
作者: 陈功Kyle | 来源:发表于2017-04-18 18:20 被阅读267次



4月14日,银监会新主席两周7道令 银行严查吃空饷官太太

A sunny spell     

A new mood of optimism infects investors in China’s banks

But many believe that the underlying faultlines remain      Apr 12th 2017| SHANGHAI


乐观情绪感染投资者看好中国银行 但有很多人仍然持有分歧意见

GUO SHUQING, China’s new banking regulator, knows the enormity of his task. China’s banking system, he observed last month, is worth more than $33trn. So it is bigger than any other country’s, and even than Europe’s as a whole. And he is well aware of the pitfalls left by a decade of breakneck lending growth. But if Mr Guo is nervous, he is hiding it. “All problems and contradictions will be resolved,” he says.


Of course, a Chinese official can be expected to express confidence about Chinese banks. More surprising is that a small but growing number of analysts and investors seem to concur. Chinese bank shares are up by a quarter since early last year. One investment bank, Morgan Stanley, has declared that China’s lenders are “in a sweet spot”. Another, Goldman Sachs, has upgraded China to “overweight”—that is, recommending that clients buy Chinese shares—and is especially positive about the banks.Shanghai Financial News, a local newspaper, described the new mood around these giant institutions as the “return of the king”. The question is whether it will be a long, stable reign or a short-lived, turbulent one.


The clearest positive for China’s banks has been an upturn in nominal economic growth. Real GDP growth (ie, accounting for inflation) is likely to be little changed in 2017 from last year’s 6.7%. But nominal growth is nearly 10% in yuan terms, up markedly over the past 12 months. Higher prices have led to stronger corporate revenues, particularly for indebted steel-producers and coalminers. This, in turn, has made it easier for them to repay loans. Chinese banks’ official bad-debt ratio, climbing since 2012, held steady last year at about 1.7%. Many analysts still think the real level of toxic loans is many times that (some estimate the ratio is as high as 19%), but the bleeding has clearly slowed.


Meanwhile, banks have started to clean up their balance-sheets. In part, this has been through more write-offs of problem loans. Banks took losses on more than 500bn yuan ($75bn) of loans last year, a record, scrubbing them from their books and selling some to investors. With more credit going to infrastructure projects and to mortgages, which traditionally have been safe in China, loan portfolios are looking healthier. Richard Xu of Morgan Stanley reckons that high-risk credit will decline from about 6% of total credit in China today to less than 3% by 2020.

与此同时,银行开始清理资产负债。某种程度上清理负债更多是通过消除不良贷款。银行从负债表上剥离或者卖给投资者(资产管理公司),去年清理了超过5000亿人民币的不良贷款,创了纪录。随着越来越多的贷款投向基础建设和房贷这些传统的安全项目上,投资组合资产包看起来还算健康。摩根斯坦利的Richard Xu认为高风险贷款占总贷款的比重将会从现在的6%下降到2020年的不到3%。(高风险坏账率,官方1.7%,大摩估计6%,真实坏账究竟几何???)

There are also signs that China’s bloated state-owned banks are getting a little more efficient as they respond to competition from fintech companies. The four biggest banks, which account for nearly two-fifths of the industry’s assets, cut employees in 2016 for the first time in six years. Banks have been rolling out mobile apps to handle payment and investment transactions that used to be conducted in person. Overall costs of listed banks rose by just 0.6% last year, even as assets grew by 12%.


All these good omens, however, may not mean China’s banks have really turned the corner. The beautification of their books has relied on financial engineering. Over the past three years the government has approved the creation of 35 asset-management companies (ie, “bad banks”). Jason Bedford of UBS, a Swiss bank, says that these companies, which buy delinquent loans from banks, often also finance themselves through bank loans.

所有这些利好的迹象并不真的意味中国银行时来运转。他们的资产负债通过金融工程得以美化。过去的三年政府批准成立了35家资产管理公司(例如:坏账公司)。瑞银的 Jason Bedford说:这些公司通常通过银行融资来购买银行的不良贷款(坏账债权)

Debt-for-equity swaps are another form of financial engineering: instead of repaying loans, indebted companies can issue shares to third parties, which acquire the loans from banks. Yet the fine print shows that their equity functions like bonds: the companies must pay dividends and buy back shares if they miss revenue targets. Moreover, the parties holding the equity are funded in part by investment products sold off-balance-sheet by banks. The upshot is that, whether stashed in bad banks or converted into equity, the debt could yet bounce back into banks’ hands.


The simple problem that underlies this complex restructuring activity is excessive lending growth. China’s total debt-to-GDP ratio has risen from less than 150% before 2008 to more than 260% today; in other economies, such increases have often presaged severe financial stress. Aware of the dangers, the Chinese government has made reducing debt a priority. It is taking baby steps towards that goal: thanks to faster nominal growth, China’s debt-to-GDP ratio will expand more slowly this year. But it will still expand. S&P Global, a rating agency, warned in March that this trajectory for Chinese banks is unsustainable.


Efforts to curb borrowing are themselves emerging as a new risk. Over the past few months the central bank has raised banks’ short-term borrowing costs. That has been a shot across the bows of overextended lenders, especially mid-tier banks. These have been most aggressive in funding themselves with loans from other banks, rather than doing the painstaking work of building up bigger deposit bases.


Already this tightening has led to volatility. In March the central bank made an emergency liquidity injection after small banks were reported to have missed interbank debt payments, suggesting that the basic gears of the financial system were starting to get gummed up.


蓝色 市净率,褐色 市值以2011年为基准(100)作比

For many in the market, the cons in Chinese banking outweigh the pros. Bank shares have rallied since last year, but investors still price them just at about 80% of the reported value of their assets (see chart). In other words, they expect more bad news to come—if not this year, then soon enough. From his seat in the regulator’s office, Mr Guo has his work cut out: not just in controlling risks, but also in persuading the wider world that it still has China’s banks pegged wrong.







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