:the relationship between neural and behavioural dynamics is a central and general problem in neuroscience。


    be well-suited for doing 对于... 很适用

    neuroscience n. 神经科学

    dynamics: the branch of mechanics(力学) concerned with the forces that change or produce the motions(运动) of bodies 动力学




