原文“A is 3 times as great(long,much,…)as B”,“A is 3 times greater (longer, more,…)than B”,“A is 3 times the size (length, amount,…)of B”,均应译为;“A的大小(长度,数量,……)是B的3倍”,或者“A比B大(长,多,……)2倍”,而不应译为“A比B大(长,多,……)3倍”。
Merriam-Webster's Dictionary of English Usage 认为n times larger 等于n times as large as:
The fact is 'five times more' and 'five times as much' are idiomatic phrases which have --and are understood to have --exactly the same meaning. The 'ambiguity' of 'times more' is imaginary: in the world of actual speech and writing the meaning of 'times more' is clear and unequivocal. It is an idiom that has existed in our language for more than four centuries and there is no real reason to avoid its use.
n times larger than = n times as large as
n times larger than = n times as large as
n times larger than = n times as large as
Flu in El Paso children 10 times greater than previous season
There are 1,343 cases of children with the flu so far this season compared to 131 child cases with the flu the previous season, according to the El Paso Health Department. (注:1343是131的10倍多。)
Sweden was the best performer in this category, with a concentration of 9.7 in 2009. Canada’s PM10 concentration was 1.6 times greater than Sweden’s, at 15.7. (注:15.7是9.7的1.6倍多。)
Erlanger Hospital says the number of influenza-like illnesses treated at the hospital's locations is three times higher than last year’s figures.
In the last three months, Erlanger has reported 177 cases to the Chattanooga-Hamilton County Health Department.
During the same time period the last two flu seasons, 55 cases were reported by Erlanger in 2016 and 50 cases in 2015. (注:177是55的3倍多。)
In the four months since its launch, Kia has gotten three times more conversions through Kian than through its main website, Kia.com.
The conversion rate through Kian is 21 percent, while conversions through Kia.com are at 7 percent, according to Nathalie Choy, national manager of digital, social and CRM marketing at Kia Motors America. (注:21%刚好是7%的3倍。)
1、严格来说(从数学角度),“n times larger than x”是指(n+1)x,但日常交流中多指nx(一般比nx还要多一些,参见下面的第2点)。外国人在这个问题上似乎也没有权威定论。
The phrase “nn times as large as xx” definitely means nxnx (a yard is three times as long as a foot), while the phrase pp percent larger than xx” definitely means (p100+1)x(p100+1)x (a yard is 200% longer than a foot). Whether the phrase “nn times larger than xx” should be read like the former (nxnx) or like the latter ((n+1)x(n+1)x) is disputed. Most people will probably read it as nxnx, at least if nn is an integer greater than 11, although (n+1)x(n+1)x seems more technically correct. So I would suggest avoiding it if you’re trying to be unambiguous.