我被震撼了,真是神的呼唤,原本就想去看一下satsang room,结果看到晚上有satsang,晚上我还在想入非非看到帅哥时,过了aarti就算了,决定回房放了东西去aarti in the tent,还早,就去了satsang想看一下就走;一个小的房间挤满了人,就看到teenager boy chanting,非常清纯,之后才发现是主持Aarti女士出现,讲话,第一个关于truth: what are truth, we are waves of ocean, being examined to know we are only water of ocean, who knows we are waves! This is truth; also our body is no border, just vibration; life has two path: material and spiritual, material is seeing matter, spiritual in order to achieve we have to go inside with difficulty to see we are all one.
朝圣yatra3+:想入非非帅哥和受到神的召唤同时发生!老师每天冥想8小时? 朝圣yatra3+:想入非非帅哥和受到神的召唤同时发生!老师每天冥想8小时?Astrology: moon just a rock can move the tide of 30 feet or more, human are 60-70% water in weight but in structure even 99%, we will be changed by moon movement; at least not swim in high tide.
朝圣yatra3+:想入非非帅哥和受到神的召唤同时发生!老师每天冥想8小时?Not giving up life for spiritual search, since spiritual search can be done in a quite corner of our room, come to ashram, or like buddha
Why god creates us: not hearing but has to be from my own experience; god creates us for making two coming back to one with glory: dualism and non-dualism which is only god, every where.
Most difficult is to get rid of ego
My questions: consciousness is not necessary of god? What is truth: we are ever chaining or we are nothing but creation of god? Get rid of ego, how to live in a commercial society everyone criticize u are fool, naive and doing things abnormal and useless.
朝圣yatra3+:想入非非帅哥和受到神的召唤同时发生!老师每天冥想8小时?下午我决定去探索最近的环境,去了satsang room,发现swami写的中文版书,关于一切不幸的事情,态度“这总会发生的!”
提到素食避免肾上腺素摄入,萧伯纳素食是基于“不想身体是动物尸体坟墓!”Elephant and aunt,后者担心和大象过桥自己压倒了桥,大象同意不反驳。
朝圣yatra3+:想入非非帅哥和受到神的召唤同时发生!老师每天冥想8小时?碰到给我们做饭的两个monk,跳舞时很疯狂,他们跟随radhanath swami,在孟买;是个美国人,写有 the journey home. 他们想要把这个理念带到中国,也许有市场。
之后我就多到security base里,urban sip,提高我的quality of life dramatically,甚至周日FaceTime采访都可以这里wifi进行。和俄罗斯Marianna谈俄罗斯市场机会,是休假,但生意也会发展,u never know!
朝圣yatra3+:想入非非帅哥和受到神的召唤同时发生!老师每天冥想8小时? 朝圣yatra3+:想入非非帅哥和受到神的召唤同时发生!老师每天冥想8小时? 朝圣yatra3+:想入非非帅哥和受到神的召唤同时发生!老师每天冥想8小时?刚刚是chanting课程,学习一些有意思的知识。
turtle withdraw from outer world说的就是yogi,把四肢和头缩进去;
Monkey on the tree to meditate 如何培训一个yogi mind concentration;
Senses and mind to control is prerequisite for yogi这是vipassana同样理论;
Attracted to Beautiful , wealthy famous powerful knowledgeable renounced(这一项不确定?) 所有人的惯性;
Krishna is attractive to everyone as the word itself and also as god.
64 times 8 hours should be the chanting initially by ACBWP.
Hare Krishna initialed in New York by AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada:In the twelve years from his arrival in New York until his final days, he:circled the globe fourteen times on lecture tours that took him to six continents
initiated many disciples, awarding sannyasa initiations.
introduced Vedic gurukul education to a Western audience
directed the founding of the Bhaktivedanta Book Trust,which claimsto be the world's largest publisher of ancient and classical Vaishnava religious texts
founded the religious colony New Vrindavan in West Virginia
authored more than eighty books (with many available online on Vedantic philosophy, religion, literature and culture (including four published originally in Bengali)
introduced international celebrations such as Jagannatha processions
watched ISKCON grow to more than 108 temples, various institutes, and farm communities
Congregational chanting效果更好, and personal chanting: own challenge。
beads 108, 不用中间那一个,学会Sanskrit数数10个方法,Not use Index finger因为我们经常用它指出别人错误。
Jay hare含义 : glory , happy!
朝圣yatra3+:想入非非帅哥和受到神的召唤同时发生!老师每天冥想8小时? 朝圣yatra3+:想入非非帅哥和受到神的召唤同时发生!老师每天冥想8小时?回到我的secure base Urban sip 了解到 louis ellise yoga ashtanga在Rishikesh, Bali一个巨大glory conference of ashtanga,这个让自己生活和工作要围着ashtanga团团转啊。一个美国政府退休Steve介绍给我说,他就是到处练习瑜伽和定居在任何地点,反正不需要工作,来自纽约upper east side,在纽约不可能如此退休,离开就很惬意,也要去sharmila shala,别样生活,我有些被吸引。