

作者: Pentacle_V | 来源:发表于2020-06-09 22:45 被阅读0次



    vindictiveness 报复心

    disembowel 除去内脏

    wary of 小心翼翼的

    overt animosity 明显的带有仇恨

    have the distinct impression 记忆犹新

    misting over 含着泪水的

    decent chair 好位置,体面的,相当好的

    stump over to: walk heavily

    grounding in 学好……,打好……的基础

    a murmur of assent 赞同

    bring you up to scratch 使跟上标准,指导复习

    a very tight corner: in a bad position 窘迫的环境

    horoscope 星位图,占星预言

    scuttling about 跑来跑去

    recoil=flinch 畏缩,退缩

    on a trapeze 吊架高空秋千

    backflip 后空翻

    cartwheel 侧手翻

    tap dance 踢踏舞

    give an involuntary shudder 不由自主的地颤抖

    constant vigilance 时刻保持警惕

    at his own daring 胆量,勇气

    a tarantula 狼蛛

    thumbscrew 拇指夹

    lop-sided mouth 歪着嘴

    evade 避开

    foreboding (不祥的)预感

    instantaneously 突如其来地

    unblemished 清白的,无污点的

    a life sentence 无期徒刑的判决

    gabbled 急促地说

    pensive 沉思的,忧虑的

    snuffed it right=to die


    a good deal/a great deal 许多,更多;非常多,大量

    a tactful way 委婉的方式

    sums and symbols 算数

    standby 备用品

    the jumble of 混乱的

    lap it up 吃掉,自己处理

    flick through 浏览

    inscrutably 难以理解地

    eavesdropping 偷听别人谈话

    a sheaf of 一捆,一沓

    sardonically: sarcasticly 讽刺地

    forewarn 预先警告

    rampaging Hippogriff 暴跳如雷的

    by decapitation: behead 斩首

    spew 呕吐

    the heading of 标题

    manifesto 宣言,声明

    fair wages 公平工资

    under-represented: not having as many representatives as would be expected or needed.代表人数不够的,代表人数不足的

    the proceeds can fund our leaflet.


    treasurer 出纳员,财务

    collecting tin:a tin for donation of money for chairity or another particular purpose. 募集箱

    cuff 轻拍,轻搭

    pacifying 使……安静下来的,安抚的

    remotely tired 一点点地

    blab 乱讲,泄密



