
作者: 无法补完的希望之地 | 来源:发表于2022-05-17 12:21 被阅读0次

















1. Under the mixed emotions of sadness and joy, let happiness and melancholy separate my eyes, the funeral elegy and the marriage chorus are played at the same time, and the heavy misfortune is offset with grand joy. The eldest sister-in-law of Japan, the current queen, and the co-rulers of this troubled country, got married.

2. My black coat, the mourning clothes prescribed by the etiquette, the sighs that cannot be spit out, the tears that flow like rolling rivers, the face of sorrow and depression, and all the rituals, appearances and expressions of sorrow, Can't express my true emotions. These are really impressive, because anyone can do this. They are only sad plutonium and costumes; but my sullen mind cannot be expressed.

3. If you have not told others what you have seen by now, then I ask you all to remain silent.

4. A process of growth, not only the strengthening of muscles and physique, but also the expansion of spirit and mind as the body develops. Maybe he loves you now, his sincere will is pure and not deceitful; but you have to be careful, he has such a high position, his will does not belong to him, because he himself will be his own The system is equipped with.

5. Even without the temptation of others, the young man's body must betray himself.

6. Don't say what you think, you must think twice about everything. Be kind to people, but don't be too affectionate. Friends who know each other well, you should use steel rings around your soul, but don't abuse your friendship with every general new knowledge. Be careful to avoid arguing with people; but if a dispute arises, let them know that you are not to be insulted. Listen to everyone, but express your opinion only to a few; accept everyone's opinion, but only express your opinion to a few; accept everyone's criticism, but keep your own judged. Do your best to buy expensive clothes, but don't show off new and different, you must be rich and not flashy, because clothes can often express personality and be different. Don’t ask people for loans, and don’t give the wrong money to others; because the debts are released, you often lose not only your capital, but also your friends; as a result of asking people for loans, it is easy to develop the habit of being lazy. The most important thing is that you must be faithful to yourself; just as there is a day and a black night, be faithful to yourself so that you will not deceive others.

7. I know that when passion is burning, a man speaks his vows no matter what. These flames, girls, are more light than heat, and they will die out as soon as you speak your mouth. You can't treat them like real fire. From now on, you should show less of your daughter's face; you should raise your price and not let people think you are free to call. As for His Royal Highness Hamlet, you should think this way, he is a young prince, and he has more freedom of action than you. In a word, don't believe her oath, they are just prostitutes, their inner colors and clothes are completely different, and they only know some sleazy highlights, just like a virtuous mother-in-law. , only for the purpose of deceiving. That's all I can say. In short, from now on, I will not allow you to chat with His Highness Hamlet whenever you have free time. Take care and go in.

8. To make us fools played by creation tremble with unbelievable terror.

9. But just like a chaste daughter, although her lust is covered with a divine appearance, she cannot be moved, so a whore, although she is a puppet with an angel of light, will one day tire of the heavens. Sing along with the music, but would rather hug the mortals of the world.

10. If you have a natural love, don't rest in peace, and don't let the royal bed in Denmark become a couch for traitors and rebels; but no matter how you take revenge, you don't have any suspicions, let alone your mother. If there is any unfavorable plan, she will be judged by God and stabbed by the thorns in her own heart.

11. Remember you! Yes, I will wipe all trivial and stupid records from the tablet of my memory, all the grids in the books, all the clichés, all the past impressions, all the experiences of my youth. Leave the traces, only let your orders remain in the scroll of my mind, and do not mix some lowly scraps; yes, God is my witness!

12. Just like young people who start troubles, they often do not know how to look ahead and think about the future. We, the elderly, are always unavoidable.

13. Simplicity is the soul of wisdom, while verbosity is superficial plutonium.

14. Ha said to Polonius: If you are going backwards like a crab, then you should be as young as me.


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