With the emergence(出现) of mechanical clocks in the 1300s, the time was increasingly displayed (显示。世界第一座公共机械时钟出现在米兰)in public spaces, providing a focal point for the organization of social life. But the 18th century witnessed(见证) an explosion(激增) in the manufacture of a different, more personalized device — the watch(怀表).随着 14 世纪机械时钟的出现,时间得以在越来越多的公共场所被展示,这为社会生活的组织提供了重心。然而在 18 世纪,另一种设备的产量猛增,和时钟不同,它更加个人化——那就是怀表。
Henceforth, time was portable and wealthy individuals (有钱人)could adjust their own personal watches to public clocks, bringing home a more accurate knowledge of the time. (对时间的了解)The habit of clock-watching had emerged.自此,计时仪器便可随身携带,而有钱人可以对照公共时钟调整他们自己的私人钟表,并把更准确的时间信息带回家。看表的习惯就这样产生了。
During the 19th century, however, this practice(看表习惯) turned into a veritable (简直,不折不扣)obsession(执念). A number of factors stimulated(促成) this phenomenon, among which were the development of industry and new means(方式) of transport and communication(通讯). Railway timetables, time-stamped(时间戳带来了紧迫感) telegrams and factory discipline (工厂时间纪律,打卡开始)all called for (要求)stricter conformity to the time of the clock.但在 19 世纪,这个习惯变成了一种名副其实的执念。多种因素引发了这一现象,其中包括工业的发展,以及新型交通和通讯方式的出现。铁路的时刻表、带有时间戳的电报、工厂的生产纪律,都要求人们更严格地遵守钟表上显示的准确时间。
By the turn of the 20th century, (到二十世纪初)punctuality(守时) had become the hallmark (标志)of modern society. Resistance to the imposition(实施) of standard clock time, whether in rural communities or Western colonies, was considered a sign of backwardness, and "keeping up" with time had become a new source of anxiety.到了 20 世纪初,守时已经成为现代社会的标志。不管在农村社区,还是在西方的殖民地,反对实施标准时间都被认为是落后的表现,而“跟上时间的步伐”已经成为新的焦虑感来源。
In 1881, the American neurologist George Beard listed "clocks and watches" among the causes of what he described as an epidemic(流行病引申为泛滥) of "nervousness": "They compel us to(强迫做某事) be on time", he wrote, "and excite the habit of(鼓动) looking to see the exact moment, so as not to be late for trains or appointments."1881 年,美国神经学家乔治·彼尔德提出,“钟和表”是他所描述的“神经紧张”通病的一大原因。他写道:“它们(钟表)强迫我们守时,还激发了我们注意看精确时分的习惯,以免错过火车或者约会。”
1.focal point (注意力的)焦点,重点

相关词汇:focal(adj. 焦点的,重要的)
focal 词性拓展:focus(n. 焦点)
2.manufacture/ˌmænjuˈfæktʃər/ n. 大量制造,批量生产

搭配短语:the manufacture of nuclear weapons
3.henceforth/ˌhensˈfɔːrθ/ adv. 此后,从此之后
相关词汇:hence(adv. 从现在起)
相关词汇:forth(adv. 往后,向着未来)
.forth 近义词:forward
4.portable/ˈpɔːrtəbl/ adj. 轻便的,可携带的

搭配短语:portable charger
5.veritable/ˈverɪtəbl/ adj. 十足的,名副其实的

例句:The island is a veritable paradise for avid hikers.
6.time-stamped/taɪm-stæmpt/ adj. 有时间戳的,有标记时间的
相关词汇:time; stamp
stamp 英文释义:7.to put a mark on an object
stamp 搭配短语:to stamp one's passport
相关词汇:time-stamp(n. 时间戳)
7discipline/ˈdɪsəplɪn/ n.(思想或行为的)训练,纪律
英文释义:the practice of training people to obey rules and orders
搭配短语:school discipline
8.conformity/kənˈfɔːrməti/ n. 遵从,遵守
词性拓展:conform(v. 遵从,遵守)
conform 近义词:obey
conform 搭配短语:conform to the traffic laws
10.punctuality/ˌpʌŋktʃuˈæləti/n. 守时,准时
词性拓展:punctual (adj.)
例句:Punctuality has always been his strong point.
11.hallmark/ˈhɔːlmɑːrk/ n. 特点,特征
近义词:feature, characteristic
例句:Simplicity is a hallmark of this design.
12.imposition/ˌɪmpəˈzɪʃn/ n.(新规则的)实施,颁布
搭配短语: the imposition of the death penalty
13.backwardness/ˈbækwərdnəs/ n. 落后的状况
词性拓展:backward(adv. 落后的)
例句:The backwardness of education in this region is due to a shortage of qualified teachers.

搭配短语:a flu epidemic
搭配短语:an unemployment epidemic
