翻译干货| 时政新闻热词汇总

翻译干货| 时政新闻热词汇总

作者: 如果你想学翻译 | 来源:发表于2018-06-23 00:05 被阅读12次





    安家费 settling-in allowance

    安家工程 Comfortable/Affordable Hosing Project

    保障性住房 low-income housing/indemnificatory apartment

    短租房 short-term housing

    二手房 pre-owned house;second hand

    二手房交易 second-hand housing transactions

    房奴 mortgage slave

    房子、车子、票子 apartment/house,car and well-paid job/savings

    高档住宅区 high-end residential compound

    户口 registered permanent residence

    户籍 household registration

    简易过渡房 makeshift shelter

    经济适用房 affordable housing

    两限房 house of two limits/house with limited price and habitable area

    平房改造工程 renovation project of shanty dwellings

    限购 limitations on property purchase

    小产权房 house/apartment with limited/incomplete property rights

    学区房 school district housing;school-nearby house

    住房制度改革 reform of housing system

    公租房 public rental housing

    房地产泡沫 real estate bubble

    以房养老 house-for-pension

    房地产“去库存” real estate destocking

    鸽子房 pigeonhole

    过渡安置房 temporary dwellings




    Chinese Dream


    酒店试睡员 sleep testers

    笑哭脸 face with tears of joy

    经济转型 economic transition

    不记名投票 secret ballot 

    成品油定价机制 fuel pricing scheme

    包月服务 monthly subscription service

    行走的钱包 Walking wallets 

    海上司法管辖权 maritime jurisdiction

    小成本网剧 small-budget online series

    主权债务评级 sovereign debt rating

    酒桌文化 drinking culture

    关键少数 critical minority

    乡土味道 rural flavor 

    协警 auxiliary police

    军队有偿服务 military-provided paid services

    环境保护税  environmental protection tax  

    海外红色旅游 red tourism abroad

    脑洞大开 greatly enrich one's mind (brain)

    双重课税 double taxation

    中部崛起 Rise of central China 

    学术不端行为 academic misconduct

    普惠金融 inclusive finance

    十二生肖 Chinese Zodiac 

    人机大战 man VS machine battle

    刚需 rigid demand

    广义相对论 General Theory of Relativity

    引力波 gravitational waves 

    负利率时代 the era of negative interest rates

    实体店 brick-and-mortar stores

    健康中国 Healthy China

    光网城市 Cities linked up to fiber-optic networks

    世界杯预选赛 World Cup qualifiers

    亚太梦 Asia-Pacific dream

    竞价排名 paid listing practice

    校园贷 campus loan

    自驾游 self-driving tour 

    双一流"Double First-Class" initiative

    不忘初心 stay true to the original self

    唐宁街10号 10 Downing Street

    反导试验/导弹拦截试验 missile interceptin test

    新媒体时代 new media age

    标题党 sensational headline writer

    北京瘫 Beijing repose

    紧急援助物资 emergency materials

    特大暴雨 heavy downpour

    受灾人口 flood-hit population

    海绵城市 The Sponge City

    九段线 nine-dotted line

    量子通信 quantum communications

    开辟新的增长点 create new drivers of economic growth


    创新发展 Innovation-driven development

    新兴经济体 emerging economy

    广泛共识 extensive/broad consensus

    电子竞技 electronic sports/e-sports

    军事演习 military drill

    电子钱包 e-wallet/digital wallet 

    代孕 surrogacy

    探月工程lunar exploration program

    中国载人航天计划 China's manned space program

    交会对接rendezvous and docking

    中国天眼 China's Eye of Heaven

    党内监督 intra-Party supervision

    “两个一百年”目标 two centenary goals 

    P2P网络借贷 peer-to-peer online lending

    国产航母 domestically manufactured aircraft carrier

    核动力航母 nuclear-powered aircraft carrier

    中国国民党 Kuomintang of China

    弹劾 impeachment

    天猫 Tmall

    世界互联网大会 World Internet Conference

    联网全球管理 Internet global governance

    钓鱼WiFi  phishing WiFi

    女汉子 tough girl

    国产大飞机 home-made large passenger aircraft

    行政拘留 administrative detention

    校园暴力 campus/school violence

    分级诊疗制度 hierarchical medical system

    经济基本面 economic fundamentals

    原始设备制造商 original equipment manufacturers 

    经济合作框架协议 Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement

    欧亚经济一体化 Eurasian economic integration

    工业反哺农业 industry nurturing agriculture 

    行政审批 administrative approvals

    中央巡视组 teams of disciplinary inspectors

    房产证 property ownership certificate

    应急预案 contingency plan

    第三方评价 third-party assessments

    城际通勤族 inter-city commuters

    引渡条约 extradition treaty

    公众形象 public image 

    小官巨贪 Small arch corrupt official 

    打虎拍蝇 crack down on tigers and flies

    权钱交易 trading power for money

    海外追逃 chasing the fox

    容忍 zero tolerance

    口碑营销 word of mouth marketing

    三驾马车 Troika 

    个人信用记录 personal credit records

    小微企业 micro-sized and small enterprises

    民营银行 privately funded banks



    白领 white-collar workers

    职业年金 occupational annuities 

    “双引擎” double engines

    电子签名 electronic signatures

    聊天记录chat archive/log


    人工智能 artificial intelligence

    城乡统筹发展 coordinated development between urban and rural areas

    长江经济带 Yangtze River economic belt

    远程医疗 telemedicine

    亚非战略伙伴关系 Asian-African Strategic Partnership(NAASP)


    内幕交易 insider trading

    中国人民解放军 Chinese People's Liberation Army(PLA)

    国事访问 state visit

    问责机制 accountability mechanism

    特别提款权货币篮子 Special Drawing Rights(SDR) basket


    私有化要约 buyout offer

    打击恐怖主义 combat terrorism

    观察员国 observer states

    产业结构调整industrial restructuring

    一小时交通圈one-hour commuting circle


    城市病urban diseases

    非首都功能 non-capital functions

    同业拆借市场 interbank lending market

    伊朗核问题 Iran nuclear issue

    低俗营销 vulgar advertising


    世界游泳锦标赛 FINA World Championships

    国际泳联 Fédération Internationale de Natation

    “朝阳群众” Chaoyang Residents 

    为官不为 government officials are neglectful of their duties

    提速降费 lower Internet prices and elevate connection speeds


    中国消费者协会 China Consumers' Association

    吊销营业执照 revoke the restaurant's license

    利益共同体 community of common interest 

    民惟邦本,本固邦宁  putting people first and following the rule of law

    “三通”(通邮、通商、通航) direct links of mail, transport and trade


    剁手族 hands-chopping people

    ASEAN  东南亚国家联盟(东盟)(Association of Southeast Asian Nations)

    双轨思路 dual-track approach

    拼车 carpooling/car sharing

    网络推手 Internet marketer


    凤凰男 ugly duckling

    奥斯卡金像奖 Academy award

    人口红利demographic dividend

    老龄化 aging of population

    社会主义核心价值观 core socialist values


    收视率 audience rating 

    知识产权intellectual property rights 

    住房公积金 Housing Provident Funds

    最有价值球员 MVP(the most valuable player)

    大型开放式网络课程 massive open online courses(MOOC)



    比特币 BitCoin

    自媒体 We-Media

    海外保障基地overseas logistics base

    智慧城市Smart City

    物联网 Internet of Things(IOT)


    军装照 pictures in PLA uniforms 

    宜居城市 livable city

    《京都议定书》 Kyoto Protocol

    《联合国气候变化框架公约》  United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change UNFCCC

    《巴黎协定》the Paris Agreement


    国家最高科技奖the State Supreme Science and Technology Award

    人脸识别技术 face recognition technology

    孔子学院 Confucius Institutes

    专车服务tailored taxi service

    黑车unlicensed taxis


    航空母舰 aircraft carrier

    公务员考试 civil servant examination

    中国式过马路 Chinese style of crossing road

    光盘行动 Operation Empty Plate

    地沟油 gutter oil 


    政府工作报告Report on the Work of the Government

    售后服务 after-sales service 

    贫富差距rich-poor gap/wealth gap 

    民主监督democratic supervision 

    两会two sessions 


    《王者荣耀》  King of Glory

    保税区 bonded area

    负面清单 negative list

    自贸区free trade zones, FTZ

    微小说 hint fiction


    低碳出行 low-carbon transportation

    电信诈骗telemarketing scams

    网上银行online banking

    验证码verification code

    垃圾短信spam message


    订票网站 ticket-booking website

    四合院 courtyard homes

    网络直播 live video streaming 

    网红经济 Internet celebrity economy

    二十国集团领导人峰会 G20 summit


    南海仲裁案 South China Sea arbitration 

    韩国总统闺蜜干政门 Choi-gate

    美国总统大选 US presidential election 

    嵌入式系统 embedded system

    传感器技术 sensor technology


    芯片技术 chip technology

    人机自然交互 human-machine interaction

    自然语言处理 natural language processing

    视觉计算 visual computing

    基础算法 basic algorithms



    量子计算 quantum computing

    键盘侠 clicktivist

    用户投诉 users' complaints

    网络喷子  trolling

    网络欺凌 cyber-bullying


    网络喷子 trolling

    永久居住权 permanent residency

    早起的人 morning lark

    夜猫子 night owl

    紧缩政策 austerity policy


    到期债券 matured bonds

    加息 interest rate hike 

    宽松的货币政策  loose monetary policy

    民用航空安全 civil aviation safety

    金融泡沫 financial bubble


    招生制度改革 enrollment system reform

    飞行数据记录器 flight data recorder

    黑匣子 cockpit voice recorder (black box)

    面部识别解锁 face recognition unlocking

    表情包 emoji package


    协同发展战略 synergize development strategies

    全面建设小康社会 strive for achieving a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way

    以人为本的发展理念 people-oriented development thought

    实名注册 real-name registration

    实名认证 real-name authentication


    机动车排放标准 automobile emission standards

    打假 combating counterfeit brands

    付费用户 fee-paying subscribers

    客运专线铁路 passenger line

    城际快速交通网 inter-city rapid transportation network


    留学人才归国潮  influx of foreign-educated graduates

    创业园区 industrial parks

    电子设备 electronic device

    秋季学期 fall semester

    垃圾分类系统 waste segregating system


    智能垃圾桶 smart bin

    质量认证 quality certification

    特大城市 megacities

    远程视频系统 remote video system

    代币发行融资 Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs)


    信用评分 credit rating

    共有产权住房 home with joint property rights

    耐抗生素细菌 antibiotic-resistant bacteria

    信息爆炸 information explosion

    信息检索 information retrieval


    给予员工股权激励 grant employee incentive shares

    把这些理念化为行动 translate our vision into action

    在家教育 home schooling

    博导 PhD supervisor

    硕导 postgraduate supervisor




        本文标题:翻译干货| 时政新闻热词汇总
