线框图的一种替代可能  | 荐文 2018 #24

线框图的一种替代可能  | 荐文 2018 #24

作者: 东炜黄 | 来源:发表于2018-06-17 21:52 被阅读91次

《Priority Guides: A Content-First Alternative to Wireframes》

我们都知道线框图在产品打造流程中可以让团队快速理解产品未来形态,但也有弊端,例如容易限制视觉设计师的发挥(被框定在已有线框图中),也容易让产品经理过分关注细节等等。这篇文章介绍了一种叫 Priority Guide 的类线框图来替代它。

《Say the Hard Thing》


The difficulty with saying the hard thing is you know how it will feel to hear the hard thing. You’re projecting yourself into the mind of the receiver and literally feeling their reaction. Thank you for being an empathic leader. However, your job, the work you should value the most, is the growth of your team. Compliments and recognition are one way to highlight exceptional work but saying the hard thing always gets their attention.

《Tearing Down Mailchimp's Pricing》


In competitive industries, it's tempting to “oversell” your basic packages in an attempt to improve acquisition and fend off churn.




最近经常看到「创造 101」这个名词,得知是一个综艺节目后赫然发现自己已经跟不上这些「潮流」了,而且,原来明星偶像也是有一些生产流程的。了解一下?

《3 ways to prioritize your product roadmap with a matrix》

看看如何用一张 2×2 的矩阵表来决策多功能开发项目中各个功能的轻重缓急和优先次序。



    本文标题:线框图的一种替代可能  | 荐文 2018 #24
