热词解析(6) — self-own

作者: 小黑天天快乐 | 来源:发表于2019-02-13 15:01 被阅读0次



Know 'own' first

To understand what self-own really means, we must know the meaning of the slang term own. To own someone is “to ridicule, embarrass, or defeat them,” a sense of the word ultimately dating back to the 1910s! In a timeless example, Kevin McCallister (Macaulay Culkin) repeatedly owns incompetent burglars in the first two Home Alone movies.


What does self-own mean?

We can now imagine what a self-own is: “someone inadvertently embarrassing themselves, especially by doing something that backfires on them.” For everyone else, this can be a pretty good source of entertainment.


Best Arena for self-own

There aren’t many better places, it seems, to celebrate the mistakes of others than on social media. Naturally, this is the arena where self-own has had great popularity. The term notably spiked in late September 2018 during the US midterm elections. Around this time, Texas Senator Ted Cruz attempted to attack his opponent, Beto O’Rourke, by posting a video of O’Rourke criticizing police brutality. This, however, became a win for O’Rourke, as he was met with widespread support for the video, and a self-own for Cruz, because it boosted his opponent so well.

似乎没有比社交媒体更好的地方来庆祝别人的错误了。当然,这是self-own大受欢迎的地方。2018年9月底美国中期选举期间,这个词的使用率明显上升。大约在这个时候,德克萨斯州参议员特德·克鲁兹(Ted Cruz)试图攻击他的对手贝托·奥罗克(Beto O’rourke),他上传了一段奥罗克批评警察暴行的视频。然而,这个视频反而让奥罗克大获全胜,因为他的视频得到了广泛的支持,然而对克鲁兹来说这就是完全的搬石头砸自己的脚了,因为这极大地提升了他的对手的口碑。

for more performer of self-own, check this out!

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    本文标题:热词解析(6) — self-own
