—— Ian McAllister, Director at Airbnb
The top 10% of product managers excel at a few of these things. The top 1% excel at most or all of them:
Think big- A 1% PM's thinking won't be constrained by the resources available to them today or today's market environment. They'll describe large disruptive opportunities, and develop concrete plans for how to take advantage of them.
高瞻远瞩- 一个前1%的产品经理的思维不会被限制在他们在当前或当前经济环境下已经掌握的资源中。他们描绘宏大的颠覆性的机会,并且制定具体的计划去实现它们。
Communicate- A 1% PM can make a case that is impossible to refute or ignore. They'll use data appropriately, when available, but they'll also tap into other biases, beliefs, and triggers that can convince the powers that be to part with headcount, money, or other resources and then get out of the way.
能言善辩- 一个前1%的产品经理能让一件事变得无法反驳和忽视。他们会恰当地使用数据。必要的时候,他们也会利用偏见、信仰等因素来使人相信并获得投票、金钱或其它资源。
Simplify- A 1% PM knows how to get 80% of the value out of any feature or project with 20% of the effort. They do so repeatedly, launching more and achieving compounding effects for the product or business.
少即是多- 一个前1%的产品经理懂得如何从功能或项目中以20%的投入获取80%的收益。他们会不断重复这个过程,使得业务持续发展。
Prioritize- A 1% PM knows how to sequence projects. They balance quick wins vs. platform investments appropriately. They balance offense and defense projects appropriately. Offense projects are ones that grow the business. Defense projects are ones that protect and remove drag on the business (operations, reducing technical debt, fixing bugs, etc.).
当务之急- 一个前1%的产品经理知道如何给项目排列优先级。他们会平衡临时方案和长远计划。他们也会平衡进攻性战略和防守型战略,进攻性项目用于增长业绩,防守型项目用来维持业务或规避风险(日常运营、解决技术债务,修复漏洞等)。
Forecast and measure- A 1% PM is able to forecast the approximate benefit of a project, and can do so efficiently by applying past experience and leveraging comparable benchmarks. They also measure benefit once projects are launched, and factor those learnings into their future prioritization and forecasts.
运筹帷幄- 一个前1%的产品经理能够粗略预测项目的效益,并能有效地利用过去的经验或借助其他可对比的参照物。他们还能在项目启动后预估收益,并且把这个作为优先级评定和预测的影响因素。
Execute- A 1% PM grinds it out. They do whatever is necessary to ship. They recognize no specific bounds to the scope of their role. As necessary, they recruit, they produce buttons, they do bizdev, they escalate, they tussle with internal counsel, they *.
高效执行- 一个前1%的产品经理能保证项目上线。为此他们会做任何需要做的工作。他们能意识到他们的角色没有特定的边界和范围。必要时,他们可以招人、开发、甚至与内部法律顾问撕逼···
Understand technical trade-offs- A 1% PM does not need to have a CS degree. They do need to be able to roughly understand the technical complexity of the features they put on the backlog, without any costing input from devs. They should partner with devs to make the right technical trade-offs (i.e. compromise).
理解技术- 一个前1%的产品经理不需要有计算机学位。他们需要在开发前粗略的知道他们提出需求的技术复杂性。他们应该与开发者合作并作出正确的技术权衡(即妥协)。
Understand good design- A 1% PM doesn't have to be a designer, but they should appreciate great design and be able to distinguish it from good design. They should also be able to articulate the difference to their design counterparts, or at least articulate directions to pursue to go from good to great.
理解设计- 一个前1%的产品经理不需要成为一个设计师,但是他们应该懂得欣赏卓越的设计并且能把它们和优秀的设计区分开。他们还应该能向他们的设计师表达出这种区别,或者至少表达出设计的目标是从优秀到卓越。
Write effective copy- A 1% PM should be able to write concise copy that gets the job done. They should understand that each additional word they write dilutes the value of the previous ones. They should spend time and energy trying to find the perfect words for key copy (button labels, nav, calls-to-action, etc.), not just words that will suffice.
文案能力- 一个前1%的产品经理应该能够顾给出简洁的文案来指导用户。他们应该理解每一个新增的单词都降低了前一个单词的价值。他们应该花费时间和精力去构思完美的文案(按钮、标签、导航),而不是合格就够了。
I'm not sure I've ever met a 1% PM, certainly not one that I identified as such prior to hiring. Instead of trying to hire one, you're better off trying to hire a 10% PM who strives to develop and improve along these dimensions.